Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1730: 1730

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The whole Wuling secret area is only a million miles away. Wenxin Valley is only hundreds of thousands of miles away from the central Wanjie mountain. In the past 20 years, Qingyang was mainly for treasure hunting, and the speed of traveling is relatively slow. Now we have set a goal and will no longer delay on the road. With the full efforts of their three Yuanying friars, they came to the periphery of Wanjie mountain in more than a month.
Perhaps it was because the meeting of all souls had reached the final stage, and the atmosphere in the whole secret territory of all souls was obviously much tense. Perhaps there were too many friars coming to Wanjie mountain, so they met more and more friars along the way. Some were as cautious as them, but some were quite brave. They seemed to want to make a profit before leaving, so they started killing people and stealing goods on the way.
In fact, it's also normal. The monks who can enter the secret realm of all souls are the best in all worlds. They are rich in wealth. Moreover, these people have been in the secret realm of all souls for more than 50 years, and their harvest is not small. If they kill one or two of them, they can eat their mouth full of oil. In other words, the monks in the secret realm of all souls come from all worlds, After the end of the all souls meeting, they went their separate ways. Even if they did something angry and resentful, it's difficult to investigate. Can their teachers and sects revenge across the world? Why not do such a big profit and small risk?
Because of this, the journey was not peaceful. The three of them met several groups of murderers, robbers and robbers, but most of them didn't dare to show up directly when they saw them. Robbery also depends on the situation. If they know their strength is not good, they are looking for death. Only those who have certain confidence in themselves dare to come out, Finally, only a group of people felt confident and stood up. These were two Yuanying seven storey peak friars from another big world. They felt they could win Qingyang and others, so they set an ambush in advance on their only way.
The strength of these two people is really good. They caught situ Yong and others by surprise as soon as they made a move. It's a pity that they miscalculated the situation and thought Qingyang was the best one to deal with, but they didn't expect that Qingyang was the strongest of the three. These two people were not as lucky as the Huo brothers. After Qingyang stood firm, they worked with situ Yong to solve one of them quickly, Then together with twilight autumn, they killed the remaining one and won the final victory.
Qingyang made the greatest contribution to this battle. He directly divided one of the storage bags, and the remaining storage bag was distributed by Muqiu and situ Yong. Fortunately, situ Yong knew that he could not compare with Muqiu and let most of the harvest out. Everyone was happy.
Qingyang didn't take a closer look at what was in the two storage bags he had harvested. However, according to the wealth of a senior Yuanying Friar and the harvest of the secret realm of all souls in recent decades, everything in a storage bag must be worth millions of spirit stones. The two add up to more than 10 million, which is more than Qingyang's harvest in recent years. No wonder so many friars do this.
Although the harvest of killing and seizing treasure is huge, Qingyang will not take the initiative to do so, because it is not in line with his personality. Besides, if he often walks by the river, he will have trouble in case of hard stubble.
After that, the journey was relatively smooth. When there were more friars around Wanjie mountain, such things would be completely gone. Killing people and seizing treasure had to be done in remote places as far as possible. First, it was due to face. Even if the things behind were dirty, on the surface, we had to maintain the personality of an upright gentleman to avoid being underestimated, Second, many people are prone to accidents. In case of a mantis catching cicadas and yellow finches, wouldn't it be a wedding dress for others?

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Although Muqiu and situ Yong knew the place of Wanjie mountain, they didn't know some details. They came for the first time, but it was always right to go to a crowded place. The three followed other monks all the way and finally came to the most lively place at the foot of Wanjie mountain.
It was as like as two peas of six hundred years before the opening of the whole world, and there was only sixty years of opening. There were no other monks at all. It was supposed to be very desolate, and even the place where the monks gathered should be very simple. Actually, it was not so. It has become a large scale town of fairy towns, almost the same as the outside towns. Houses and roads have complete functions, and there are many kinds of buildings such as shops, shops and inns.
If you think about it carefully, it seems not impossible. There is no shortage of various building materials in the secret environment of all souls. It is not difficult for them to build walls and houses. Some inheritance sects can prepare some things to sell here in advance. This Wanjie mountain is a place where monks gather. The needs of monks in all worlds are different, and they definitely earn more than in other places.
The whole town covers an area of tens of miles. There are at least thousands of monks coming and going inside. The only difference from the outside friars city is that the friars here are all in the early days of Yuanying, not even in the early days of Yuanying. Also, the cultivation ability to come to the secret place of all souls is not low. Even Qingyang is the fifth floor cultivation ability of Yuanying. How can other people's cultivation ability still stay in the early days of Yuanying?
The busiest place in the town is the shops and shops. What can be sold must be high-quality products, and the Yuan Ying friars here are not bad for money. Especially now they are only more than two years away from the end of the Wanling meeting. If they don't buy it this time, they can't buy it. Of course, they can't be wrong.
Qingyang, Muqiu and situ Yong walked around the town and did find many good things, such as all kinds of ancient treasures, and even rare spiritual treasures, such as all kinds of spiritual grass, even spiritual fruits, natural materials and earth treasures with various functions, as well as all kinds of materials and finished products for refining utensils, alchemy and talismans, including some of the best elixirs that can not be refined by Qingyang, the Dan emperor.
Qingyang certainly wouldn't miss such an opportunity, so he quickly cleaned up his own heaven and earth gourd. Some unnecessary materials and things were all disposed of at a low price and replaced with the materials and treasures he needed. With the improvement of cultivation, Qingyang needs more and more cultivation resources. Relying on his own slowly accumulation, thousands of Yuanying friars gathered together, There is no such opportunity in Qingyang's world. Now it is finally open to purchase.
In terms of pills, Qingyang is not short for the time being. What he lacks now is mainly the refining materials. At the beginning, Qingyang inadvertently obtained the skill behind the five element immortal forging formula and the supporting sword array of the five element immortal forging formula. It is said that Qingyang has great power when it is used. However, Qingyang has always been busy and has no chance to try.

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