Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1470: 1470

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The ghost kings of several hall masters have inferred this matter for many times and don't think there is a trap, because the whole thing happens naturally, and the divine baby garden and pregnant divine fruit are true. If everything is planned by the one horned ghost king, the blood cost is too high, and so many Hall masters can't find the flaws. This plan is too clever.
At this time, the one horned ghost King continued: "In fact, it doesn't hurt to tell you that when I became the leader of the first Hall of the ten kings hall, I found the ancient book about Shenying valley. After spending countless energy on investigation, I really found the legendary Shenying Valley, which is where we are now. Later, with my Yuanying's perfect cultivation, I paid a lot of price, and finally it was here I got a pregnant fruit, so I handed over the position of the Lord of the first Hall of the ten kings hall to the ghost king of the sky, looking for a place to shut down and break through the realm of transforming God. "
"Do you mean that you tried to break through the realm of transforming God because you got the pregnant fruit more than 300 years ago?" the long eyebrow ghost king asked.
The one horned ghost King nodded and said, "that's right. On the ancient mainland, Yuanying friars don't know how many, and can become one of the few who can transform God. It can be seen that it's difficult to break through the difficulty of transforming God. How can I break through the transformation of God so easily without the help of pregnant God fruit?"
The one horned ghost king is true. Although there are many fewer Yuan Ying friars than low-level friars, there are still a lot of Yuan Ying friars in the whole ancient land. Apart from anything else, there are at least hundreds of Yuan Ying's ghost monks in the ten king hall alone. With so many Yuan Ying friars in the ten king hall, only one Yuan Ying ghost king has really broken through the realm of deification in the past thousand years The friars of the wind mainland are rare, and even their Yuan Ying friars rarely hear of them.
The long eyebrow ghost king has an extremely rare time spirit root, and his life span is thousands of years longer than that of other friars. Only when he dares to consider the realm of transforming God, but with the help of pregnant God fruit, he will be more confident. For friars, step by step, who doesn't want to break through the transforming God earlier? That's why he came here with the giant ghost king and was willing to replace it with a long eyebrow.
As for the other main ghost kings of the ten kings hall, they just think about it in their hearts. They don't really have much hope for breaking through the God report. The situation of helping the Liu ghost king is better, but there is still a gap compared with the one horned ghost king in those years. Because of this, he is determined to get the pregnant God fruit. It's a pity that he is not lucky enough. He is about to succeed, but he is ruined by the one horned ghost king.
The one horned ghost King continued: "It's a pity that I accidentally leaked my whereabouts. At the critical moment of breakthrough, my enemy came to me. He wanted to attack me when I first started to break through. At that time, I had no resistance and could only be slaughtered by him. Fortunately, he didn't know that I got the news of pregnant fruit. As a result, he came a step late. At that time, my breakthrough was close to the end, my body was able to move, and the enemy In a hurry, I can barely cope. After a fierce battle, almost both sides were hurt. The enemy fled in a panic and lost most of his life. "
There is no need for the one horned ghost king to repeat the later things. At that time, if he could cultivate well, there would be more God transforming powers in the world. As a result, he was not lucky enough. When he went back to the cave to get the healing elixir, he met the Fuliu ghost king and Linglong ghost king who were sleeping together. He was secretly plotted by them. Only a trace of remnant soul escaped and hid in the soul jade and fell into a deep sleep.

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The one horned ghost king didn't elaborate on what had happened in the past 300 years, but only briefly mentioned it, and then said: "My one horned ghost king has never suffered such a big loss in his life. He was conspired against by his registered disciples and concubines. I must find this place. There were two pregnant divine fruits on this pregnant divine fruit tree. I picked the big one for my own use and kept the small one temporarily. This secret has been kept since my accident. When I returned to the ten kings hall this time, I know I want to pass the positive test It's hard to succeed in revenge by regular means. Even with the coffin holding ghost king, it's impossible to break their nest. The only way is to lead them out. This pregnant God fruit is the best bait to help Liu ghost King's character. I will never miss this opportunity or seize the pregnant God fruit by means. So I let one of the men of the cloth bag ghost king find it at the bottom of huangquan valley It's abnormal. I don't need to push the back. Everything just happens naturally. "
After listening to the one horned ghost king, everyone in the audience fell into meditation. It turned out that all this was really a trap. It was planned by the one horned ghost king from beginning to end, but the one horned ghost king didn't lie. There was indeed a pregnant fruit in the divine baby valley. For the Yuan Ying friars, a pregnant fruit was enough to make them crazy. It was an irresistible temptation, let alone they didn't know it It's a trap. Even if you know there are traps in God's infant garden, most people will try it.
All this was planned by the one horned ghost king to deal with the Liu ghost king and the Linglong ghost king. These people can only be regarded as suffering from the fish in the pond, especially the thousand handed ghost king. It's not worth dying, but we all know that the fairy world is so cruel and there's no reason to talk about it.
Just as the one horned ghost king was talking, the five fierce ghosts and five subordinates constantly strengthened the five ghost prisoner dragon array. At this time, the whole array had shrunk to the extreme. Fu Tianliu couldn't break away from the array, turned into a magic weapon and was taken back into his body, while Fu Liu ghost king was bound firmly.
Looking at the unable to move Fu Liu ghost king, the one horned ghost king said faintly: "I said everything I should say. At this time, even if you are dead, you are an understanding ghost. It's time for me to send you on the road."
After that, the one horned ghost King waved his hand and wanted to shoot it at the Liu ghost king. Unexpectedly, the Liu ghost king was not afraid at all. Instead, he smiled strangely at the one horned ghost king and said: "I know that you deliberately want to avenge me and spend countless energy to trap me. You can't let me go at this time, but you still don't know me enough. In fact, I still have a last means to protect my life. I don't know if you want to have a look."
"What? You still have the means to protect your life?" the one horned ghost king was surprised immediately.
The one horned ghost king could still laugh at this time. There was a bad feeling in the one horned ghost King's heart. The other party had been firmly occupied by his five ghost prisoner dragon array, and the failure of blood burning and soul burning would soon disappear. The one horned ghost King couldn't think of any means for the other party to turn over. Could it be that there were other people around? But the situation next to him seemed to be different.

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