Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1793: 1793

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Qingyang is not afraid of the Changmei ghost King's disobedience. Qingyang can clean up the Changmei ghost king once and can clean him up for the second time. The Changmei ghost king with only a life span of decades is already dead bones in the grave. Qingyang has some ways to clean him up. The Changmei ghost king is just honest, otherwise he will definitely regret.

Qingyang quietly looked at the long eyebrow ghost King until the other party trembled. When he thought Qingyang was going to kill him again, he said, "in that case, you can honestly explain what happened in Unicorn city a few years ago. Does it have anything to do with you?"

"This..." hearing Qingyang ask this, the ghost king with long eyebrows could not help but hesitate.

Qingyang immediately put on his momentum and said coldly, "is the long eyebrow ghost King going to deceive me?"

Seeing that Qingyang's face was wrong, the ghost king with long eyebrows immediately trembled and hurriedly said: "No, no, I absolutely don't dare to hide anything. I didn't personally see what happened in the unicorn City, which was also heard from some detailed works I arranged in the unicorn city. It is said that a few years ago, the thousand faced Buddha of the thousand Buddha sect suddenly hit the unicorn City with several monks. Because of the hurry, the city guarding array of the unicorn city was soon broken, and then both sides were in the city There was a great war in the city. Due to the great difference in strength between the two sides, the whole one horned city was seriously injured and killed. Several subordinates of the coffin holding ghost king and the one horned ghost King were all killed and injured. Although the one horned ghost king was a Yuan Ying's perfect cultivation, he was still a little different from the thousand faced Buddha in the realm of God, and was finally defeated and captured. "

The one horned ghost King broke through the realm of God earlier than the thousand faced Buddha, but he was almost beaten out of his wits just after he broke through. Then it took hundreds of years to recover Yuanying's perfect cultivation. The thousand faced Buddha was not affected and became a god turning friar hundreds of years ago. Although the one horned ghost king was much more powerful than the ordinary Yuanying friar, he was a real God like the thousand faced Buddha There is still a big gap between monks, so it is not surprising that they were finally defeated by the thousand faced Buddha.

Through the words of the long eyebrow ghost king, Qingyang confirmed two points. It was the thousand faced Buddha who broke through the one horn city. The one horn ghost king did not die on the spot, but was caught by the thousand faced Buddha. It was not clear whether he was dead or alive. Qingyang was unwilling and asked, "do you know how the one horn ghost king is now? In addition to catching the one horn ghost king, the thousand faced Buddha caught other people in the one horn city?"

The long eyebrow ghost king said, "when the thousand faced Buddha left the unicorn City, it is said that he looted a lot of property in the city, but he didn't pay attention to whether he also captured others. Since he didn't kill the unicorn ghost king on the spot, he must think it's useful for himself. Maybe the unicorn ghost king is still alive.

Qingyang was greatly disappointed by the words of the long eyebrow ghost king. It is not clear whether Yu Mengmiao was also captured by the thousand faced Buddha. The only good news is that the one horned ghost king is likely to be alive.

"Do you know where the thousand faced Buddha's nest is?" Qingyang asked again.

The long eyebrow ghost King shook his head and said, "how can I know this?"

Qingyang released his momentum and said coldly, "hum, you long eyebrow ghost king is the first person in the ten kings hall. You are an old monster who has lived for more than 1400 years. How can you know nothing about the thousand Buddha sect and the thousand faced Buddha? Do you still want to see the power of my time magic?"

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The long eyebrow ghost king thought that Qingyang was going to do it again. He was scared and almost peed his pants. He hurriedly said, "I really don't know the news of the thousand faced Buddha. If the ten kings hall knew the specific location of the thousand Buddha sect, how could it have tolerated them for so many years..."

Speaking of this, the long eyebrow ghost King couldn't help looking up at Qingyang. Seeing Qingyang's face was gloomy, I'm afraid it would be difficult to get through this level if he didn't tell some valuable news, so he said in a deep voice: "Taoist friend of Qingyang, I really don't know the specific location of the thousand Buddha sect in the ten kings hall, but there's a place where you can inquire about it, and maybe you can get some useful clues."

Qingyang had no hope, but deliberately frightened the long eyebrow ghost king. Now when he said this, he suddenly had some hope in his heart and asked, "where?"

Long eyebrow ghost King way: "Youdao is a place where the anode generates Yin and the cathode generates Yang. There will be Yin and ghost Qi gathering Yin veins in the Xianling domain. Of course, there are also spirit veins gathering fairy Qi in the Youming domain. For example, the most common cold pool is a treasure land that is very suitable for the cultivation of fairy friars. In the deepest part of the Youming domain, there is a place called Jinyang Valley, which is a forbidden place for our ghost practitioners, but for fairy friars The scholar is a treasure, and the thousand Buddha sect may be hidden there. "

Qingyang doubted and said, "your ten kings hall is in the deepest part of the nether world. The Jinyang valley should not be too far away from here. Even if it is a ghost cultivation forbidden area, you should not know where with the ability of your ten kings hall. Do you know whether the thousand Buddha sect is hidden in it?"

Long eyebrow ghost King way: "The Qingyang Taoist friend doesn't know that the Jinyang Valley is very large, and there is a strange aura of gold spirit in it, which does great harm to the body of our ghost practitioners. The ghost friars don't dare to go deep into it, and only the fairy friars dare to venture into it. The Hall owners of the ten kings hall have entrusted many fairy friars to inquire about the news, but almost all of them have no return, so they can't inquire at all When I got the slightest useful news, I gradually gave up. "

"No useful news at all?" Qingyang asked.

The long eyebrow ghost king said, "according to the investigation of the ten kings hall for many years, the thousand Buddha sect must be not far from the ten kings hall, but we searched millions of miles and couldn't find the nest of the thousand Buddha sect, so we have been speculating that the thousand Buddha sect is most likely to hide in the Jinyang valley."

There is a certain truth in the long eyebrow ghost King's words. The thousand Buddha sect and the ten kings hall have been entangled for countless years, and the distance between them will never be too far. The ten kings hall can't tolerate a dead enemy nearby all the time. It will certainly keep searching and investigating around. Since we can't find it everywhere nearby, the most likely place is the Jinyang Valley, which is difficult to go deep.

Of course, Qingyang would not easily believe the words of the long eyebrow ghost king. He turned to the Baimei ghost king and said, "is his words true? Has the Baimei ghost King ever heard of this Jinyang Valley?"

The Baimei ghost king has been wearing a cassock and controlling the Vajra subduing magic beads. Under the torture of the mantra of eighteen Buddha Vajra Sanskrit, the cultivation of the ghosts in Changmei mountain regressed and became weaker and weaker. At this time, even without her special drive, these people could not escape again. Hearing Qingyang's question, Baimei ghost king said, "I've heard of Jinyang valley. It should be the most likely place for the thousand Buddha sect. However, I heard that there is a dense aura of gold and there are deserts everywhere. It's not suitable for monks to live, so I don't dare to identify it."

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