Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1758: 1758

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After all this, Qingyang ended his seclusion, removed the external array prohibition and came towards the Tianfeng. The appearance of the Liu ghost king was still relatively young. Qingyang specially operated yin-yang Xuangong to convert a real yuan into a Ming Yuan. From a distance, it was a cool ghost cultivation with high strength.

At the top of the eighth floor of Yuanying, there was not much to be found in the whole Wulin secret area. The remaining low-level friars were shocked at the sudden appearance of Qingyang. They did not expect that there was an expert behind them. He was so new and did not know which super sect in the spirit world was the favorite of heaven. They could not provoke them either in terms of strength or the background behind him.

Others hurriedly stepped out of the way and watched Qingyang step into the range of Jietian peak. Just like other monks, just after entering, a huge pressure was exerted on him. The pressure was everywhere and powerful, so that Qingyang could hardly breathe.

Although Qingyang's comprehensive strength is comparable to Yuanying's nine layer friars, after all, his real cultivation achievement is only Yuanying's five layers, so he has to work harder than others when facing this pressure, but his adjusted cultivation achievement is the peak of Yuanying's eight layers, and he must pretend to be easy to deal with, so as not to be seen by others. The difficulty can be imagined, If Qingyang hadn't had a Lingbao level defensive armor and shared part of the pressure for him, Qingyang might not be able to cope with it.

Every step Qingyang takes is extremely difficult, and the upward pressure is increasing. I don't know how much time it will take to climb this mountain. Qingyang is really worried that he will give up halfway. However, looking up at the mountain, others were struggling to climb towards the top of the mountain. The fastest was hundreds of feet high. Qingyang didn't dare to delay any more. He bit his teeth and continued to climb towards the mountain.

Qingyang raised his feet and climbed up hard, one step, two steps, three steps

The great pressure made him breathe heavily, one, two, three

Bean sized beads of sweat flow down his neck, ten feet, twenty feet, thirty feet

The fog on the head is steaming, and the Qi and blood in the body are churning, hundreds of feet, 200 pieces, 300 feet

Qingyang gritted his teeth and insisted. Gradually, he came to the height of thousands of feet. During this period, he didn't dare to look up, because he was worried that he would feel desperate when he looked up and saw the unreachable peak. He finally let off his breath and might really give up.

The height of a thousand feet is a threshold, because not all friars have this strength, nor can all friars bear this great pressure, nor can all friars have the perseverance to persevere. Some friars who lack cultivation and preparation, or who cannot persevere, are gradually left behind, and some even turn around and walk down the mountain, Qingyang was the last to climb the Tianfeng mountain. Now it has ranked more than 400. At least more than 300 people have been left behind by him. In other words, nearly half of the monks have been eliminated in a short distance of 1000 feet.

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After a thousand feet of height, the pressure exerted by jietianfeng was even greater. Qingyang could not bear it. His waist sank fiercely, and his whole body almost fell on the ground. However, he insisted, stood straight with his teeth, and walked stubbornly towards the top of the mountain step by step.

Qingyang may not be able in other aspects, but it is absolutely not inferior to any friar in terms of perseverance and endurance. This is also the helplessness of small world friars. Due to the lack of resources, it is more difficult for small world friars to cultivate. They need better qualifications, stronger perseverance, more mature mind, richer experience and more smooth transportation than spiritual friars, They may not have many treasures and means, and their comprehensive strength is poor, but they are absolutely not bad in other aspects.

Qingyang can cultivate this step not only by the mysterious drunken immortal Hu and the fortune against the sky, but also because of his excellent conditions in other aspects, such as excellent alchemy talent, excellent nine spirit root qualification, tenacious perseverance and so on. Therefore, some spiritual friars may not be able to withstand such strong pressure as Jietian peak, but Qingyang will never be frightened.

It's even more difficult to climb after more than a thousand feet. Qingyang needs to make a lot of preparations for each step. It takes a lot of time to walk one foot. It's good to walk four or five hundred feet in an hour. However, Qingyang is not frightened by this difficulty. He adjusts his mind, plans his steps, calculates the application of Zhenyuan, does not seek speed, but only stability, and walks very steadily every step.

Soon one day passed, Qingyang had reached the height of five thousand feet of Jietian peak. At this time, there were only about 200 monks in front of him. In other words, half of them were eliminated or fell behind Qingyang in the distance of four thousand feet.

Among these 200 people, the two or three Yuanying nine story Xiaocheng friars are at the front, followed by more than 20 Yuanying eight story peak friars, followed by more than 100 Yuanying eight story Dacheng friars. Few Yuanying eight story Xiaocheng friars can walk in front of Qingyang.

As for Yu Yangzi, he was ranked in more than 40 at this time. It seems that he still has some real skills, but the two people he brought didn't have this ability. At this time, they have returned to the foot of the mountain.

Until now, Qingyang has almost reached the limit. There are few real yuan left in his body. His muscles and bones are very sore. It's like being crushed inch by inch. It's very difficult to move. Qingyang really can't hold on. He plans to steal some laziness. Seeing that everyone pays attention to climbing the mountain, he flashes into the drunken immortal Hu space while others don't pay attention.

At this time, we are too busy to take care of ourselves. Who will release his mind and observe others? In addition to the top friars with high strength, I have spare no effort to pay attention to other friars occasionally. The friars behind are struggling to resist the pressure of jietianfeng. No one noticed that there was a person missing on the mountain road.

After entering zuixianhu, all the pressure disappeared. As soon as Qingyang was soft, he fell to the ground and didn't think about it for a long time. However, he knew that the time was tight, so he had to sit on the ground. Then he took out several pills to supplement his physical strength and Zhenyuan and began to meditate and recover. In order to speed up the speed, he took out a top-grade spirit stone and pinched it in his hand, Hope to speed up recovery.

An hour later, Qingyang Zhenyuan recovered 70% or 80% and his pain disappeared. So he released his mind and observed the situation outside. He flashed out of the drunken immortal Hu at the right time. Great pressure was put on Qingyang again. However, he had just rested. The situation was much better than others. It was not difficult to resist these pressures, So he walked towards the peak. During this period, no one found the abnormality of Qingyang.

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