Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1790: 1790

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Qingyang Zhi went to the King Kong subduing the devil array and injected a large number of top-grade spirit stones, which is enough to support the operation of the array. The Baimei ghost king only needs to concentrate on hosting the array and don't let the Changmei Mountain Ghost repair and make trouble. It doesn't need to spend too much thought. The Baimei ghost king can still do this.
The King Kong subdues the devil bead is taken over by the Baimei ghost king. Qingyang is much more relaxed and can go all out to deal with the long eyebrow ghost king. At this time, the long eyebrow ghost King found that Qingyang's real strength has faintly surpassed him. If it weren't for his home, he might not be Qingyang's opponent. Now, the two people are in the same situation, The long eyebrow ghost king will not let Qingyang and his pregnant fruit go. Qingyang can't spare the long eyebrow ghost King's life. Both sides have tried their best to defeat each other as soon as possible.
The Ghost Head crutch of the long eyebrow ghost king is a ghost way treasure. It can not only be directly used to attack, but also continuously emit black smoke. Once the opponent inhales a little, it will greatly affect the reaction speed and combat effectiveness. Moreover, the ghost head will suddenly make the sound of ghost crying and wolf howling at the critical moment, which will directly capture the soul and disturb the mind of Qingyang, Coupled with the combat experience accumulated by the long eyebrow ghost king over the past 1000 years, the strength is close to some old-fashioned Yuanying perfect friars.
Such strength, whether in the nether world or the whole ancient land, is already a top figure. Except for those God friars who see the head but not the tail, they are completely the task of the highest level in the world. They call Zong Zuzu carefree, and almost no one can pose a threat to him.
It's a pity that he met Qingyang, an ancient genius in the mainland, who can't be compared with even the proud son of heaven in the spirit world. In terms of real strength, those young friars on the ninth floor of Yuanying in the secret realm of all souls are a little more powerful than the long eyebrow ghost king. Even they are willing to bow down to Qingyang. How can the long eyebrow ghost king be his opponent, not to mention the decades since he came back from the ten thousand demon Valley, Qingyang's accomplishments have improved a lot. As soon as the two sides had a battle, the Changmei ghost king was suppressed by Qingyang. The Changmei ghost king tried his best to get back to the situation, but he was unable to suppress Qingyang.
As the No. 1 leader of the ten kings hall, the ghost king has lived for more than a thousand years. The long eyebrow ghost king still has a lot of means and collects a lot of treasures. At this time, he can get some results occasionally without money. However, Qingyang has no less treasures and no worse means than him, so it won't take long, Will be repressed by Qingyang again.
With the passage of time, the situation in Changmei mountain is getting worse and worse. Under the auspices of Baimei ghost king, the array of Vajra subduing the devil bead is constantly strengthened. Eighteen Buddha Vajra are constantly chanting Sanskrit mantras. The Changmei Mountain Ghost cultivation in the array can't resist or move. They can only watch the Ming Yuan on their body pass by and their strength gradually decreases, However, in less than half an hour, the strength of ghost repair has decreased by nearly half, and it won't be long before it will be completely exceeded.
Seeing this situation, the long eyebrow ghost king can't help but be anxious. If it goes on like this, the long eyebrow mountain will be finished. If the foundation that he spent more than 1000 years to establish is destroyed, won't he be alone in the future? He wanted to help, but he was entangled by Qingyang and couldn't get away. In fact, even if he could get away, there was no way to take the diamond subduing the devil bead for the time being. This is a treasure specially refined by the God turning friar to restrain the ghost cultivation. He can only defend for the time being, but he can't break it.

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The situation is becoming more and more critical. The long eyebrow ghost king knows that ordinary means are useless. If he wants to completely change the war situation, he can only use the last move. He looks at Qingyang ferociously and grits his teeth and says, "it's great that you can force me to this extent, but I won't give you another chance. This time, I'll let you see the power of my long eyebrow ghost King's secret technique of pressing the bottom of the box."
Hearing this, Qingyang couldn't help frowning. It can be seen from the expression of the long eyebrow ghost king that the price he paid for his secret skill of pressing the bottom of the box will not be small. Because of this, the power of this secret skill is absolutely great, and it may not be overturned by the other party, but the battle has reached this level. Seeing that the victory has been decided, Qingyang can't even know what secret skill the other party uses, He left his companions and ran away. He could only secretly prepare defense means and deal with it immediately when he found something bad.
Seeing the long eyebrow ghost King's foot, his whole body momentum suddenly became sharp. The long eyebrow in the corner of his eyes floated without wind. Then he heard a bang. A long eyebrow in the middle of his eyes lit up, and an obscure energy wave hit the Qingyang. Everything became slow where the energy passed.
Qingyang knew that the burning eyebrows of the long eyebrow ghost King were definitely not ordinary eyebrows. Nine times out of ten, they were one of his only three. The long eyebrow ghost king has ten long eyebrows in total. Each long eyebrow can increase the life span of a hundred years. He is now more than 1400 years old. He has used five of them alone. When he broke through Yuanying, he replaced one with three jieying pills. He got one by Qingyang in Shenying Valley. Now there are only the last three. Now, in order to deal with Qingyang, the long eyebrow ghost king does not hesitate to use one of them, It can be seen to what extent he has been forced, and it can be predicted how powerful the upcoming secret arts will be.
Where the energy passes, everything slows down, not the action slows down, but the time slows down. This is the secret technique used by the long eyebrow ghost king. Burning his long eyebrow slows down the time around him, and the actions of the people around him will also be affected and slow down, but the long eyebrow ghost king will not be affected. It's not a long time, just a few breaths, but for the long eyebrow ghost king who is infinitely close to Yuanying's perfection, this time is enough for him to kill Qingyang dozens of times.
This is the means of the long eyebrow ghost king to press the bottom of the box. Because the price is too high. He has never used it for more than 1000 years. This time, he is also forced by Qingyang. If he can kill Qingyang, get the pregnant fruit on him, get the opportunity to break through the God, it is also worth consuming a long eyebrow.
This secret skill is different from the time magic power realized by Qingyang. Qingyang's reincarnation magic power consumes its own spiritual power. The consumption depends on the strength of the opponent. After the spiritual power is consumed, it can be recovered. Therefore, theoretically, Qingyang's reincarnation magic power can be used countless times.
The secret skill of the long eyebrow ghost King consumes his long eyebrow. Each consumption is fixed. No matter what kind of opponent, there is no difference. Moreover, there are several longevity eyebrows, which cannot be recovered after use, and the cost is huge. Now there are only two longevity eyebrows left, that is to say, they can be used twice at most, but it's nothing. If the remaining two longevity eyebrows of the long eyebrow ghost king are consumed, he will have only a few decades of life and everyone will die. It doesn't seem to matter whether there is a secret skill or not.

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