Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1575: 1575

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Three days are coming. On this day, there are dozens of monks and monsters outside the cave. They are helpers convened by Wusi elder, lonely sleeping immortal and gray Xuzi. Some of these helpers are confidants and children they have cultivated over the years, and some have been accepted during their operations in Kyushu mainland in the past two years. The high-strength ones are just the beginning of the golden pill, There are about five. Those with low strength are only in the middle stage of foundation construction. No matter how low they are, it is useless to take them with them. It seems that they have a certain reason to train Qingyang as their successor.
The helpers summoned by the three people, together with more than 20 monks present, are more than 80. There are as many as nine friars in Jindan alone, which is not a small force. When all hands are together, Wusi elder directly sacrificed the flying spirit and led everyone to the direction of Qingfeng hall.
Because of the large number of people, I walked thousands of miles for a whole day. The next morning, I arrived at the Mountain Gate of Qingfeng hall. Elder Wusi was worthy of being the former elder of Qingfeng hall. He actually arranged an insider at the mountain gate. Such a large group of people entered the mountain gate without disturbing the high-rise inside the gate. Later, someone took them all the way in and finally came to the headquarters of blood demon sect.
Although the headquarters of the blood devil sect is located in the Qingfeng hall, it is mixed with the others in the Qingfeng hall. Instead, a special area is divided in the mountain gate, guarded by the backbone or loyal elements of the blood devil sect. If you want to sneak into it silently, it is not what the elders without thinking can do.
Although he couldn't get in, Wusi elder was also prepared. He listened to the monk who brought them in to build the foundation of the Qingfeng temple on the ninth floor: "In recent years, I have sent a lot of people to watch around. The monks in and out of the blood devil sect headquarters have records. In addition to the old leader of the blood devil sect, the young master of the new leader sect, there are also five golden elixir elders. There are more than 100 foundation building friars and hundreds of elite disciples in the Qi refining period. Most of them are the backbone trained by the heart of the blood devil sect."
For more than a hundred years, the monks have been replaced very quickly. The wife of immortal Lingxue, the former leader of yulingzong, immortal Huangming, has died, and the younger martial brother of immortal Lingxue, immortal Linggu, has also died. The five existing Jindan elders have been trained by the blood demon sect over the years.
Today's blood demon sect, as the ruler of Kyushu mainland, has enough resources to win over people's hearts. Therefore, in recent years, it has attracted many friars from scratch and trained many loyal reserve forces. That's the case with more than 100 foundation building friars and hundreds of gas refining elites. If these people grow up completely in a few decades, they can completely replace the original seven sub churches.
After listening to the introduction of the monk who led the way, immortal Gu Mian sighed and said, "I'm afraid it's hard to fight this battle. It's not easy to pay for it, not to mention the gas refining friars and foundation building friars, nor the five Jindan friars. It's just the two leaders of the blood demon sect. One Yuanying and one Jindan are perfect."
The grey Xu Zi snored coldly and said, "the words of Dugu Mian Taoist friend are to grow the ambition of others and destroy our prestige. At this stage, we have no way back, just like we have to start on the line. We must fight whether we can fight or not."
Wusi elder said, "I agree with the words of Taoist friend huixuzi. For the sake of the right way of Xianmen, we must have the courage to become benevolent if we don't succeed. At the beginning, the injury of the Holy Blood immortal was much more serious than ours, and it took us several years to get well. The Holy Blood immortal must not be healed at this time. It's a good time for us to take action, so this time I'm going to make a big effort."

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Elder Wusi's words infected many people present. Dugu Mian said, "yes, I don't have many years to live anyway. Then I'll fight for the right way of Xianmen. If I win, I'll give future generations a bright future. If I lose, I'll die decades in advance."
At this time, I heard the friar of Qingfeng hall leading the way and building the foundation again: "Elder Wusi's analysis is reasonable. In the past, although old leader lingxu didn't care about anything, he would show up every once in a while, but in recent years, we have never received any news about Lingxue immortal. Not only him, but also the young master lingxu of the new leader didn't show up for several years. Occasionally, orders came from others Yes, something big should have happened. "
Don't think long: "It's really possible that the three treasures of the blood devil sect, which are so important to the blood devil sect, have been lost, but as the leader of the blood devil sect, childe lingxu doesn't come forward to investigate in person, but simply gives a reward. This kind of practice is unimaginable. It must be tripped by something more important. Maybe the immortal Lingxue has been seriously injured and died. Childe lingxu is worried that we will kill him He came to the door and sought a breakthrough in closing the door, so he didn't show up. "
Immortal Gu Mian couldn't help but brighten his eyes and said, "if Immortal Lingxue really dies without treatment, don't we have one of our strongest opponents? It's easier to overthrow the blood demon sect?"
Grey Xuzi shook his head and said, "immortal solitary sleep is too optimistic. Even if Immortal Lingxue is gone, the rest are difficult to deal with. We only have dozens of people. There are nearly a thousand monks in the blood demon sect headquarters. It's not so easy to win easily."
Elder Wusi nodded and said: "Yes, it's a matter of life and death for us. We must be careful. It's useless to think too much now, or we can't know the specific situation until we really fight. In my opinion, if Lingxue immortal is still there, we'll act according to the plan we made before. Grey Xuzi will find a way to hold lingxu childe. Taoist friends Gu Mian and I will hold Lingxue immortal. Taoist friends Qingyang will take other Jindan friars as soon as possible Solve the elder of the golden pill of the blood demon sect, and then come and help us. If the immortal Lingxue is gone, my Taoist friends and I will deal with the elder of the golden pill of the blood demon sect together, and then we will solve the problem together, young master lingxu, don't give the opponent reaction time, and solve the battle as soon as possible. "
This is a plan made before action. Everyone has no objection to it. After saying that, elder Wusi waved to the front and said, "in that case, take action."
At the command of elder Wusi, the following friars at the beginning of the golden elixir took a few steps forward at the same time, offered magic weapons and launched an attack towards the front. The gate of the blood demon cult headquarters was also guarded by friars Zhuji. However, under the simultaneous bombardment of several friars of the Golden elixir, these people had no room to resist. They were directly killed to the slag and didn't even have time to send a distress signal.
The attack was like a signal. Later, there was no need for Wusi elder to say anything more. Immortal lonely sleep, gray Xuzi and others rushed into the headquarters of blood demon sect with everyone.

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