Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1761: 1761

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The stone gate at the entrance of Guanxian cave hasn't been opened. I don't know if it's time to start. I'm still waiting for other friars who haven't boarded Tianfeng. The day soon passed, and more than 20 people came up behind. In addition, there were about 60 friars outside Guanxian cave. Someone specially went to the edge of the platform to have a look, Except for a few monks who insisted, almost all the others have given up. It seems that these people are the last ones.
Among the 60 monks, only more than 20 had inner alchemy of Warcraft. Instead of inner alchemy, there were more than 30. Yuyangzi was also among them. At this time, he constantly observed the more than 20 people waiting in line and felt that everyone was suspected.
Among the more than 20 people who have inner alchemy, three Yuan Ying and nine storey Xiaocheng friars are respected, followed by more than a dozen Yuan Ying and eight storey peak friars, and finally six or seven Yuan Ying and eight storey Dacheng friars. Because Qingyang came up a little late, he ranked among the six or seven Yuan Ying and eight storey Dacheng friars, leaving only two or three people behind him, It seems that climbing Jietian peak has a lot to do with strength.
The remaining 30 or so people looked at the more than 20 monks who owned the inner alchemy of Warcraft, and they didn't know what they were thinking. Among them, there were many friars on the eighth floor of Yuanying.
At this time, there was finally a movement in the front of the immortal viewing cave. Just listen to a buzzing sound, and the stone gate of the immortal viewing cave suddenly burst into multicolored glow, covering a few feet in front. The debater in the front row took out a Warcraft inner pill, quickly came to the stone gate, put the Warcraft inner pill into a groove on the stone gate, and the energy in the inner pill slowly flowed into the stone gate. After tea, the inner pill disappeared, the stone gate opened, the debater went into the cave, and then the stone gate closed again.
Yuyangzi has been paying attention to the debate machine and saw that the key to open the door in the other party's hand is not his own Youfeng beast inner pill. Although he is disappointed, he is more thankful that he can't provoke the debate machine. If the other party really takes away his Youfeng beast inner pill, he may not dare to come back face to face, or even have the courage to expose his purpose.
Then yuan Shengzi, who ranked second, took a few steps, took out a Warcraft inner pill and put it into the groove of the stone gate. After drinking tea Kung Fu, the inner pill was consumed, the stone gate was opened, yuan Shengzi also entered the cave, and the stone gate was closed again. Then qingmingzi and several Yuan Ying eight layer peak friars went one by one, Soon, seven or eight monks entered the immortal cave smoothly.
The monks watching outside were full of envy, jealousy and hatred. The view of the fairy cave was still very attractive to them. Think about how others can understand the magic power after they go in. From then on, they have prospered and have unlimited future. However, they spent a lot of energy to finally climb the Jietian peak, but they can only stand outside and watch the excitement. Why is God unfair to themselves? Many people's hearts are also extremely unbalanced.
At this time, someone couldn't help it. When the former monk entered the cave and the stone gate was not completely closed, a figure quickly rushed out and rushed towards the stone gate, ready to take this opportunity to enter the immortal viewing cave. As a result, he was fast and the stone gate was faster. At the moment when the man was about to rush into the immortal viewing cave, he heard a loud bang and the stone gate closed quickly, The man was directly caught in the crack of the door. Then the man's whole body was like a punctured balloon. The energy was quickly absorbed by the Shimen. The whole man directly became a skeleton, and even Yuanying didn't escape.
The eight storey peak friars of Tangying Yuanying had a great future. However, they wanted to break into the immortal viewing cave because of greed. As a result, they died directly at the door, which made the people behind them sigh. At the same time, it also deterred the lively friars who had just given birth to a little thought.

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With a lesson from the past, it seemed very calm for some time. No friars who watched the excitement dared to rush into the fairy cave. Even those friars who owned Warcraft inner alchemy came forward in order. They entered the cave carefully after the stone gate was fully opened. They didn't dare to touch the stone gate at all. They were afraid of being caught by the stone gate and being absorbed into a skeleton.
There was even a monk who was originally in the line to enter the immortal viewing cave. After hesitating for a long time, he gave up directly. What he had prepared was only a Yuanying eight layer Warcraft inner pill. He was going to try to see if he could muddle through. As a result, after watching the fate of the previous man, he was completely frightened. He was also a pride without magic power, The future is limitless. If you lose your life here for the sake of the uncertain magic skill, it will be more than worth the loss.
In the twinkling of an eye, nearly 20 people have entered the immortal viewing cave. Only Qingyang and the six or seven Yuan Ying Dacheng friars on the eighth floor are left outside. Those friars who watch the excitement are suddenly agitated. If these people enter the immortal viewing cave, they will completely become spectators. It's a pity to give up such a good opportunity. Can they just watch the opportunity slip away?
Yuyangzi had a completely different attitude. He might have been one of these people, but now he can only be a spectator. He has been waiting for the inner pill of Youfeng beast to appear. As a result, nearly 20 people went in, and none of them took the inner pill of Youfeng beast. Do you think he's looking in the wrong direction? The wind beast ran to other places and was not taken away by others?
Yuyangzi didn't say what he thought for the moment. Seeing a Yuanying eighth floor Dacheng friar take out a Warcraft inner pill and prepare to go forward to open the stone gate, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him. Unexpectedly, it was a Yuanying eighth floor peak friar who had been watching the excitement nearby. The Dacheng friar quickly stopped his Warcraft inner pill, looked on alert and said, "what do you want to do?"
The friar at the peak said, "can't you see that? Of course, I borrowed something from you. Give me your Warcraft inner pill and I'll let you live, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."
The Dacheng friar did not know how much energy and cost he spent to complete the inner alchemy of Warcraft. Seeing that he was about to succeed, how could he give the opportunity to others in vain? He immediately said angrily, "want my Warcraft Nathan? Unless you step on my body."
"It's really a toast. If you don't eat and drink, you'll die." after that, the friar at the peak directly offered his magic weapon and killed friar Dacheng. He knew that the other party wouldn't give in easily, so he was ready to attack. At this time, he didn't hesitate.
Although the other side's accomplishments were slightly higher, the Dacheng friar opposite was not afraid at all. He offered magic weapons to resist the other side's attack. At the same time, he held a jade amulet in his hand and waited for the right time.

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