Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1726: 1726

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Qingyang certainly wouldn't say what he got in Duobao Pavilion. He modestly said, "it's just a fluke. Taoist friends in late autumn come from the spirit world. Various means emerge one after another. I'm an eye opener."

Facing Qingyang's compliment, Muqiu shook her head and said: "Qingyang Taoist friends are too modest. There are more resources in the spiritual world and the competition is fierce. Other aspects are not much better than those in other places. When I ask my heart, I have seen the means of Qingyang Taoist friends transformed by Xingu, which forced me to be almost desperate. Moreover, it took me only 27 years to improve my accomplishments. This qualification is better than me The pride of the spiritual sect is even more powerful. "

Qingyang said: "the Taoist friends in the late autumn are too famous. My cultivation achievement is lower than yours. Naturally, it will be faster to improve. It can be regarded as a thick accumulation and thin hair. Moreover, I have prepared a large number of nourishing pills before entering the secret realm of all souls. It is also the credit of these pills that I can reach this level."

Qingyang still has some truth. With the help of pills, the cultivation speed is really faster. Muqiu only knows some things about Wenxin valley. He knows that the first lotus platform aura is more sufficient, but he doesn't know how much it can be. Therefore, it seems understandable that Qingyang's cultivation can be improved faster. Muqiu said: "In any case, the performance of Qingyang Taoist friends impressed us. I think you had only three levels of cultivation of Yuanying, but you were able to force back two five level peak friars of Yuanying with one move. It was amazing that you were the first to pass the heart test."

In this respect, situ Yong felt more deeply than late autumn. At the beginning, he thought that Qingyang was just coming to ask the heart Valley to watch the excitement, and even planned to pay a little reward to find Qingyang to help him on the stage, but he didn't expect that Qingyang's strength was so strong. As soon as he made a move, he forced two Yuanying friars on the top of the fifth floor. His real strength was frightening. Now their accomplishments have been narrowed, and the gap is probably even greater.

Situ Yong sighed: "Yes, at first I contacted Qingyang Taoist friend and thought he was here to make up the count. I didn't know that his real strength was so strong. He was not only the first to pass the test of Wenxin Valley, but also continuously improved his cultivation for two layers in Wenxin valley. Now I'm afraid his strength is even higher. Moreover, seeing that Qingyang Taoist friend is much younger than us, he is so talented that he is the favorite of heaven wherever he is , I don't know what kind of forces can cultivate such amazing talents. "

As a friar from a big place in the spiritual world, Mu Qiu generally despises friars from other worlds and won't make friends with friars from other worlds. After the Wanling meeting, everyone will go their own way. It's impossible to see him again in this life. Why bother? But seeing Qingyang so outstanding this time and her experience of jointly passing the test of heart asking Valley, she finally endured it After some greetings, he said, "Taoist friend Qingyang, there are still three years before the end of the all souls meeting. I don't know what you plan for the next three years?"

Qingyang said, "there is not much time left in the Wanling club. I'm afraid it's too late to do anything big. Moreover, I'm not very familiar with the secret territory of Wanling. I don't have any ideas for the time being."

Twilight autumn said, "three years is not short, it is not long. If you have a heart, you can still do some things. We can practice together in this heart asking Valley for more than 20 years. It is fate. If Qingyang Taoist friends have nothing important, would you like to join me?"

Qingyang has gained a lot since he entered the secret realm of all souls. He planned to walk around in the last three years and leave the secret realm of all souls when the time came. He didn't know much about the secret realm of all souls. He knew that the more the last, the more dangerous it was. Instead of taking risks everywhere, he might as well take it as soon as he saw the good, so as not to lose his life instead of getting the good. Now, hearing what Mu Qiu said, he immediately felt that his previous idea was too bad It's not worth wasting three years. Now my strength has been greatly improved. I'm not afraid of any conspiracy in the late autumn. I have enough ability to protect myself even in danger.

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Qingyang couldn't help asking, "what's a good place for Taoist friends in late autumn?"

Mu Qiu said, "although I don't know much about the secret realm of all souls, I still know some basic information from the spiritual world. It's too late to do other things in three years, but the gathering in Wanjie mountain is still worth going. I don't know if Taoist Qingyang is willing to go together."

"Wanjie mountain party? I haven't heard of it." Qingyang said.

Situ Yong said: "I know that the Wanjie mountain was originally a Jedi in the center of the secret territory of all souls. At the last stage of each Wanling meeting, many friars would gather here to explore and find treasure. Over time, a convention had been formed. In the last few years of each Wanling meeting, most of the friars participating in the Wanling meeting would gather here to participate in the meeting and explore, because friars From all walks of life, we can just communicate with each other, exchange what we need, and even win the contest in the challenge arena. Therefore, every Wanjie mountain party is very lively and fascinating. "

In the big world like the spirit world, there are a large number of monks participating in the all souls society every time, and each sect has a long history. The records of the secret environment of all souls are more detailed. Before coming, the elders will explain a lot of precautions, so they know very well about the mountain of all worlds. However, Qingyang's scattered cultivation from the small world has not even heard of the all souls society before, so naturally they don't know these secrets.

For fear of danger, Qingyang seldom deals with other friars after entering the all souls secret territory. Now it is said that there is a place where a large number of friars like Wanjie mountain can communicate with each other and exchange what they need. Of course, we can't miss it. There are many friars and there are many dangers. However, Qingyang is now a Dacheng friar on the fifth floor of Yuanying. He has a certain confidence in himself and is not afraid of danger.

So Qingyang said, "such a party must be a rare event. I don't know. Since I heard that, I must go. Thank you two Taoist friends for solving my doubts."

Twilight autumn said, "it would be great if you, Taoist Qingyang, would like to go there together. Taoist situ, listen to your tone, you must also go to the Wanjie mountain. How about the three of us going together?"

"There are two Taoist friends, Muqiu and Qingyang, walking together. It must be a lot safer on the road. I can't wait for it." Si Tuyong hurriedly said. His strength here is the lowest, and he certainly won't have an opinion.

After their discussion, they stopped delaying in Wenxin valley. First, they roughly identified the direction, and then they jumped up and drove their magic weapons towards Wanjie mountain. This time, when they had a goal, they naturally wouldn't fly at the speed of exploring and looking for treasure. They just used a piece of incense, The three flew out tens of miles.

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