Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1606: 1606

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So in the following period of time, Qingyang chose a direction and kept moving forward. However, he deliberately slowed down along the way. With his eyes and mind, he kept searching for spiritual grass, constantly observed the surrounding situation, walked and stopped, and could travel hundreds of miles a day.

I don't know whether this is really suitable for the growth of spiritual grass or whether no friar has ever been to this place. In short, Qingyang has reaped a lot. In less than a month, Qingyang has found three spiritual grass of more than 1000 years and 27 spiritual grass of hundreds to hundreds of years, with a total value of 30000 spiritual stones. As for those less than 100 years, Qingyang is too lazy to dig, which is not enough trouble.

You can find the spirit grass worth 30000 spirit stones in such a short time. It's a big harvest. You know, in other places, even friars Yuanying normally earn thousands of spirit stones a year. Qingyang's harvest in one month is equivalent to other people's income in seven or eight years. If you stay here for 20 or 30 years, wouldn't you be able to earn another nine million?

Of course, Qingyang knows it's impossible. First, he doesn't have so much time to stay here. Second, there are almost no monks in this dense forest, so it's time to harvest more. After a long time, the harvest will slowly decline. It won't be long before it's the same as other places.

Moreover, Qingyang can gain so much because of his high accomplishments. Friar Yuanying's mind is thousands of feet, covering a wide range. The efficiency of looking for spiritual grass is so high. If other low-level friars want to find so many spiritual grass in a month, it is impossible.

Qingyang did not directly use the found spirit grass, but directly dug it out with soil and planted it into Zuixian gourd. Qingyang's cultivation became higher and higher, and the space of Zuixian gourd became larger and larger. However, the things growing in it accounted for only a small piece, which seemed very empty. Qingyang also wanted to transplant more spirit grass and wood into it, Add some vitality to it.

In a month's time, even if Qingyang's speed is not fast, it has walked nearly 20000 miles in one direction. However, there are still continuous mountains and boundless dense forests in front. There is neither a village nor a human shadow. The size of the mountains is beyond Qingyang's imagination.

A few days later, when Qingyang doubted whether he was going the wrong way, he finally saw several figures running towards this side. There were seven people in the other party's line, and five people in front of him, four of them were young people in their twenties and thirties. Their accomplishments were all in the pulse opening state. The other was an old man on the ninth floor of Qi refining. It seemed that he was seriously injured and was carried by the four young people in turn. Behind them are two middle-aged people, a rough and strong man with six layers of Qi refining, and the other is thin and has only five layers of Qi refining. They are also injured, but the situation is slightly better. They should stay behind to break the back.

Qingyang looked back. At a distance of 100 feet from the group, three forest piercing beasts were chasing after them. There was a fourth level in front and two second levels in the back. The second level forest piercing beasts were nothing. The strength of the fourth level forest piercing beasts was equivalent to the friars in the early days of foundation construction. In addition, the monster animals were rough and fleshy, and their attack and defense were strong. It was not that the gas refining friars could deal with them. No wonder these people were chased so embarrassed.

Qingyang walked alone in the dense forest for more than a month. He finally met a living man, but he couldn't miss it. So Qingyang simply cleaned up and took the initiative to meet the group.

These people were desperate when they suddenly saw someone in front of them. They were overjoyed and habitually ran here. When they came to Qingyang, they were silly. The suddenly appeared stranger was just an ordinary person and didn't seem to be able to help them.

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Qingyang's accomplishments are much higher than those of these people. As long as he doesn't deliberately release his momentum and exert the authority of high-level friars on these people, these people can't see that he is a friar, let alone his accomplishments. Therefore, these people only think Qingyang is an ordinary person. Since Qingyang couldn't help, it was still important to run for his life, so he continued to flee to the front without waiting for Qingyang to speak.

For them, Qingyang is just a stranger. His life and death have nothing to do with them. It would be better if Qingyang stayed behind and could lead away the three forest wearing beasts for them. Only the rough looking strong man couldn't bear it. He turned back and said, "this little brother, if you don't escape with us, there are monsters chasing after him, you can only die here."

The thin middle-aged man nearby frowned and said, "Tian Dazhuang, don't make trouble. We are too busy to worry about ourselves. How can we have time to meddle in other people's business?"

The thin middle-aged man's words not only didn't persuade the strong middle-aged man called Tian Dazhuang, but made him stop and said, "Tian Dayong, you're too unkind. How can I call it an extra trouble? This monster was brought by us. If it weren't for us, how could he encounter danger? We can't just run for our own life and harm others."

The skinny middle-aged man named Tian Dayong didn't expect his companions to say so. He completely regarded his kindness as a donkey's liver and lungs. He was immediately angry and said, "OK, OK, since you want to be a good man, you can stay. You accompany him to stop the three monsters, and I will continue to escape with others. In this way, you have done a good thing for the village."

Tian Dazhuang seemed to be an uninhibited character and said, "stay and stay. Anyway, I don't want to escape. These three monsters are after us. We can't jump together. It's better to separate like this. I risked my life and should be able to buy you a incense time."

Seeing that Tian Dazhuang seemed to really want to stay, Tian Dayong sneered and said, "well, this is what you said. If you die here, don't blame us for ignoring the feelings of the same family."

After that, Tian Dayong was about to leave with others. At this time, the seriously injured old man coughed a few times and said slowly: "my Tian family has never left the rules of the people, let alone the reason to harm others in order to escape their lives. In that case, let's all stay."

The old man is the elder of the clan and their backbone. When he heard that he wanted everyone to stay, Tian Dayong was anxious and said, "clan leader, you can't stay. The four rank forest piercing beast is not something we can deal with. If you stay, our whole Tian family will be over."

The old clan leader of the Tian family snorted coldly and said, "will it be all right if we don't leave the Tian family? So many of us can't beat the four rank forest piercing beast, not to mention Tian Dazhuang? Not to mention a incense stick, he's afraid he can't even stop half of the incense stick. How far can we escape in half of the incense stick?"

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