Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1510: 1510

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Around the wine pool square, countless alcoholics bees are busy. Roughly, they have reached more than 10000, which are distributed in the whole drunk immortal gourd, busy but not chaotic, many but not miscellaneous. Qingyang did not see the alcoholic queen bee and the six bee generals. Among the remaining alcoholic bees, the number of blue backed alcoholic bees was 50, and the number of purple backed alcoholic bees reached nearly 1000. The overall strength was frightening.
At the beginning, Qingyang got a queen bee with a purple back alcoholic bee and six ordinary alcoholic bees. However, in more than 100 years, the whole population has grown so much. I don't know how many times stronger it was. This is mainly due to Qingyang's contribution, because he has drunk Xianhu, a powerful weapon against the sky, four spiritual plants and countless spiritual flowers planted in the space, and the iron arm spirit monkey helped brew a large number of spiritual wine. He has made today's achievements because of countless adventures and coincidences. If he had been put in the hands of others, he would have been eaten by alcoholic bees countless times.
Qingyang was sighing. Suddenly, there was a riot in the drunken bee colony. Then he saw a bee coming in a hurry and said, "master, something bad is going on. The king has an accident."
As early as in the wasteland ruins, the six bees have broken through to the seventh level, and can speak normally like the queen bee. They are all women's voices, some cold and crisp, some soft and waxy, some sweet and greasy, and some beautiful. Each has its own characteristics, which adds a lot of happiness to Qingyang.
The king in the mouth of the bee general is naturally the alcoholic queen bee. The alcoholic queen bee has an accident. No wonder he hasn't seen them for so long. Qingyang asked, "what's the matter?"
The bee will hurriedly say: "Some time ago, my king said that her accomplishments reached the Ninth level very early, but she couldn't enter the tenth level. The silly monkey who was a lot behind her had become a shape demon some time ago. She couldn't be left too far, so she closed her nest and tried to break through. There had been no news in recent months. As a result, a large amount of aura poured in just now and the surrounding space also happened With the drastic changes, the king's breath became chaotic. We were unprepared for it and didn't know what had happened. We begged the master to help us quickly. "
It's true that the cultivation of the alcoholic queen bee is always higher than that of the iron arm monkey. At the beginning, the iron arm monkey was subdued by the alcoholic queen bee. The alcoholic queen bee also reached the Ninth level of perfection earlier than the iron arm monkey. As a result, Qingyang got a piece of the remains of the dragon and handed it to the iron arm monkey for refining a few years ago. The iron arm monkey was blessed with misfortune. It not only improved its blood vessels, but also improved its strength After reaching the peak of the Ninth level, he went through the shape robbery in Shenying Valley, advanced the shape demon repair at one stroke, and the iron arm spirit monkey came from behind, which made the alcoholic queen bee feel great pressure.
Qingyang has never found a treasure suitable for the advanced level of the alcoholic queen bee, so the cultivation of the alcoholic queen bee has been delayed. Not everyone can easily break through the Yuanying without relying on foreign objects like Qingyang. The spirit level of the alcoholic bee is not particularly high, and the difficulty of forming is no lower than that of the advanced Yuanying of the external friars. If the alcoholic queen bee has never met a match The appropriate advanced treasure may be stuck here forever until Shouyuan runs out and dies.
So the drunken queen bee became anxious. She found a corner in the drunken fairy gourd and closed herself up to try to advance. It's just that there is no need to advance. Besides, her qualification is ordinary. There has been no news for several months.

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As a result, the space of zuixianhu has suddenly expanded many times. Qingyang doesn't feel obvious outside. It's an earth shaking change for the internal alcoholic bees. The alcoholic queen bee is disturbed. I don't know what's wrong, but the breath suddenly becomes unstable. The alcoholic queen bee is closed, and the six bees will not be idle and stay outside, Seeing that the king had an accident, they could do nothing but come to Qingyang for help.
The space of zuixianhu is getting larger and larger. It takes a lot of time and mind for Qingyang to sweep it with his mind. In addition, the place selected by the alcoholic bee is relatively remote, and the breath is deliberately shielded when he is ready to advance. Qingyang didn't see the alcoholic queen bee closing down anywhere when he came in. Now, under the guidance of the bee general, he soon found the place to close down.
In a valley of the hill in zuixianhu space, a crooked neck tree grew, and a huge beehive was built on the tree. The beehive was closed and could not see the situation from the outside. The five bees outside were like headless flies. They kept turning around. They were worried but didn't know what to do. When they saw the green sun coming, Hula surrounded them all at once, He talked to Qingyang about his king, which made Qingyang's head big.
Qingyang is more worried about the drunken queen bee than they are. Since Qingyang had drunk Xianhu, the drunken queen bee has followed him. The two sides have been together for more than 100 years, longer than the iron arm monkey. It is the guarantee of Qingyang's strength. Naturally, we can't watch the drunken queen bee accident.
Qingyang stepped forward quickly and came to the front of the honeycomb. The closed honeycomb isolated most of the breath inside. However, at such a close distance, Qingyang still vaguely felt the disordered breath inside, sometimes strong and sometimes weak. If he didn't understand the situation, he really thought something had happened.
However, Qingyang was relieved, because this situation was very similar to that of the iron arm monkey before. The drunken queen bee did not have an accident in cultivation, but reached the edge of advanced level. However, due to the influence of drunk fairy gourd, she could not wait to turn the robbery, so that her breath was a little unstable.
The qualification of alcoholic queen bee is relatively general. If there is no chance, it is difficult to advance. Of course, it is the drunken immortal Hu who can break through the shape robbery this time. Zui Xianhu is a very mysterious treasure. Every time Qingyang improves his cultivation, he will take the opportunity to advance. When he advances, he will absorb a lot of aura from the outside, and even drive the spiritual plants in Zui Xianhu to accelerate the growth rate. For example, the pregnant divine fruit transplanted by Qingyang has increased for decades.
Other creatures in zuixianhu rarely get promoted, but this time the situation is quite special. When the drunken bee is trying to break through, zuixianhu suddenly upgraded and poured in a large amount of aura. I don't know which nerve of the drunken queen bee was touched. She suddenly realized.
So the drunken queen bee quickly made all the preparations before entering the stage. It can be said that everything is ready, but only owes the east wind. As a result, she forgot that she was in the drunken fairy gourd and could not usher in the disaster. Moreover, because the drunken queen bee closed the death pass, the outside of the nest has been closed by her special means, and Qingyang did not receive the signal. Over time, the breath gradually began to appear in a state of disorder.

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