Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1646: 1646

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Seeing that the preliminary election of the Wanling society was about to begin, lying tiger Zhenjun had long known that Qingyang would come to say goodbye to him. He had been waiting in the city master's residence for this period of time. When he saw Qingyang appear, he sent someone to find several other Yuanying friars while greeting Qingyang to share his parting feelings.

For more than 20 years, although they spent most of their time in closed door cultivation, they still had a deep friendship with each other. In particular, Wohu City benefited a lot. It not only expanded its influence around, but also had a more harmonious relationship with Hengyun mountain. It also attracted many low-level monks to take refuge. All of these are due to Qingyang, the Dan emperor.

If they didn't know, Qingyang's future was doomed to be extraordinary and couldn't stay here all the time. Maybe Wohu Zhenjun directly gave up the position of the city master of Wohu city to Qingyang.

After saying goodbye, both sides felt a lot. At the end, lying tiger Zhenjun looked at Qingyang and said affectionately: "I won't say much about parting. There are more than two million miles to the south from Wohu city. Now it's about a year from the beginning of the Wanling society. At the speed of our Yuanying friar, we can definitely get to the Wanyao valley. It's a long way away, so we won't send you away. I wish Taoist Qingyang a pleasant journey. If you pass by Wohu city in the future, you must come and see us again."

Qingyang said, "although I have only lived in Wohu city for more than ten years, I will never forget your friendship. If I have fate in the future, I will definitely come back to Wohu city to see your Taoist friends."

After saying that, several Yuanying friars reluctantly sent Qingyang out of Wohu city. Then Qingyang said goodbye to the people, drove the Yufeng gourd and went all the way to Wanyao valley.

Ten thousand demons Valley commands hundreds of millions of demons. There are dozens of big demons alone. It is said that there are still powerful demons comparable to human gods in the valley. Their strength is many times stronger than Hengyun mountain. They are superior in the whole demon realm, comparable to the ten kings hall in the nether world, and are the holy land for thousands of demons. It is rare that the whole demon realm can barely match the power of ten thousand demons valley.

The ten thousand demon Valley is not too far away from the Crouching Tiger City, which is only more than two million miles. The strength of the ten thousand demon Valley can still affect this side. Because of this, the Qingling demon king and Xuanjia demon king of Hengyun mountain did not dare to brazenly seize the pre selection qualification of the all souls Club of the Crouching Tiger City. Instead, they set a trap in Funiu city to force the Crouching Tiger City to take the initiative with the life of Hongguang Zhenjun.

However, people are not as good as heaven. They killed Qingyang on the way, which made the plans of Qingling demon king and Xuanjia demon king empty. However, later, the two sides shook hands and made peace. In particular, they knew that Qingyang was not only superior in strength, but also scary in alchemy. Therefore, the challenge arena became an exchange meeting, and they were all very happy in the end.

The demon realm is the territory of monsters. Both the density of monsters and the strength of monsters here are much stronger than those in other regions, and there are many more dangers on the road. However, the strength of Qingyang is strong now, and ordinary monsters can be solved easily. Unless some big forces gathered by the shape demon kings, they can cause some trouble to Qingyang, but there are few such big forces, and Even if it happens, the other party will not find trouble with a Yuan Ying friar.

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There is still a year to go before the preliminaries of the Wanling society. Qingyang is not in a hurry. Instead, he drives the Yufeng gourd and stops all the way. When he sees the spiritual grass and materials he likes, he will stop to pick them. When he meets the market towns and shops where monks gather, he will also go around to see if there are anything he can use, or buy some spiritual grass and materials at a low price.

In this case, it took Qingyang ten months to travel more than two million miles. Seeing that it was less than two months from the pre selection of Wanling society, he came to Wanyao valley.

Although the ten thousand demon Valley is the holy land of the demon family, it also has many human friars, such as the worship of some alchemy, weapon refining and amulet making. The demon monk can't, but can train some human friars to work for them, such as servants. The high-level demon monk is almost the same as the human friars. They are not used to the service of clumsy demon beasts. They will recruit some human friars to serve, such as some attachments The small Terran forces living in Wanyao Valley pay some sacrifices every year and get the shelter of Wanyao valley.

Therefore, unlike other simple demon sites, Wanyao Valley is not a simple cave, but a combination of demon repair cave and human architecture. Although the architectural layout inside is chaotic and there is no special wall, the overall scale is much larger than that of Crouching Tiger City.

All kinds of buildings in Wanyao valley are crisscross and disorderly. People come and go, and monsters are rampant. The excitement is many times stronger than that of Crouching Tiger City. However, the influence of Wanling society is mainly in the high-rise friars. Everything else is as usual. The life of the low-level friars has not been affected.

The periphery is a place where some affiliated human friars and low-level demon monks live together. The great figures of Wanyao Valley certainly don't live here. After going through layers of disordered buildings, Qingyang entered the core area of Wanyao valley. Before coming, Wohu Zhenjun specially explained that as long as he came here with a token, naturally someone will be responsible for reception. Everything behind will be arranged by Wanyao valley 。

Almost at the same time as Qingyang, there was another fierce looking fourth floor monk Yuanying. The man just looked at Qingyang and didn't talk much. Then they went all the way into the center of Wanyao valley. Here is a deep valley surrounded by mountains and surrounded by clouds all year round. I don't know what's inside. There are many demon monks guarding outside the valley.

This is the core area of the whole ten thousand demon valley. In addition to the shape demon king and some core golden elixir demons, only a few human friars can enter. Outsiders can't enter at will. When they see a friar coming, a ten rank shape demon friar suddenly appeared in front of everyone and said to Qingyang: "what are you doing here?"

He is said to be a demon monk. In fact, he is more like a human monk. His appearance does not have any characteristics of demon monk. There is no shadow of demon monk all over his body. On the contrary, he is tall, beautiful and has a pair of big eyes. Anyone who sees it at the first sight will think that he is a young and promising human monk. If it is not for the demon monk breath on his body, It also appeared in the core area of Wanyao valley. Qingyang and others may not be able to see his demon repair identity.

The man didn't know what hiding means to use. Before, everyone didn't find out where he was hiding. Now he suddenly appeared, which startled Qingyang and others. The fierce looking Yuanying fourth floor friar snorted coldly and said in a stuffy voice: "what else can we come here for? It should be to participate in the primary election of the all souls club. Don't you know why?"

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