Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1536: 1536

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In fact, there is no need to catch up with individual high-level friars who have missed the net. Those who dare not even try their best and only care about their own escape pay more attention to their own interests and lives. They have little feelings for lingfu sect, and will certainly not seek revenge for lingfu sect in the future.

The strength gap between the two sides is too big. In the twinkling of an eye, lingfu sect has suffered countless deaths and injuries. Nearly half of the friars under the foundation have fled, 30% of the friars of Jindan are less, and only two friars of Yuanying are left. One is the elder of the fourth floor of Yuanying of lingfu sect. He can persist until now, mainly because of his strength of the fourth floor of Yuanying. Although there are many people on the Qingyang side, But it's not easy to kill him in a short time. The other is the rough looking second tier friar Yuanying. He can live to the present because he dares to work hard and completely lose both sides. Liu Xuzhen is a little timid in the battle. The more he is not afraid of death, the greater his life. Only in this way can he persist to the present.

However, at this time, their situation is not much better. They have suffered countless injuries all over their body and are full of terrible wounds. Not only that, the consumption of Zhenyuan and shennian is also extremely serious. Both of them are at the end of their strength. It is sooner or later to lose and die.

On the other hand, there were two Jindan friars who were unlucky. They accidentally fell into the siege of lingfu sect disciples and were killed in the scuffle. Few others were injured. Even Qingyang and the iron arm monkey didn't do much. The strength gap between the two sides was too big. The high-level friars were surrounded by others. They disdained to kill those low-level friars and had to be idle.

At this time, the whole battlefield has been filled with corpses. Looking at it, there are more than 2000. It looks very tragic. Qingyang can't help shaking his head. The fairy world is so cruel. The destruction of a sect is accompanied by countless deaths and injuries. This kind of thing is very common in the fairy world.

So it seems that the disaster in mainland Kyushu was good. The blood demon sect suddenly attacked. Young master lingxu directly controlled the high-level of Qingfeng hall. There was a direct transition between the positive demons. There were not many deaths and injuries below. Even the Wusi elder was unwilling to obey. The people of the blood demon sect did not embarrass him. They were much more upright than those in front of them. The so-called right way is not all right, Not all demons are demons.

Seeing that the whole army of Yuanying friars was about to be destroyed, the remaining Jindan friars of lingfu sect and those under Zhuji couldn't hold on any longer. I didn't know who took the lead and began to flee in large numbers. It was just a piece of incense. There were less than 70 friars under Zhuji, and only a dozen Jindan friars left. There were less than 100 friars of lingfu Sect on the field.

However, no one blames those who fled. They have tried their best to persist until now, at least much better than those who fled at the beginning. There is no need to let them die. As for the rest of these people, they have reported their will to die, and they can't escape again.

Sure enough, seeing that there were only about a hundred people left on the court, there was a trace of Madness on the face of the rough looking second floor friar Yuanying, and his momentum began to change sharply. Invited moon Zhenjun was well-informed, and his face suddenly changed greatly, saying: "no, this man wants to explode, everyone back quickly."

I didn't expect that someone in the lingfu sect was so crazy and dared to use the extreme means of self explosion. What's more, he chose to self explode in the scuffle between the two sides. He was ready to blow up his own people and the enemy, killing the enemy for 1000 and losing 800. It can be said that he was very cruel.

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However, there are only less than 100 people left in the lingfu sect, most of them are low-level friars. There are nearly 100 people on the side of inviting Yue Zhenjun and Qingyang, all of them are friars of Yuanying and the middle and late period of the golden elixir. If they burst out, it must not be lingfu sect that suffered. Moreover, these people of lingfu sect are all left behind after reporting the heart of death. They can pull a few cushions before they die, which is more valuable.

This is the self explosion of friar Yuanying. Even friar Yuanying dare not face it directly. While inviting moon Zhenjun to speak, he has withdrawn back for 100 feet. Others are not slow to respond. They show their strengths and retreat quickly. Even the friars of lingfu sect are no exception. Although they report their will to die, no one wants to die in the self explosion. Only by saving their lives can they kill more enemies.

At this time, I heard a loud noise, the earth shook and the mountains shook. A huge pit of about 100 feet was blown out nearby. Qingyang and others reported that it was fast enough. However, they were still affected by the self explosion and flew more than ten feet backward pushed by the huge shock wave. They were able to stabilize their body. They checked up and down quickly, but the clothes outside were blown up and there was no injury on their body.

Other Yuan Ying friars are similar to Qingyang, only Liu Xuzhen and Jun. because they are too close to the self exploding man, they don't escape in time and are seriously injured. As for those Jindan friars, the situation is much worse. More than a dozen were killed on the spot, and more than a dozen were seriously injured. The rest were more or less injured, that is, they were far away, otherwise none of them could run away.

The situation of lingfuzong was even worse. None of the friars at and below the foundation were spared. There were only a few friars in Jindan, and each was injured. There was only one friar Yuanying, that is, the elder on the fourth floor of Yuanying. However, at this time, most of his life was lost and he almost lost his combat effectiveness.

Looking at the lonely Jindan friars behind him and the corpses all over the ground, the elder of lingfu sect smiled sadly and said: "Mr. Zhao Yuezhen was right before. You can't blame you for this. You can only blame my lingfu sect for acting overbearing and offending people who shouldn't offend. Such a large lingfu sect has become like this because of Mr. Shi Fuzhen's personal interests. At this point, I have tried my best for the lingfu sect, and your anger should be relieved. Those lingfu sect who have escaped Disciple of the sect, it doesn't pose any threat to you. Let them go. "

For some ruthless people, to destroy a sect, we must kill all the disciples without leaving any, even those who escape. However, neither zhaoyue Zhenjun nor Qingyang are like that. They come here only to destroy the lingfu sect. The task is completed and the purpose is achieved. There is no need to bother to chase and kill those escaped disciples.

Inviting the moon Zhenjun nodded and said, "I can promise you this. As long as they don't play the banner of lingfu sect and don't come to me, I won't trouble them again."

"So, thank you very much." the elder of lingfu sect smiled.

After that, I saw that his whole body momentum changed and I didn't know what he had done. Suddenly, a lot of energy escaped towards the outside, and his own appearance was aging with the naked eye. Originally, he looked like an old man in his fifties and sixties, but soon became an old man in his nineties, and his breath became weaker and weaker until he finally disappeared.

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