Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1531: 1531

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Shifu Zhenjun can see it, and Qingyang can naturally feel that the situation on the field is very unfavorable to him. Although it's a lot easier after releasing the iron arm spirit monkey, the situation on the field has not changed much. Qingyang can only barely suppress Shifu Zhenjun, but the iron arm spirit monkey is in danger and may lose at any time. It's time to release the alcoholic queen bee.
When Qingyang besieged the love fairy with drunken bees, the drunken queen bee had just entered the seventh level, so Shi fuzhenjun got the old news. Although more than 60 years have passed, Shi fuzhenjun doesn't think that the spirit bees in Qingyang will change much. Spiritual insects need a lot of resources. The elders of their own school can't afford to raise them, not to mention the scattered cultivation of Qingyang? Moreover, the advanced difficulty of high-order spirit insects is even higher than that of friars. Of course, there is little change.
As time goes by, the drunken bees in Qingyang are not what they used to be. The drunken queen bee has taken shape, and the whole bee colony has grown several times. The queen bee of the seventh order may not be able to trap the friars on the fifth floor of Yuanying, and the queen bee of the tenth order can definitely arrange the pollen maze.
When Qingyang made up his mind, a large group of drunken bees flew out of the drunken fairy gourd. The leader was the ten level spirit insect drunken queen bee, followed by six seven or eight level bee generals, followed by the drunken bees flying all over the sky, which almost covered most of the challenge arena.
This number immediately startled Shifu Zhenjun. At that time, he heard that the love fairy said that there were only more than 2000 alcoholic bees in Qingyang, and the leading Bee King was only level 7. It was very valuable for a new Jindan friar to have such a large group of spirit bees.
I don't know that Qingyang has released more than 10000 at once. There are as many as six of the seven or eight ranks alone, and the leader has reached the tenth rank. Not to mention the five-tier friars of Yuanying, I'm afraid that the friars of Yuanying's later stage will run away when they encounter them. Is it because the love breaking fairy deliberately pits herself?
No, it shouldn't be. The broken love fairy absolutely didn't dare to deceive herself. There are only two possibilities. One is that there were so many spirit insects in Qingyang 60 years ago, but he left his hand when facing the enemy. However, this possibility is unlikely. If he had so many spirit insects in those years, he wouldn't be chased by himself. He had no way to heaven and earth, and finally fell into the abyss of ghosts.
As for the second reason, it only took the boy more than 60 years to expand the whole bee colony to this point. At the thought of here, Shi fuzhenjun was jealous and distressed. Is it good for God to treat the boy? It's just that you cultivate yourself fast. How can the captive spirit insects advance so fast? It's only more than 60 years, isn't it outrageous?
Knowing that he would fight the life and death challenge with Qingyang, Shifu Zhenjun couldn't have been prepared at all. He specially prepared the means to restrain the spirit bee from getting lost, but who could have thought that the spirit bee in Qingyang would change so much that the previous preparation couldn't be used at all. Shifu Zhenjun panicked at once.
There are so many alcoholic bees. Today's alcoholic queen bee has experienced a physical robbery, that is, it is a little smaller. It is basically no different from human friars in other aspects. It doesn't need Qingyang to give orders. The alcoholic queen bee knows what to do. Seeing that her children and grandchildren are ready, she screams, and the whole swarm immediately surrounds Shifu Zhenjun, Then all the drunken bees opened their mouths at the same time and sprayed pollen all over the sky. Shi fuzhenjun was soon stunned on the spot. Needless to ask, it must be that the pollen maze has been arranged, and Shi fuzhenjun has been deeply involved in it.

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The drunken bee colony is growing, and the power of the arranged pollen maze is greatly increased. It's easy to see the drunken bee king, and he still has the spare power to wink at Qingyang. I'm afraid Shi fuzhenjun can't get out this time.
Seeing Qingyang suddenly release a group of spirit bees to trap Shi fuzhenjun, they immediately frightened a group of friars outside the field. They have changed their views on Qingyang countless times, but found that they finally underestimated each other. Huaxing demon monkey, Huaxing spirit bee, a new Yuanying friar, why are there so many skills?
Liu xuzhenjun and others have long been scared to death. They are afraid that Qingyang will settle accounts with Shifu Zhenjun after he has solved it. Both Qingyue Zhenjun and Qingliang Zhenjun are afraid. Fortunately, they have not offended him before, and invite Yue Zhenjun is also shocked. Qingyang's strength has already surpassed him. Who would have thought that the elder monk who saw him more than 60 years ago would have to ask him to complete the foundation, Will there be such an achievement now? How on earth did this guy practice? It's so scary.
Such a person's future achievements are unlimited. He must go further than himself, and he can't afford to offend. He must find a way to make friends with this person when he turns back. As for Shifu Zhenjun, he will certainly not be able to pass today's level. The decline of lingfu sect is also an obvious thing. When this thing is over, he will unite Qingyue Zhenjun and Qingliang Zhenjun to destroy the lingfu sect. The pain of falling water dogs is only good but not bad. What's more, can he show kindness to this Qingyang Taoist friend?
As for the Xiying family, they were already stunned at this time. Is this still the younger martial brother Qingyang who has been calling them elder martial brother and elder martial sister? It was not long before younger martial brother Qingyang had grown up to the point where they needed to look up to him. In those days, it was Xiying who instructed Qingyang to embark on the path of cultivating immortals. At that time, Xiying was already a base building friar, while Qingyang was just a mortal boy. He joined the old road of Songhe in the Jianghu. Now more than 100 years have passed, Xiying has only gone from base building to golden elixir, but Qingyang has gone all the way from a mortal to the realm of Yuanying. Even the middle-term friar of Yuanying is not an opponent, Sometimes people can't compare with others. After this incident, it's hard for both sides to have any intersection, right?
The people outside the challenge arena don't say what they think for the moment. After the drunken bee colony trapped Shi fuzhenjun, Qingyang finally released his hand, so he sacrificed the five element sword array and attacked the humanoid monster. With Qingyang's participation, the pressure of the iron arm lingmonkey was greatly reduced, and immediately launched a counter attack.
After all, the humanoid monster is not a real person and needs the master's control to a certain extent. When there is Shi Fu Zhenjun, the blood corpse can play 10% of its strength. Now Shi Fu Zhenjun can't protect himself. The humanoid monster loses control. It always feels that it seems a little less spiritual and its strength has decreased a lot.
Qingyang broke out, and its strength was comparable to that of Yuanying's six layer friars. The iron arm monkey was a little worse. However, because of its strong defense and fierce close combat, it could also give full play to the strength of Yuanying's three or four layer friars. Coupled with the tacit understanding of one person and one demon, the situation on the field was immediately pulled back by them.
With the passage of time, Qingyang and the iron arm spirit monkey became more and more brave. However, the blood corpse was unable to supplement the consumed energy for a long time, so it was more and more unable to fight. The situation was in jeopardy, and it was only a matter of time before they lost.

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