Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1577: 1577

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Elder Wusi has inquired about the basic situation of Qingfeng hall in recent years. He knows that immortal Wuxi is still alive, so he tries to contact him and hopes that immortal Wuxi can help him. However, the news is that immortal Wuxi has been closed and can't be contacted. Elder Wusi doesn't dare to break into Qingfeng hall, so he can only do it, But I didn't expect to see Wuxi real person on this occasion.
The Wuxi immortal also recognized Wusi elder, but his face did not show the joy of his old friend's reunion. He just said faintly: "it was Wusi elder. When you left the Qingfeng hall alone, you were already not allowed to be in the immortal world of Kyushu mainland. Why did you come back?"
Wusi said: "the blood devil sect is rampant, the main way of the immortal sect in Kyushu mainland is occupied, and countless fellow disciples in the Qingfeng hall are still in deep water. Although I am abroad, I care about the same sect and suffer day and night. Today I am here to save you. Junior brother Wuxi, the death of the blood devil sect is right in front of me. I hope you can join us and contribute to overthrowing the blood devil sect and rebuilding the immortal sect."
The immortal Wuxi shook his head and said: "Elder Wusi, don't impose your ideas on others. You're not in mainland Kyushu for a long time. How do you know that we live in deep water? It's not easy for mainland Kyushu to calm down for more than 100 years. Do you want to start a dispute and make the immortal world miserable? Besides, the blood demon sect is powerful and can't be easily overthrown by you. I advise elder Wusi to stop now Hand, don't start a war for your own personal gain. "
Elder Wusi thought that even if he couldn't bring elder Wuxi over, the other party would at least not help each other. Unexpectedly, the other party said such words. His face was incredible and said: "Junior brother Wuxi, it's only been a few years. You actually speak for the blood devil sect everywhere. I think you've been brainwashed by the blood devil sect. You completely forget the difference between good and evil and the kindness of raising Qingfeng hall."
In the face of the teacher's brother's accusation, immortal Wuxi didn't care. He still said expressionless: "needless to say, whether you are selfish or for the great cause of Xianmen, I'm now the Dharma protector of blood demon sect, so I won't allow you to destroy blood demon sect. If you want to fight, just come over."
The six Golden elixir friars opposite are familiar. They have recognized them. In addition to the Wuxi immortal in Qingfeng hall, there are also the solitary moon immortal in Zhenmo hall, the Cang beard immortal of yin and Yang sect, the xito immortal of Lingxi Valley, the Huxiao immortal of Yuling sect, the jade bowl immortal of Jinding Pavilion, and the friars in the late Qing Dynasty. Among them, there are three golden elixirs in eight layers and three golden elixirs in seven layers. Their strength can not be underestimated.
Immortal Dugu Mian tried to communicate with immortal Dugu Yue. The result was the same as that of immortal Wuxi in Qingfeng hall. He didn't read the old feelings at all. Immortal Wusi and others saw that these people were determined to work for the blood demon sect. They must be the backhand arranged by the young master lingxu. In this way, things were beyond their plan, and there were huge variables. Fortunately, the young master lingxu didn't know What's the reason for being restrained? I haven't shown up. I can cope with it if I make a good plan.
Thinking of this, Wusi elder sneered and said, "since you don't read the friendship of the same door, you are willing to degenerate and go to be the running dog of the blood demon sect, don't blame us for being rude. Grey Xuzi and sleepless Taoist friends, let's go together and solve them first."

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After saying that, elder Wusi made a meal at his feet and directly rushed to one of the eight layer friars of the golden elixir. At the same time, the magic weapon attacked another eight layer friar of the golden elixir, ready to fight one against two. Elder Wusi has high strength and has no problem dealing with two eight layer friars of the golden elixir alone. Immortal lonely sleep can't do it. He can only stop the remaining eight layer friars of the golden elixir.
Wusi elder's cultivation is higher. He still doesn't lose the wind when he is an enemy of two. However, he is also temporarily restrained by these two people. It's difficult to tell the victory or defeat in a short time. The strength difference between immortal Guhong and his opponent is not much. He can't see the high or low temporarily. It's not certain who will win or lose in the end
Seeing that everyone else had an opponent, the grey beard rushed to the remaining three seven layer friars of the golden elixir. Unexpectedly, the three didn't like him. Only two took the initiative to meet him, and the other turned to look for the bad luck of Qingyang. Grey beard was furious at once. Did he look down on himself? In that case, give them a little strength, and then speed up The biggest attack opponent was inspired, and gray shadows flashed. It was difficult for the naked eye to capture his body. The two seven layer friars on the opposite side of the golden elixir could barely resist by close cooperation.
Turning around to find Qingyang's unlucky golden pill, the friar on the seventh floor is the Wuxi immortal in Qingfeng hall. It's not that he despises gray Xuzi, but that the situation here is too critical. Qingyang has cornered his opponent. If he doesn't help as soon as possible, he may be defeated. The whole war situation will move his whole body. Once a breakthrough is opened here, there will be a huge flaw in the layout of lingxu childe 。
In those years, Qingyang had many contacts with lingxu, the leader of the blood devil sect. He knew his style of behavior. Seeing that the other party didn't show up for a long time, he knew that there must be a backhand. Sure enough, six late Jindan friars came soon. Their combat power should not be underestimated. Think about it, the blood devil sect has ruled the mainland of Jiuzhou for more than 100 years. How can they not accept some diehards except those trained by themselves?
Seeing Wuxi immortal on the seventh floor of the golden elixir rush towards him, Qingyang doesn't show mercy any more. The friar on the fourth floor of the golden elixir opposite him is stretched out. Then he kills the man with a move. The speed is fast. At this time, the Wuxi immortal hasn't completely rushed to Qingyang.
Seeing this, immortal Wuxi was stunned. He was afraid that he might not be able to accept the series of killing moves just used by Qingyang. He wanted to find a soft persimmon to pinch, but he didn't expect that the other party was a hard stubble. The boy deliberately covered his momentum. Could he be a monk in the later stage of Jindan. However, they have rushed here. Naturally, there is no reason to go back. Otherwise, where can I put my old face? Be careful. You should be able to hold out until you teach.
Thinking of this, immortal Wuxi continued to rush over, offering magic weapons and fighting with Qingyang at the same time. Now the situation is unknown, and Qingyang doesn't show too shocking. He just uses his normal means to tremble with the Wuxi real person and maintain a situation equal to that.
As for the remaining friars, although Wusi elder and Jindan friars in Qingyang have an advantage, there are a large number of base building friars and gas refining friars in the blood demon sect. They can't control the war situation, but they can also cause a lot of interference to Jindan friars. It's impossible to win in a short time. Even killing one or two low-level friars occasionally has little impact on the whole war situation.

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