Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1479: 1479

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After listening to the one horned ghost King's words, the court was stunned. Don't you want to show your so-called backhand? What do you mean by saying this to this boy? Did the one horned ghost King say that the back hand has something to do with him? How is this possible? On the court, so many infant friars have no choice but to rejoice with the ghost king. What can he do as a Jindan nine layer friar? You look so young.

After being stunned, someone soon found the abnormality of Qingyang, which seemed different from before. The long eyebrow ghost King directly exclaimed, "this boy is a fairy monk?"

"Does he really have something to do with the one horned ghost king?" the Baimei ghost King couldn't help asking. At the beginning, the reason why the Baimei ghost King brought Qingyang was to guess that he had something to do with the one horned ghost king. He did so in the face of the one horned ghost king. Unexpectedly, he finally relied on this boy to save his life.

"If it were a fairy friar, we might be saved." the big belly ghost king also said.

The one horned ghost king didn't sell off and said, "you're right. Qingyang little friend is really a fairy friar. Although his cultivation is not high and young, he is my friend who forgets his years and has extraordinary strength. Over time, he must be another man of the wind and cloud in my ancient mainland."

The one horned ghost king has been with Qingyang for nearly a hundred years. He watched Qingyang cultivate all the way to the golden elixir realm from a little monk who is nothing. He is no longer familiar with the details of Qingyang. Therefore, when he first saw Qingyang, the one horned ghost king was just stunned. I don't know how he changed from a fairy monk to a ghost monk, but he has a wide range of knowledge, It soon became clear that Qingyang had practiced the skill of covering up or converting in order to facilitate walking in the nether world. Therefore, the one horned ghost king had never been flustered, but took Qingyang as his backhand.

After listening to the one horned ghost King's words, the Baimei ghost King nodded and said, "no wonder he can break through the Baimei city's baigui map when he is young. The friends of the one horned ghost king are really extraordinary."

The big belly ghost king also said: "indeed, when we met Huang chentu spider before, we all thought he had died on the yellow hill, but we didn't expect that he not only highlighted the siege of Huang chentu spider, but also arrived here safely by himself. At that time, I knew the uniqueness of this little friend."

The long eyebrow ghost King sighed: "the one horned ghost king is so resourceful that he can calculate this in advance and lay down his backhand in advance. We are really ashamed of ourselves."

In fact, others didn't know that the one horned ghost king was calm on the surface, but actually he was secretly calling for luck. Fortunately, Qingyang also came here this time, and covered up the identity of the fairy friar with a special skill to hide the happy ghost king. Otherwise, he would be helpless. Facing the praise from the crowd, the one horned ghost king was embarrassed to admit it and could only cope with it with a few dry smiles.

Unlike the friars in the ten kings hall, the face of the happy ghost king is getting worse and worse. This accident really surprised him and hit his weakness. Although the diamond subduing the devil bead is powerful, it has one biggest defect: it has no effect on the fairy friars, so it generally won't show it to the fairy friars, but I didn't expect to walk away this time, Unexpectedly, a fairy friar was circled in, leaving a huge loophole in his array.

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If Qingyang is just an ordinary nine layer monk of golden elixir, the happy ghost king will not be so afraid, because the strength gap between the two sides is too large, he can deal with it by giving some energy.

In fact, this Qingyang is very evil. Before, the happy ghost king saw it with his own eyes. Qingyang easily defeated the attendants on the fourth floor of Yuanying brought by the ghost King Fu Liu. That is to say, the strength of this boy after the outbreak is comparable to that of ordinary Yuanying mid-term friars. It's not easy to deal with at all. I don't know if he has any spare power to deal with this boy while trapped the ghost practitioners in the ten kings hall.

For a time, the happy ghost king was a little difficult to ride a tiger. He managed to circle all the people in the ten kings hall. This time, he could catch all the people. If he gave up, he would not only lose a great opportunity, but he might be killed by the other party. But if he continued to insist, he might not be able to stop the boy while controlling the array, At that time, being eaten back by the array will also be the end of defeat.

When the one horned ghost king saw the hesitation of the happy ghost king, he couldn't help laughing and said, "happy ghost king, you've done everything you can, haven't you? There's a fairy friar here, and your array has loopholes. You're still too greedy to catch all our ten kings Hall."

After that, the one horned ghost king, regardless of the reaction of the happy ghost king, directly said to the Qingyang: "now the happy ghost king needs to control the King Kong subduing the devil beads to trap us. We can't be distracted casually, so now is the best chance to break the array. It's up to you whether you can save everyone."

Qingyang is not a ghost repair after all, and he is not particularly clear about the current situation. However, according to the situation on the field and the words of the one horned ghost king, he can judge that now only when he beat the happy ghost king, can others be saved. If you are only a member of the ten kings hall, Qingyang will weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. Now that there is a one horned ghost king and you are trapped in the array, it is inevitable to fight against the happy ghost king. There is nothing to consider.

Thinking of this, Qingyang suddenly changed his momentum, completely restored his status as a fairy friar, offered his five giant sword magic weapons, and walked slowly towards the happy ghost king.

After restoring his status as a fairy friar, Qingyang's true yuan operated very smoothly. The aura in the divine baby valley was very special. It seemed that Qingyang was born to be suitable for the spiritual root friar of the five elements. Qingyang felt that he could even play at a higher level. Moreover, the Sanskrit Mantra constantly came from the air did not interfere with him. On the contrary, there was a very comfortable feeling in his ears, which made him very clear.

Seeing Qingyang getting closer and closer, the happy ghost king was anxious and said, "Qingyang, right? You should think clearly before doing things. Not everyone in our thousand Buddha cave can offend. Once you take this step, you will be the eternal enemy of our thousand Buddha cave. You can't turn back in your life."

The words of the happy ghost king are not light or heavy, but they are full of threats. The mysterious thousand Buddha Grottoes can't be provoked by ordinary people, but Qingyang didn't take it to heart. The thousand Buddha grottoes are too far away for him. Without breaking this array, who knows if the happy ghost king will let himself go after solving the ghost repairs in the ten kings hall? So at this time, Qingyang had no choice but to move on.

Seeing that Qingyang was unmoved, the ghost king looked cold and said, "our thousand Buddha sect has always taken it as its duty to subdue demons and subdue demons. Killing ghost cultivation is to act for heaven, and killing the ten king hall is to comply with the will of heaven. The fairy Friar and my Buddhist cultivation belong to the right way. What you should do most is to help me, not to associate with demons and demons. If you do it, you will fall into the devil kingdom forever, and you will not be locked by heaven and earth."

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