Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1773: 1773

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The monk who watched the excitement outside looked confused. All four people stood there. What kind of magic power is this? Could it be that what Qingyang understands is the long lost body fixing skill? But the enemy is the one who can be fixed. He should find a chance to defeat the other. What's the matter with Qingyang himself being fixed there?
The outsiders could not figure out what the three people in the battle group could not understand. At first, they did not understand what Qingyang was going to do. But with the time when Qingyang was completely locked, they suddenly felt that the essence of their whole body was like what was absorbed.
This discovery made them extremely frightened. Although they didn't understand why, they could guess that it must have something to do with what Qingyang said before. All three of them are from the spiritual world and have heard a lot about the magic power, but like now, they have never heard of the magic power that can make their vitality pass uncontrollably. It's really incredible.
If you are injured, you can recover by taking more time to raise it. Even if you damage the foundation, you can find some suitable natural materials and earth treasures to make up for it. Vitality represents life, and life will pass. No method can make up for it. They can participate in the all souls Club. They are young talents from all walks of life. They have enough longevity yuan and have a bright future in the future, But if you lose too much life here, it's no different from those ordinary monks outside.
At this time, Qingyang is like the master of the world in this array, controlling the three opposite people and controlling the speed of their time passing. Yuyangzi was extremely frightened. He didn't expect that Qingyang would have such an evil means to easily control the three of them, so that they couldn't resist. More importantly, he felt that his life was passing away. It was only a short time of more than ten breath, and his life had passed for at least several decades. If he dragged on for a while, wouldn't he be dead?
The old man with black beard and the middle-aged beautiful woman regret to die. They thought it was just an easy battle to beat a drowning dog, but they didn't expect to become a drowning dog. The other party was so powerful with one enemy and three. They wanted to take their own lives for the reward promised by yuyangzi.
But now it's too late to regret. The three of them have lost their ability to act since they were controlled by Qingyang. Their minds have been suppressed. They can't do any action, make any sound, resist, escape, or even beg for mercy. There are only two possibilities to live. One is that others can't see and intervene, and the other is that Qingyang mercifully let them go, But they knew it was impossible. Who would easily let go of those who wanted to kill themselves?
In the array, all three people were frightened by Qingyang's magic power, but there were differences between them. Yuyangzi was the first to bear the brunt and was the most affected. The old man with black beard and the middle-aged beautiful woman were slightly less affected. Therefore, yuyangzi's vitality passed much faster than the other two people, about three times. However, yuyangzi was younger and didn't seem obvious in a short time.
These words are slow, in fact, it is a time of dozens of interest. In a short period of dozens of interest, yuyangzi's life lost more than 100 years, and it is still passing. On his originally very young face, he gradually has vicissitudes, more wrinkles, and even a few white hair on his temples.
Now people outside finally saw the clue. Qingyang in the array was using a magic power they had never heard of. He subdued three opponents at once and had almost no power to fight back.

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No one knows what magic power Qingyang exerts, but judging from the situation in the array, this magic power should be more powerful than expected, otherwise the three people in the array won't be that expression.
Of course, some people can guess some clues. After all, Qingyang has said in Guanxian cave that the magic power he understands is related to time. Now he sees that the three people in the array are getting old for no reason. Isn't this the expression of the magic power of time? In the spirit world, magical powers are extremely rare, and there is no great opportunity. It is very difficult for ordinary friars to understand the magical powers before crossing the robbery, and time magic is the rarest of all kinds of magical powers. The rarer the magical powers are, the greater the power is. Therefore, every magical power related to time can cause a sensation in the spirit world.
Not to mention anything else, from the performance of the three in the array, we can see how powerful the supernatural power of Qingyang is. The three Yuan Ying eight layer friars have no resistance to the time supernatural power of Qingyang and are getting old at a speed visible to the naked eye. The strength of these people outside the array is not much higher than that of Yu Yangzi. If they are facing Qingyang, there is nothing they can do about it.
The most important thing is that no one can afford to lose their life. Especially, their advantage over other ordinary friars is their life. Once they face Qingyang, their life will be lost, and their advantage will be lost. What future can they have? So for them, Qingyang's time magic is more threatening and frightening.
Before, the debater and others just thought that Qingyang was strong and had a deep background. They were the same kind of people as them and could have a good relationship. Now they know that Qingyang's comprehensive ability has far exceeded them. Such people can only make friends and never become enemies.
The three people in the array also understood this at this time. Unfortunately, it was too late. At this time, they were made by Qingyang. They couldn't move at all. They couldn't use their mind, make a sound, or even beg for mercy. They could only watch the loss of their longevity and were filled with fear.
In the twinkling of an eye, the hundred interest time has passed. Yuyangzi's Shouyuan has lost more than 500 years. Although he looked young before, in fact, Shouyuan is about 400 years old. Plus this loss, he is equivalent to a Yuanying friar in his 900's. at this time, he has long lost the appearance of a young man and turned into a drooping old man with white hair, wrinkled face and bent waist, He was also hunched. He seemed to die at any time.
At this time, Yu Yangzi only had despair in his eyes, because he knew very well that Qingyang could not let him go. After ten breath at most, he would die because Shouyuan was exhausted. Shouyuan deprived by Qingyang's time magic power could not reply again, nor could there be any miracle.
As for the black beard old man and the middle-aged beautiful woman, they also lost more than 100 years of Shouyuan. They just look older. Shouyuan is not much more than yuyangzi. Now there are a few strands of white hair on the black beard old man's head and a few lines of wrinkles on the middle-aged beautiful woman's face. Anyone can see that at this time, their hearts should be full of regret and their eyes are full of longing and begging for life.

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