Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1589: 1589

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After mating, the two insects didn't move. I don't know whether they were brewing emotions or mating consumed too much energy and didn't want to move for the time being. After a while, the Gu mother of the blood demon Gu finally couldn't help it. She tentatively came to the corpse eating mother insect and opened her mouth to bite him.
Qingyang quietly looked at the two insects in the jade box. According to the introduction of Childe lingxu, as long as the blood demon Gu mother ate another insect, he would have enough energy to produce blood demon Gu. If he could get a blood demon Gu of Yuanying level, he could not only control other Yuanying friars, but also suck each other's accomplishments for his own use, which was extremely powerful.
Seeing that the blood demon Gu's mother was about to bite the corpse eating mother insect, at this time, the corpse eating mother insect suddenly changed its momentum, shook its body and hid away. Then it showed its ferocity, rushed to the blood demon Gu's mother with a kick under its feet, and opened a pair of cold glittering mouthparts to bite each other at the same time.
The blood demon Gu mother didn't know whether she was inferior to the other party or not prepared for the accident. She was directly bitten by the corpse eating mother insect. The severe pain made her struggle, but she couldn't earn the other party. The mouth of the corpse eating mother insect stabbed into the Gu mother's body and absorbed his energy while injecting toxin into the Gu mother's body, The erosion of toxin and the loss of energy make the struggle of Gu mother weaker and weaker, and her body is getting smaller and smaller at a speed visible to the naked eye.
Seeing this, Qingyang was surprised that the blood demon Gu was bitten by the corpse eating mother insect. Why is this different from what childe lingxu said? Is it that guy who is angry deliberately deceives himself and wants to lose a spirit bug? It's not right. At that time, young master lingxu had completely given up resistance and should not dare to deceive himself. He knew very well that there would be no good fruit to deceive himself at this time. Moreover, he could not know that he had ready-made spirit insects.
If childe lingxu didn't cheat Qingyang, it might be an accident. It's estimated that even childe lingxu didn't think that the Gu mother of blood demon Gu was not the opponent of the corpse eating mother worm at all. After mating, not only did she not eat the corpse eating mother worm, but she was eaten by Qingyang's corpse eating mother worm.
In fact, it's normal. Blood demons are just ordinary demons. It's not long since Yuanying was advanced. Although the blood demons produced are powerful, they are not very good at close combat. The corpse eating mother worm was produced from the soul Su in the later stage of Yuanying. It ate countless corpse eating worms and slept for more than 20 years. It's much stronger than the blood demons, and it has a hard shell, A pair of sharp mouthparts are extremely good at close combat. In turn, it doesn't seem surprising that the Gu mother who eats the blood demon Gu.
When Qingyang was thinking about this problem, the corpse eater had almost absorbed the energy in the blood demon Gu Gu's mother, and had no breath of life for a long time. When the Gu mother completely turned into an empty shell, the corpse eater refused to let go, opened her mouth, ate the empty shell one by one, and then circled on the ground for several times, Spit out thin invisible black silk, winding it around yourself, and slowly turn it into a black cocoon the size of red jujube outside the body, heavy, just like a black stone.
The corpse eater who fell into a deep sleep has a weak breath and almost has no self-protection ability. He can survive only by camouflage. He got the corpse eater from the wasteland ruins. Qingyang has been cocooning and sleeping for a long time, and has never made any contribution. Originally, he was going to feed him to the blood demon insect mother this time. Unexpectedly, the corpse eater turned away, Unexpectedly, he ate the blood demon Gu's mother and ate it. He cocooned and fell into a deep sleep. It seems that he can't help for many years. Qingyang really doesn't know what use it is to keep him in the house.

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Fortunately, a simple message came to Qingyang before the corpse eater fell asleep. This time, eating the blood demon Gu Gu played a great role in him and made Qingyang feel more comfortable. After the corpse eater's sleep, he might have unexpected gains.
In order to be on the safe side, Qingyang took out a few drops of essence blood and put them on the cocoon of the corpse eating mother worm according to the method left by Hunsu. When the cocoon absorbed all the essence blood, he took out a rune and pasted it on it, and then put the cocoon of the corpse eating mother worm into the drunk fairy gourd.
The corpse eating mother worm fell into a deep sleep for a while, and could not help in a short time. After studying the ghost worm, there was nothing wrong for the time being, so Qingyang began to practice in the Qingfeng hall. Although the conditions here are not as good as those in the ancient wind mainland, they are first-class in Kyushu mainland.
There was no time for cultivation. Several months passed unconsciously, and the affairs of the blood demon sect had been basically handled. On this day, elder Wusi came to Qingyang's residence with immortal sleep, grey Xuzi and Qingjing, and reported to him the reconstruction of Xianmen in recent months.
Qingyang didn't care much about this. However, as the only Yuanying friar of the immortal sect in mainland Kyushu, he killed the blood demon sect and saved everyone from fire and water. Elder Wusi certainly didn't dare to hide it from him, so he came to report immediately after dealing with other things.
Because Lingxue immortal died, lingxu childe was arrested, and the friars in the headquarters of blood demon sect were almost wiped out. There are three main things left: one is to deal with the captured blood demon sect friars, the other is to clean up the remaining evils of blood demon sect so as not to miss the net, and the third is to go to each sub hall to eliminate the influence of blood demon sect.
In fact, these things are easy to do. Most of the golden elixir friars loyal to the blood demon sect died in this battle. The rest are friars who have some views on the blood demon sect. They were born in the seven immortal sects and have no conflict with the reconstruction of the immortal sect. Anyway, they have defected once, and it's nothing to do it again, not to mention abandoning the secret and turning to the light this time?
The Jindan friars have no opinion, and the remaining bottom friars have no opinion. There are several late Jindan friars such as elder Wusi, so they can easily eliminate the influence of the blood demon sect and stabilize all immortal sects. In the final analysis, the reason is that the blood demon sect has not formed a strong team because the rule time of the blood demon sect is too short and there are too few friars loyal to them.
After eliminating the influence of blood demon sect, the rest is to rebuild Xianmen. According to the previous agreement of Wusi elders and others, the whole Kyushu continent is divided into three parts, of which Yongzhou is divided into huixuzi, and human monks withdraw from the area, which will be controlled by monsters later, instead of just one Yinfeng gorge; Qinzhou, Jizhou and Yanzhou belong to solitary sleeping immortal. In the future, these three states belong to the sphere of influence of Zhenmo hall, and other forces can't get involved casually; The remaining five States belong to Wusi elder, including Zhongzhou, where there are the most monks, and belong to the sphere of influence of Qingfeng hall.

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