Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1756: 1756

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Qinghezi saluted Qingyang again and said, "I met Qingyang Taoist friends by chance, but Taoist friends were desperate to save me and block most of the attacks for me. I qinghezi didn't thank you for this kindness. Youfeng beast can't ask any more. Please don't be polite to Qingyang Taoist friends."
Actually give up the whole Youfeng beast to yourself? The green lotus son was really willing. Qingyang couldn't help asking, "green lotus Taoist friend, do you really don't want this quiet wind beast at all?"
Qinghezi was also very distressed to give up one or two million spirit stones at one time. However, compared with his own life, the more than one million spirit stones seemed to be nothing. He still had a bright future. As long as he could safely leave the world of all souls, there would be infinite possibilities in the future. There was no need to haggle over anything. Thinking of this, qinghezi said: "I'm all taken care of by Taoist friends of Qingyang. You saved my life just now. It's not appropriate to divide things again."
Seeing that qinghezi was so generous, Qingyang smiled and said, "well, in addition to the inner alchemy of Youfeng beast, I'll see if there's anything I can use. Take some of them. The rest will be handled by qinghezi Taoist friends. There's no need to refuse. I'm too lazy to deal with those low-value things."
Qingyang said so. Qinghezi refused and nodded to agree with the distribution plan. Then Qingyang went forward, took out the inner pill of Youfeng beast, collected it, then took the poison bag sprayed with black water column from Youfeng beast, and took the whole body essence blood of Youfeng beast. The rest was left to qinghezi, although the rest was worthless It's too high, but the victory lies in a large amount. You can sell one million spirit stones after cleaning up. The harvest is still not small.
Qinghezi took the initiative to let Qingyang take it away, but Qingyang didn't take it all. On the one hand, it was Qingyang's character, on the other hand, it was also to let the other party share some responsibilities.
Originally, Qingyang didn't plan to pick up Tianfeng Guanxian cave, so after leaving yuyangzi, he was ready to go directly back to the residence in the town outside the mountain, but he didn't expect to be so lucky. On the way, he met a dying Youfeng beast and got a Yuanying perfect Warcraft inner pill. The opportunity to send it to the door should not be missed, so Qingyang had changed his mind and planned to pick up Tianfeng to try his luck.
There is a problem. Yuyangzi and others are waiting at jietianfeng. How can they avoid the obstruction of yuyangzi and others? If they let the other party know that he worked hard to hunt and kill Youfeng beast, Qingyang won't give up. It's not that Qingyang is afraid of yuyangzi. It's mainly because Qingyang is worried about causing unnecessary trouble and delaying the event of climbing jietianfeng.
If qinghezi also gets the benefits, he will certainly hide from yuyangzi in the future, so he doesn't have to worry about the things of Youfeng beast. But if Qingyang gets the benefits alone, he can't see anything now, but it's difficult to ensure that the other party won't complain to yuyangzi in the future and cause unnecessary trouble to Qingyang, so he will leave some unimportant things to qinghezi.
When dealing with the body of Youfeng beast, they also found the body of the golden centipede in the lake, but it had been photographed by Youfeng beast and lost most of its value. All it could use was only hundreds of thousands of spirit stones. Qingyang didn't bother to deal with it, so he simply gave it to qinghezi.

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After sorting out the harvest and simply cleaning up, Qingyang got up and left the valley, while qinghezi stayed. Qingyang was attacked by Youfeng beast before. Qingyang was in good condition, but qinghezi was seriously injured, and his strength was much worse than before. More importantly, he was destroyed. This way, he couldn't appear in front of others, and now their destinations are different, so they can only choose Separated here, qinghezi plans to heal his wounds in the valley before deciding where to go in the future.
As for Qingyang, he already had the key to enter Guanxian cave. The inner pill of Yuanying's perfect Youfeng beast naturally wanted to take a chance at Jietian peak. If he could understand a magic power, he would have a bright future. Qingyang knew that this could not be concealed from qinghezi, so he simply told her the truth, asked her about the approximate location of Jietian peak and Guanxian cave, and then flew in the direction of Jietian peak.
Jietian peak is in the deepest part of Wanjie mountain. It is tens of thousands of miles away from the small valley. It takes only a few days to arrive. Looking at the towering peak not far in front, Qingyang can't help sighing. No wonder it is called Jietian peak. The height of this peak is at least more than 10000 feet. Standing below, you can't see the top of the peak. It seems to really connect with the sky.
Many friars have gathered at the foot of jietianfeng mountain. Most of them have reached the eighth floor of Yuanying. They should have some confidence in themselves and feel they can break through this jietianfeng. However, a few friars below the eighth floor of Yuanying are expected to come to see the excitement.
Everyone only dares to stand at the foot of Jietian peak, which is tens of feet away from Jietian peak. No one dares to move forward, as if it were a forbidden area. When he came, Qingyang heard qinghezi say that Jietian peak was opened in the last two years of the all souls club. It is usually a monk's forbidden area. Even if it is a god changing monk, he will worry about his life as long as he enters the mountain range.
One of the friars didn't believe in evil and planned to have a try. However, as an old Yuanying friar, he was still cautious. He didn't go in person, but forcibly drove a Warcraft caught in the secret territory of all souls. His strength reached the range of Jietian peak in the early days of Yuanying.
The Warcraft seemed to know the power of Jietian peak and struggled not to go in, but he couldn't help it. Finally, the friar forced it into the range of Jietian peak. As a result, just one step out, the Warcraft fell to the ground. Then it was like being pressed by an invisible mountain, and its whole body became more and more flat, Finally, it burst with a bang, turned into a piece of flesh and blood and pasted on the ground. I didn't have time to scream until I died.
Warcraft in the early days of Yuanying has almost the same physical endurance as the later monks of Yuanying. They can't even hold a few breath. I'm afraid they will have the same result when they go in. It seems that the previous experience is true. They can't go in until the Tianfeng is officially opened.
In addition to these people at the foot of the mountain, Qingyang can feel that there are some friars in the periphery. They should be low-key friars who don't like to show up too early and don't want to reveal their cards in advance. At this time, it's still early to open jietianfeng. Qingyang doesn't want to show up too early to attract attention. He simply found a hidden corner in the periphery, just like others, The backer opened up a cave and laid array prohibitions outside as a temporary residence.

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