Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1538: 1538

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These materials are worth more than 200000 spirit stones. They are about 600 pieces of materials for refining Yangshen pills. How many Yangshen pills can be refined depends on the alchemy level of the refiner.
If the cultivation conditions of friar Yuanying are ordinary, it takes nearly three or four hundred years to improve one level of cultivation. Even if the cultivation conditions are excellent, it also takes one or two hundred years to improve one level of cultivation in the rare cave with sufficient aura between heaven and earth. Without thousands of years, it is difficult to cultivate to the later stage of Yuanying. It is precisely because of this that although the life expectancy of Yuanying friars has greatly increased after their breakthrough, few can finally practice to the later stage of Yuanying, and few can finally break through the transformation of God. It is not that they are not qualified, nor that they do not work hard, but that it is too difficult to improve their accomplishments.
For example, Qingyue Zhenjun of Qinglan Pavilion seems to be very young. In fact, he is more than 700 years old. He is backed by the whole Qinglan Pavilion. Now he is the cultivation of Yuanying's fourth floor. Inviting Zhenjun is more than 800 years old. It's good to enter Yuanying's later stage. Don't even think about it.
Of course, if there are enough pills to use, this time will be greatly shortened. You can improve one level of cultivation in almost thirty or forty years. It takes less than one or two thousand in thirty or forty years. It is very difficult for ordinary Yuan Ying friars to get one or two thousand, let alone one or two thousand.
In fact, the Yangshen pill is not expensive. The market price of a piece is about one thousand spirit stones. Powerful monks can still afford it. However, the Yangshen pill has a price but no market. Often you can't buy a spirit stone. As for the reasons, first of all, it is not easy to get the materials. Yuanying level pills need a wide variety of materials, long growth period and extremely few quantities, so it is extremely difficult to collect them. Second, it is difficult to find a Dan master. Even if you get the materials, it is difficult to find a corresponding alchemy master. There are all Danwang sects that can refine alchemy level pills, However, there are few Dan emperors who can refine Yuanying level pills. If the Dan king is allowed to refine Yangshen pills, I don't know how much material to waste, so it will eventually lead to the scarcity of Yangshen pills.
Of course, there is another way for friars to improve their accomplishments, which is to directly use spiritual stones to improve their accomplishments. However, Qingyang did not dare to think about this. At the beginning, when he was in the golden elixir realm, he used four or five million spiritual stones to improve one level of accomplishments. How could he get three or four million spiritual stones to improve one level of accomplishments in Yuanying period? In the later stage of Yuanying period, it will be tens of millions. Where did he get so many spiritual stones? Even if this amount is to search the whole ten kings hall, it may not be enough. Qingyang can't think of where to get so many spirit stones, so don't think about this shortcut for the time being. Let's honestly find materials to refine elixirs.
There seem to be a lot of materials for lingfu sect. In fact, there are not many for a sect. It's good if you can find a Dan master to refine and finally refine more than 100 spiritual pills. This pill is a drop in the bucket for friar Yuanying.
In fact, invite Yue Zhenjun and others also want these materials, but they finally think about it and forget it. They are like this in their life. They dare not think about the realm of transforming God. Therefore, higher and lower accomplishments have little impact on them. There is no need to compete with Qingyang for this material.
As for that windstorm stone, it is a very valuable tool refining material, worth about 100000 spirit stones. This material is mainly used to refine flying spirit tools. If the flying spirit tools of windstorm stone are added, the level of treasures will be greatly improved. Apart from anything else, at least the flight speed can be accelerated by several percent. That's why the price of such a small windstorm stone is so high.

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The wind gourd of Qingyang was originally a very good flying spirit weapon, but with the improvement of Qingyang's cultivation, the speed of the wind gourd can't keep up with it and doesn't match its strength. Qingyang has been considering whether to sell the wind gourd and replace it with a faster flying spirit weapon. He has used the wind gourd for more than 100 years and is reluctant to replace it. Now when he sees this wind and Thunder Stone, he immediately changed his mind. Isn't this wind and Thunder Stone prepared for the wind gourd? Go back to find a better weapon smelter and refine this thunder stone into the Yufeng gourd. You can directly improve the level of the Yufeng gourd, and the flying speed of the Yufeng gourd can be greatly improved, so there is no need to change it.
After getting two kinds of useful materials and three million Lingshi, Qingyang can be said to be satisfied. Although it was cruel to destroy lingfu sect this time, the harvest was huge. No wonder that zhaoyue Zhenjun and Liu xuzhenjun were so enthusiastic about this matter, their interests moved people's hearts.
Just now, Qingyang was still thinking about using spiritual stones to improve one level of cultivation and get three or four million. It takes tens of millions to cultivate to the later stage of Yuanying. This time, he got more than three million spiritual stones. It doesn't seem difficult to gather up tens of millions if he comes more times. But Qingyang soon shook his head. He was still too greedy. How can he often encounter such a good thing? In that case, isn't the immortal cultivation world a mess? This time it was a pure coincidence, otherwise I would never get so much.
This time, Qingyang took the lead, and the proportion was higher, so he got more Lingshi. If he distributed it under normal circumstances, he would never have harvested so much. Just like that Qingyue Zhenjun, even if she is the head of qingluan Pavilion, she can only get a part from the proportion allocated to qingluan Pavilion, which will never exceed half. In the end, it will look like 400000 spirit stones. This number is not small for other Yuanying friars, but it is not enough for the head of one Pavilion. Even Qingyue Zhenjun was like this. In the early days of Yuanying, friars such as Liu xuzhenjun were assigned less.
Although the strong are respected in the immortal cultivation world, a certain order has been gradually formed for a long time. Many things are not what you want. This is also the reason why they make excuses for themselves before killing the lingfu sect. If they don't ask about indiscriminately killing people's sects and killing villages and cities as they want, they will certainly be regarded as evil demons, They were attacked by the disciples of the immortal cultivation world.
Therefore, this kind of thing can be met but not sought. It may not be met once in many years. However, in any case, the harvest of killing lingfu sect this time is huge, but there are no twists and turns in the middle, and there are not too many casualties. It can be said that it is very smooth.
After all, this is the territory of lingfu sect. Now it has been roughly allocated according to the original agreement between Qingyang and other three forces. Specifically, how much each friar of each sect can be allocated, which needs to be carefully calculated according to everyone's contribution after going back. It has nothing to do with Qingyang.
Just after the distribution here, I heard a loud drink in the distance, and then came the sound of fighting, which was not small. After such a long time, I thought the people of lingfu sect had been eliminated, but I didn't expect to meet the enemy. Everyone's attention was attracted and went there one after another.

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