Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1739: 1739

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The purple cicada demon king continued: "in fact, this hermit grass is used to assist other monks in cultivating golden cicada shelling. Originally, I planned to use that hermit grass to help my Taoist partners cultivate, but after this happened, I didn't dare to expect so much. I remember that the hermit grass was obtained by Taoist friends of Qingyang at that time. Let's pass on this golden cicada shelling to you."
Qingyang is still envious of the two gifted powers of the purple cicada family, especially the golden cicada shelling technique. Unexpectedly, you helped the purple cicada demon king escape from the half step demon corpse. After mastering it, you would be equivalent to an extra life. How many spirit stones can't buy it. But Qingyang knows that these gifted powers are unique to demon cultivation and generally can't be passed on to outsiders, But I didn't expect that the host grass had this function. More importantly, the purple cicada demon king was willing to pass it on to him. Of course, Qingyang wouldn't refuse this good thing, so he nodded and said, "thank you very much for the purple cicada demon king."
At the beginning, Qingyang collected ten thousand spirit flowers and seven other spirit grasses in the underground devil cave. He has refined the ten thousand spirit flowers into a ten thousand spirit sky mending pill. The other spirit grasses have not been used yet. Qingyang took out the hermit grass and used the hermit grass on himself according to the instructions of the purple cicada demon king. The purple cicada demon king is not idle and has been helping nearby, Even take out a drop of blood essence for cooperation.
The purple cicada demon king didn't recover. Now he has done so many things. The whole person looks more haggard. It is estimated that it is difficult to recover without three or five years of nourishment. However, with his efforts, Qingyang finally mastered the golden cicada shelling technique, which is equivalent to one more life.
This golden super shelling technique is very simple. It only needs to be excited gently at the critical moment. It doesn't hurt even if it is caught by the enemy. It's much easier to use than the double talisman won by Qingyang from the wisteria Dan emperor.
However, everything is limited. If the gap between the two sides is too large, such as a big realm, the golden cicada shelling technique is not easy to use, and Qingyang can only use this secret technique once, unless he can find another host grass in Qingyang in the future and let the purple cicada Demon King Show it to him again, but this possibility is too small, and the purple cicada demon king can't help him all the time.
Seeing that Qingyang had mastered the golden cicada shelling technique, the purple cicada demon king finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although a golden cicada shelling opportunity was far from enough to repay Qingyang for saving his life, after doing this, he could be a little more at ease. After all, he was seriously injured and could not recover in a short time. The secret place of all souls needed Qingyang's protection for the last two years.
Considering that the purple cicada demon king was seriously injured, Qingyang didn't stay here too much. He looked in the heaven and earth gourd, found several commonly used elixirs for restoring strength and healing, and found some unused storage bags and other things to give to the purple cicada demon king. Then Qingyang withdrew from the room.
Before, Qingyang planned to go to Tianji hall to inquire about Jin Ling's killing iron. As a result, it was delayed because of the purple cicada demon king. After arranging the purple cicada demon king, Qingyang left the rented temporary cave, found Muqiu and situ Yong who lived nearby and went to Tianji hall together.

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After a month's absence, the Tianji hall has not changed. It is still as low-key as a month ago. I seldom see other guests. The old man on the sixth floor of Yuanying, who had received Qingyang and others with white beard and white hair, had been waiting for a long time. After seeing Qingyang and others, he quickly welcomed them upstairs to the room.
When both sides sat down, the old man looked at twilight autumn and said: "In the late autumn, we have heard about the earthy nature of heaven and earth spiritual roots that Taoist friends need. The master is a friar from a small world. He originally planned to keep it for himself, because he is optimistic about another treasure that is very important to him, and the spiritual stone on his body is not enough, so he wants us Tianji pavilion to help consignment. He asks for 1.5 million spiritual stones and doesn't give him any chance to bargain Yes, do you agree? "
Mu Qiu pondered a little and said, "the 1.5 million spirit stones didn't exceed my expectations. I said before that spirit stones are definitely not a problem. As long as things can satisfy me, trading is not a problem. I don't know where the friar who shot the earth attribute spirit root is?"
The earth attribute Linggen sells 1.5 million Lingshi, and has to pay another 75000 to the Tianji hall. It adds up to more than 1.5 million Lingshi, which is slightly higher than the market price. However, there is no shortage of Lingshi in late autumn. More than 100000 and less than 100000 have little impact on her. Moreover, it will benefit from replenishing the earth Linggen one day earlier. Now it's not easy to meet it. It's a pity to miss it.
The old man smiled and said, "Taoist friend Muqiu is worthy of being a disciple of Lingxiu valley of the spiritual sect. This courage is not comparable to that of ordinary people. The friar who shot the earth attribute Linggen is eager to use the Lingshi. He is waiting in my Tianji hall today. I will arrange someone to take you to trade immediately."
After that, the old man called another man from Tianji hall and took Muqiu to trade. After arranging Muqiu's affairs, the old man said to situ Yong: "Taoist friend situ's pregnant fruit is much more difficult to find. In fact, the pregnant fruit is not rare than the earth spiritual root. It's just that this thing has too much effect and there are too few people willing to sell. We spent a lot of effort to find such a person. How to say? This pregnant fruit is actually a stolen goods, that is to say, this person got it after killing other friars, In order to avoid trouble, we chose to sell, so we won't disclose the other party's information casually. Situ Daoyou must also know that as long as there is no opinion between the two sides, we don't ask the source of things, and we won't care whether they are stolen goods. We won't be responsible for any trouble in the future, so please consider it clearly. "
It was said that it was a stolen goods. Situ Yong could not help hesitating. He must have a deep background to have pregnant fruit. If he was found by the relatives and friends of the deceased, wouldn't he suffer? However, the general price of stolen goods will be lower. Although the risk is large, it can save a lot of spirit stones, and the all souls will soon end. At that time, everyone will go their own way. Who can cross the world to find their own trouble for a pregnant God fruit? When you think about it, the risk is not too great. Besides, if you miss this village, there will be no shop. Friars willing to sell pregnant fruit are not common.
Thinking of this, situ Yong said, "I have considered it clearly. There is no problem with this transaction, but I don't know what the other party's price is. Is that person in your Tianji hall now?"
Seeing that another business was about to be concluded, the old man couldn't help smiling and said, "the other party offered 3.2 million spirit stones. This price is very affordable, but the man is not in Tianji hall. If Taoist situ wants to, we'll send someone to find him now."

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