Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1616: 1616

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The moat array was always open. The monsters outside the city attacked tentatively several times. They found that it was difficult to break the moat array with their ability in a short time. On the contrary, they might be attacked and killed by the friars of Chengtou mountain, so they gave up, but the monsters did not completely withdraw.

There are also smart monsters who know that the human friars' city protection array needs to consume a lot of resources. As long as they don't withdraw, the city protection array will be open all the time. The two sides are so deadlocked. Until the latter midnight, when the monsters gradually withdraw, the human friars have a chance to breathe.

The next day, the friars in Jinjiling town were sent to the city wall again. In addition to those seriously injured being replaced, a group of friars from other towns who arrived last night were added. As for the moat on the city wall, it has been removed at this time. It seems that there will be another fierce battle soon.

Many people are very worried about the coming fierce battle. However, after yesterday's battle, many monks have a certain psychological preparation, and the mayor of the town who repaired in the later stage of foundation construction also came to the city wall. Everyone has a backbone. In addition, the city Lord of Jindan cultivation is watching from a distance and can come to support at any time. We are more or less relieved.

The war is coming. At this time, the city wall is the quietest. Everyone is actively preparing, but no one speaks. Not only is he nervous about the upcoming battle, but also because after the battle, I don't know how many people will die in the city.

Just like yesterday, there was a heavy thunder sound at first, and the wall at the foot also shook. Then a large number of monsters ran towards this side. The momentum of earth shaking and mountains shaking, even if it had been experienced yesterday, most monks still sweated on their palms.

In World War I yesterday, the friars on the city wall killed at least thousands of monsters. However, with the approaching of the monsters, we can see that the number of monsters has not decreased, but more than yesterday. It seems that not only the friars are looking for support, but also new forces are constantly joining the monsters. It's hard to say whether they can win in the end.

But that's all in the future. Seeing that the monster has arrived, all the gas refining friars are ready. When the monster steps into the attack range, they immediately attack, and the monster does not show weakness. Each exhibition can rush up to the wall and start a scuffle with the friars on the wall.

On the city wall, the fighting between the two sides was loud, and the roar was incessant. Monsters kept falling down the city, and friars kept screaming and falling to the ground. There were deaths and injuries all the time, but the high-level friars behind just watched quietly and had no intention to fight. In fact, not only friars, but also monsters seemed to maintain a tacit understanding between the two sides, soldiers and generals, Low level friars only attack low-level monsters, while high-level friars only fight high-level monsters.

This time, both sides made full preparations and were calm. For nearly half an hour, the number of low-level monsters increased continuously. The friars also reinforced several groups of people. It is impossible to count the specific number of friars killed and injured. Only know that Funiu city has invested at least 15000 gas refining friars, but there are still standing on the wall at this time, There are less than 8000 people, that is to say, nearly half of the casualties in today's battle are much more tragic than yesterday's battle.

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The more than 300 monks in Jinjiling town can still move less than 200 now. Even with those seriously injured, less than 300. After two battles, the mortality rate has reached more than 50%.

Even with the care of Qingyang, one of the three Tian family was seriously injured, and the other two were slightly injured, but they were much better than others. At least three of them saved their lives.

The situation on the monster side is similar, with more than 10000 deaths and injuries, but the number of monster animals is much more than that of friars. This death and injury has little impact on them. Moreover, the low-level monster is stimulated by the bloody smell of the city head, but it is more ferocious. It has the trend of becoming braver and braver in the war. Seeing that the gas refining friar can't support it, the foundation building friar in charge of the war had to fight, Then the gas refining Friar and the low-level monster retreated, and the foundation building friar fought with the four, five and six-level monster at the head of the city.

The fighting between the base building friars is even more intense. They almost fight from the bottom of the city to the city and from the ground to the sky. The base building friars with strong strength to a certain extent can control the treasures to fly to the sky and attack from top to bottom. Even if they can't fly, they can use all kinds of means to attack the friars in the air, Therefore, no one can take much advantage of the battle between the two sides.

The battle lasted another half an hour. The friars of Zhuji and the monsters were half dead and half wounded, but none of them retreated. The friars knew that behind them was the city they needed to protect, and there was no retreat, while the monsters were ferocious in nature. The bloody and fierce battles all over the ground stimulated their ferocity. They would never retreat first if they were not beaten.

Perhaps the attacks for several consecutive days did not achieve the expected results. Seeing that today was another close battle, the high-level monsters behind finally couldn't help it. After bursts of roaring, other monsters retreated, and several Jindan level monsters jumped on the wall.

The Jindan friars in Funiu city had long been on guard against this move. Seeing that the Jindan level monsters had already shot, they dared not neglect it. They sacrificed their magic weapons to welcome them. Monsters attack sharply, defend fiercely, and have their own talents. Especially when they get to the Jindan level, they go through the Lingzhi robbery. Lingzhi is not very different from friars and is very difficult to deal with. Therefore, even if the number of Jindan friars is more than that of monsters, the two sides can only be tied.

The battle of the Jindan friar was powerful and was affected by huge energy. The city wall that had not had problems a few days ago could not hold on any longer and was blown down for several sections. In this level of battle, not to mention the gas refining friar, even the foundation building friar could not get involved, so they retreated one after another.

In the past few days, most of the monsters attacked the city. The friars couldn't resist it first. They had to open the city protection array to block the monsters. The fighting in several wars was extremely cowardly. The Jindan friars in Funiu city also knew that it would affect their morale all the time. Therefore, they spared no effort in this war today, made full preparations in advance and had to win back a game whatever they said.

On the other side of the monster, he seemed impatient and launched an attack without being prepared in advance. Under the desperate attack of friar Jindan of Funiu City, he gradually couldn't support it. Seeing that the friar side was more and more brave, and his side was retreating, more and more people were injured. However, the leading monster roared and began to retreat orderly with the team.

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