Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1472: 1472

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The friars around watched as the one horned ghost King easily killed the Liu ghost king. The friars around were stunned and shocked. They couldn't say a word. They didn't compare. The Liu ghost king who had stirred up so much trouble before was solved by one finger of the one horned ghost king.

There are those who admire and those who are afraid, but they are not jealous, because they dare not. The means of transforming God's power is too powerful. Even if the other party is only the former transforming God's power, whether it is the body method of chasing the Liu ghost king just now or the later bending of their fingers, they can't imagine. Suddenly, the transforming God friars became mysterious in their hearts again.

After a long time, these talents reacted, so they came up one after another to congratulate. The giant ghost King first said, "congratulations to the one horned ghost king personally cutting his enemies. From then on, our ten kings hall has a strong backing. The one horned ghost king will lead us to carry forward the ten kings hall."

The cloth bag ghost king said, "the ghost king is worthy of his great ability of transforming gods. This means an eye opener for us. It's an honor for us to have an elder in the ten kings hall."

The big belly ghost king also said: "before, we thought that friar Huashen had a higher level than friar Yuanying, and his strength was a little higher than us. Today, when we met the elder one horned ghost king, we knew that we were frogs at the bottom of the well. The realm of Huashen and Yuanying were two different worlds."

"What the big belly ghost king said, if there is no essential difference, how can the God turning friar be turned into a god turning power?" the Baimei ghost king turned his eyes.

The long eyebrow ghost king still had some insight and said, "the one horned ghost king, I haven't seen you for many years. You are still elegant. I'm afraid that move just now is the legendary burning soul finger?"

Monologue King way: "The long eyebrow ghost king is right. I just used the burning soul finger, but this burning soul finger is not as powerful as the legend. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to kill friars who are more powerful than me. On the one hand, the effect of the soul burning skill of the Liu ghost King is coming to an end. On the other hand, it is also because he fled in a hurry When I left, I suddenly caught up with me. I was frightened and lost my guard. If I used this move at the beginning, the ghost king of Fu Liu can definitely hide. "

The one horned ghost king said it easily, but everyone didn't think so. They thought that the one horned ghost king was modest. When they thought of the initial situation, they thought that the one horned ghost king was definitely not the opponent of the Liu ghost king. The last thing that died was the Liu ghost King. In the final analysis, it was a matter of realm. The God turning friars were still too mysterious to them, even if they were only the former God turning friars.

Linglong ghost king has exploded, and Fu Liu ghost king has also been killed by the one horned ghost king. After solving these two people, the internal problems in the ten kings hall have been solved. Let's talk about other things.

The long eyebrow ghost king looked at the pregnant God fruit tree in the distance. Just now, the exquisite ghost King's self explosion only destroyed the external protection, but did not hurt the pregnant God fruit above. It's really lucky, but there is a one horned ghost king here. I'm afraid I can't keep it. I'd better take the initiative.

Thinking of this, the long eyebrow ghost king said, "the one horned ghost king, although we fought for the pregnant God fruit this time and paid a huge price for it, this thing is yours. It's inappropriate for us to exchange it privately, and this transaction can't be counted. Giant ghost king, since this transaction is not established, you'd better return the long eyebrow to me."

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The giant ghost king didn't return it, but as the long eyebrow ghost king said, the pregnant fruit is the bait of the one horned ghost king. It itself belongs to the one horned ghost king. No matter how much the giant ghost King paid for it, it can't change this fact. In that case, the Shoumei must be returned to the other party.

At other times, the giant ghost king might be able to forcibly trade by relying on his identity as the leader of the first hall, and even directly occupy the Shoumei of the Changmei ghost king. It's a pity that he is seriously injured now. He can't afford to provoke the one horned ghost king. Even the Changmei ghost king can't fight, so he can only compromise. What to do if he loses Shoumei and pregnant fruit can only be said step by step.

The giant ghost king looked at the crafty long eyebrow ghost king, and sighed in his heart that this guy's ability to steer the wind is unique. He changed his position many times in this event, and finally didn't eat at all. It seems that this guy can live for more than 1000 years.

The giant ghost King took out the Shoumei very reluctantly and reached out to hand it to the Changmei ghost king. At this time, a sudden change occurred. Suddenly, he stretched out a hand and grabbed Shoumei and retreated quickly.

It happened so suddenly that no one expected. The long eyebrow ghost king even turned his head and looked at the one horned ghost King first. He thought he was still robbing the one horned ghost king when he saw the profit and treachery. As a result, he found that the one horned ghost king, like him, was full of surprise. There was someone else who robbed his Shoumei.

Qingyang is far away and sees it most vividly. The one who robbed Shoumei is the happy ghost king who used to deal with everyone together with the ghost king of Fuliu. At this time, he has retreated to a safe distance, holding the Shoumei he just grabbed, looked at it and said with a smile: "since this Shoumei has been sent out, what's the reason why the ghost king of Changmei wants to take it back? It's better to lend it to me."

Although Shoumei was robbed from the giant ghost king, the giant ghost king was not angry at all, and even gloated. This long eyebrow ghost king is too insidious. The things that have been traded are even familiar with the one horned ghost king and have to be taken back. Now it depends on what you do.

Seeing his things robbed, the long eyebrow ghost king was angry on the spot. The reason why he wanted Shoumei back from the giant ghost king was a small calculation. Although the pregnant God fruit belongs to the one horned ghost king, it is of no use to him. It will eventually be used to exchange other things, and the whole ten king hall can be seen by the one horned ghost king, That is the longevity eyebrow of the long eyebrow ghost king, so he still has a great chance to change to the pregnant fruit.

The long eyebrow ghost king has planned. When things are over here, he will make a deal with the one horned ghost king. As a result, the happy ghost king suddenly took away his Shoumei. How can the long eyebrow ghost king not be angry? Pointing to the happy ghost king, he said, "what do you want to do? Give me Shoumei back quickly?"

The happy ghost king said with a smile, "since it has come to my hand, naturally there is no reason to give it back to you. Not only this and Shoumei, but also the pregnant fruit are mine. With these two things, I am happy that the ghost king can also try to rush into the realm of transforming God."

The boasting of the happy ghost king immediately angered the people. This guy not only robbed Shoumei, but also took the pregnant God fruit. Shoumei belongs to the long eyebrow ghost king, and the pregnant God fruit belongs to the one horned ghost king. The other party can say such words and make it clear that he wants to fight everyone. Just now, the ghost King Fu Liu said such words. Now he has disappeared from the world, and I don't know where he came from?

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