Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1670: 1670

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Lei Yu demon king said, "you are seeking wealth and danger. If you don't take risks, you won't get too much harvest. I also agree with the idea of Fengling demon king, but the Warcraft has high strength. We are afraid we are not opponents. We must be prepared in advance so that we don't steal chicken and eat rice."

The purple cicada demon king said, "what the two demon kings said is that we need to inquire about the situation before we go, so as not to be caught unprepared in danger. I have other skills in general. Only this Dunshu has some attainments. I'll leave it to me to inquire about the news. Please wait patiently."

After that, the purple cicada demon king disappeared in a flash. No one of the other five Yuan Ying friars could see what means the purple cicada demon king used and how he disappeared under everyone's eyes. Just as the purple cicada demon king said, his secret of hiding and flying was unique. It can be seen that no lucky person can be pre selected by the all souls Association.

We have been working together for nearly a year. Everyone knows something about the escape of the purple cicada demon king, but no one is surprised. It's much safer for the purple cicada demon king to inquire about the news. The rest of the people find a hidden place nearby to wait for the news.

Half an hour later, a purple shadow flashed, and the purple cicada demon king reappeared in front of everyone. At this time, he seemed a little embarrassed, but it was also conceivable that the fourth floor of Yuanying wanted to retreat in front of the ninth floor of Yuanying. Even if the hiding skill was very superb, it was not easy.

Although the purple cicada demon king was a little embarrassed, his face was flushed. It seemed that he had found useful news this time. At first sight, the Fushan demon king couldn't wait to ask, "Purple cicada demon king, what news did you hear over there?"

The purple cicada demon king took a breath and said: "As you expected, there are indeed twelve order Warcraft ahead. According to my observation, it should be a sky mouse beast equivalent to the ninth floor of Yuanying. It is not only amazing in perception, but also very good at flying. Under normal circumstances, even the perfect monk Yuanying can hide my hiding skills. But this time, it was discovered just within a thousand feet of him and launched an attack on me at the first time If I hadn't reacted quickly enough, the rat and beast didn't intend to really catch up with me that day. Maybe I would have explained there this time. "

For nearly a year, we still have a certain understanding of the purple cicada demon king's secret technique of hiding his whereabouts and escape. Even the purple cicada demon king can hardly come back. It can be seen that the strength of the Warcraft is so strong that they have heard of the name of the rat beast. Indeed, their perception is amazing and their flight ability is beyond average. Among the several demon kings present, except the purple cicada demon king and other thunder feather demon kings And the Phoenix spirit demon king are good at flying, but in the face of the sky mouse beast equivalent to the ninth floor of Yuanying, no one dares to pat his chest and say that he can compare with each other in speed.

When we encounter such a powerful rat beast, if we are careless, it will be the end of the regiment. No matter how good the treasure is, we must have life to take it. If we don't get the treasure, but die in the hands of the rat beast that day, the gain is not worth the loss. For a time, everyone's expectation is much lower.

Fukuyama demon king was not so pessimistic and said, "didn't Lei Yu demon king also say before? Seek wealth and danger. The greater the danger, the greater the opportunity. The purple cicada demon king touched his nest. The Warcraft refused to leave. Doesn't it prove that there are things he attaches great importance to?"

The Phoenix spirit demon king said: "indeed, there is no shortage of good things in the all souls secret environment. What can be highly valued by the Tianshu animals on the ninth floor of Yuanying is also worth our adventure."

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The purple cicada demon king said, "you are right. Although I was nearly a thousand feet away from the rat and beast's nest that day, I saw the treasure he guarded. Do you know what it is?"

"What is it? Don't hang our appetite." Zhumo Zhenjun couldn't help saying.

The purple cicada demon king smiled and said, "what the rat and beast guarded that day was a spirit baby tree."

"Spirit baby tree? You actually found the spirit baby tree?" the thunder feather demon king was surprised.

The purple cicada demon king said quietly, "yes, I have carefully identified it. It is indeed the legendary spirit baby tree. It also bears four fruits, two of which are close to maturity. That day, the rat and beast didn't come out to chase me because they guarded the two fruits that are about to mature."

There are Lingying fruit trees here, and they also bear four fruits, and two of them are close to maturity. After hearing the news, Rao is that everyone has made full psychological preparation, and they can't help but breathe fast and their heart beats faster. Unexpectedly, they caught up with the legendary things.

The name of Lingying fruit is somewhat similar to that of Mingying fairy fruit. The degree of rarity is not much different, but it is two completely different things. Mingying fairy fruit is the thing that Jindan friars break through Yuanying. The degree of rarity is no less than that of pregnant divine fruit. Qingyang doesn't use Mingying Fairy fruit because he has eight spiritual roots and there are few bottlenecks after Yuanying. However, for the vast majority of Jindan friars in the fairy world, Jindan The bottleneck to Yuanying is rarely desperate, so Mingying fairy fruit is their dream.

When Qingyang was still in Kyushu mainland, the seven immortal gates launched a powerful force to fight with the demons in Yinfeng gorge for a false Mingying immortal fruit. As a result, both sides were hurt. Finally, Qingyang was victimized by the blood demon sect. Qingyang fled the Qingfeng hall and went away to Zhongsha and Gufeng mainland. It can be seen how high the Mingying immortal fruit is among the monks.

The Lingying fruit is used to improve his accomplishments. The reason why he can be compared with Mingying fairy fruit is that Lingying fruit plays a great role in improving the accomplishments of friar Yuanying. It is said that Lingying fruit is completely born for friar Yuanying to improve his accomplishments. One Lingying fruit can equal friar Yuanying's 100 years of cultivation without any side effects, let alone others present, Even Qingyang, who has just used the pregnant fruit to forcibly improve his cultivation, has no big problem taking the spiritual baby fruit directly.

You know, it takes three or four hundred years for friar Yuanying to improve one level of cultivation even if he doesn't rely on external objects, and the spiritual baby fruit can be worth a hundred years of hard cultivation. Regardless of the effect that the pregnant fruit can increase the breakthrough probability of friar Yuanying by 10%. In terms of the energy contained in him alone, although the effect of a spiritual baby fruit is not as good as the pregnant fruit, it is already equivalent to less than half of the pregnant fruit, Moreover, the Lingying fruit has no side effects, and its attraction to Yuanying friar is not much smaller than that of pregnant Shenguo.

It is said that the Lingying fruit tree can blossom only after growing for thousands of years, but a plant only has nine flowers, and each flower only produces one fruit, that is to say, a Lingying fruit tree can grow into nine fruits. Nine fruits are the limit of the Lingying fruit tree.

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