Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1788: 1788

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The long eyebrow ghost King sneered: "originally, I was going to give you a chance to take the initiative for the sake of everyone's acquaintance. Since you don't appreciate it, don't blame me for being rude. When I catch you, I will let you taste my method of soul refining."
After that, the long eyebrow ghost Dynasty said to the humanitarians he had brought: "what are you doing? Don't start quickly. If you can take this boy, I will give you a reward."
These people are obedient to the long eyebrow ghost king. How dare the ghost king not obey when he has orders? Besides, the long eyebrow ghost king also gave a reward. All the monks present were Yuanying, who knew the effect of the pregnant divine fruit on them, but there was the long eyebrow ghost king, and the pregnant divine fruit certainly couldn't reach them. However, the ghost king got the pregnant divine fruit, had the hope of breaking through and transforming the God, and would never treat the people who made contributions badly. Therefore, a group of Yuanying monks attacked Qingyang one after another like beating chicken blood.
At the same time, in the face of the attack of 20 Yuan Ying friars, even the God turning friars had to retreat. Qingyang stood in the front but was not afraid. Seeing that the attack was coming, he waved his hand and a string of Buddha beads suddenly appeared in the air, instantly emitting thousands of lights, and the stabbing people could hardly open their eyes.
Seeing the Buddha beads in the air, the long eyebrow ghost king suddenly changed his face. He immediately thought of those things that happened in Shenying valley a hundred years ago. He missed the diamond subduing the devil beads.
This is made by the thousand faced Buddha, a god changing monk, specially for the joy of the ghost king. It is the bane of the ghost cultivation in the ten kings hall. If Qingyang hadn't made the last move, almost all the ghost kings in the ten kings hall would have been destroyed in the array formed by the beads of King Kong subduing the devil. Later, the array was broken and Qingyang picked up the beads. They didn't appear for a hundred years. They thought the beads had been completely destroyed, I didn't expect Qingyang to take it out at this time.
The beads of these Vajra subduing magic beads have been put on Qingyang for hundreds of years and have never been of any use. Previously, Qingyang met a tool refiner from the spiritual world when he was in the friar town in the secret territory of all souls, so he entrusted the other party to try to repair the Vajra subduing magic beads. Although the tool refiner was only a Yuanying Friar and could not compare with the thousand faced Buddha in the period of incarnation, but the other party came from the spiritual world, There are still many clever face tools. After some tossing, the diamond subduing the devil bead was really repaired, but its power decreased slightly, but it was more than enough to deal with Yuanying ghost repair. It was precisely because of this preparation that Qingyang dared to take Baimei ghost king into the nest of Changmei ghost king.
The long eyebrow ghost king gave a bad cry and hurriedly backed away. As a ghost who was infinitely close to Yuanying's perfection and was good at body method, the long eyebrow ghost King's speed was amazing. He saw that he was about to leave the range of Vajra subduing magic beads. At this time, a Buddha bead in front of him burst open, and a Buddha Vajra suddenly appeared in front. His eyes were angry and waved a palm at his chest.
It's not the first time that the long eyebrow ghost king was trapped in the King Kong subduing the devil bead. He can feel that the power of the array has decreased compared with that a hundred years ago, and his strength has improved a lot over the years. Unwilling, the long eyebrow ghost King waved his palm and slapped the Buddha King Kong in front of him. Who knows that the Buddha King Kong seems to be inferior to the long eyebrow ghost king, but his palm power is very strong. After the palm opposition, The Buddha Vajra just took a few steps back, but the long eyebrow ghost King flew back directly. The Yin ghost Qi in his body was rushed by the Buddhist spiritual power and almost scattered. He staggered back a few steps and didn't return to God for a long time.
This Vajra subduing the devil bead was refined by the thousand faced Buddha, a god turning friar, from the small spirit mountain of the sect. He selected 18 Buddha relic sons whose accomplishments were above the ninth floor of Yuanying and finally failed to break through the realm of God turning. It has infinite power and specializes in ghost cultivation. A hundred years ago, he was glad that the ghost king was broken by Qingyang when he used it in Shenying valley. Although the power decreased after Qingyang was repaired, But ghost cultivation is still a peerless evil thing. Driven by the green sun, eighteen relic sons immediately turned into eighteen King Kong Buddha, forming an array to surround the ghost cultivation group of Changmei mountain. All the ghost cultivation groups tried to rush out, but the strongest ghost king of Changmei didn't succeed. The results of others can be imagined.

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Seeing that he had not started fighting, he was trapped in the array. The face of the long eyebrow ghost King became very ugly. As the saying goes, he gained wisdom after a cut. The long eyebrow ghost king once suffered a loss on the King Kong subduing the devil bead. Naturally, he would not be unprepared. He had a treasure to resist the Buddha singing Sanskrit sound. However, this treasure can only protect himself, but can not save others. In the end, he will suffer heavy losses.
The long eyebrow ghost king said: "it seems that Qingyang Taoist friends have been prepared for a long time, but this is my home after all. It's not so easy for you to win by relying on this diamond subduing magic bead. We might as well make a deal and shake hands and make peace instead of fighting for others?"
"What do you want to do?" Qingyang asked.
Long eyebrow ghost King way: "Everyone can see that ordinary people don't do things in the one horn city. What can you do even if you find out who the enemy is? Can you call the door to avenge the one horn ghost king? It's better to be an overlord in the ten King's palace honestly. As long as you are willing to hand over the pregnant fruit, I can give you the changeable city. We will be a family in the future."
Qingyang sneered: "hehe, the Changmei ghost king is really generous to others. I killed the changeable ghost king, and the changeable city should be mine. You still need to let me? Besides, your Changmei ghost king has always been insidious and cunning, and has no faith. Who knows if you are a plan to slow down the troops. Stabilize me here first, and then find someone to plot against me. Who can you talk to in the future?"
The king of the long eyebrow ghost said, "are you afraid that I won't repent because of the strong strength of Qingyang Taoist friends? If I really don't keep my word, you'll always give you an explanation if you come to Changmei mountain again."
The main purpose of Qingyang's visit this time was to inquire about the whereabouts of the one horned ghost king and Yu Mengmiao. He didn't want to talk to each other any more. He said, "didn't I say that before? The pregnant fruit has already been eaten by me. I don't have the ability to get you another one, and you'll die."
The long eyebrow ghost king didn't believe that Qingyang would take the pregnant divine fruit directly as an ordinary spiritual fruit to improve his cultivation. He thought he was just looking for an excuse to refuse himself. He immediately angrily said, "Qingyang Taoist friend, I appreciate that I have such skills at a young age. I'm good at talking to you. Do you really think I'm afraid of you? If I'm stubborn, don't blame me for my ruthlessness."
Qingyang had the upper hand at this time. Of course, he would not be afraid of the threat of the long eyebrow ghost king, but said faintly: "since the long eyebrow ghost king is so confident, let's compare and see whether it is your long eyebrow ghost king or my King Kong subduing the devil array."

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