Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1813: 1813

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It was said that there was another force. Tian Qinghe suddenly came to the spirit. Generally, good things are reserved for the last. Kuchan temple may be better than momentum Zen temple. Fortunately, he didn't choose without authorization, but waited for Qingyang and konjian monks to decide, so he asked, "this kuchan Temple is the same as you. Can all monks who pass Jinyang sacrifice join? How about the treatment?"

Not only Tian Qinghe, but also the Jinyang priest who knelt and kowtowed before raised his head. He wanted to listen to the kuchan temple and consider whether to go back.

The Jindan monk looked at Tian Qinghe's expectant face and said slowly: "You're wrong this time. Kuchan temple is a group of ascetic monks. Except that when the foundation is completed, they will give their disciples a knot gold pill, there is almost no other treatment, not to mention our momentum temple, Jincai temple, even the wine and meat temple and Huanxi temple. Many people can't stand the pain in the end and will eventually return to us The momentum Buddhist temple is here. And not everyone in kuchan Temple accepts it. There are certain requirements for the mind and qualification of monks. Only those who meet their requirements and are willing to accept the conditions of penance can become disciples of kuchan temple. "

After listening to the other party, Tian Qinghe was stunned. He didn't expect this result. If the conditions of kuchan temple are really so poor, it's better to stay in the momentum Zen temple. He was a little unwilling and asked, "are there no other forces around except this kuchan temple?"

The Jindan monk shook his head and said, "there are only five places nearby, and there are only five places for Jinyang monks to choose. A small Jinyang Valley can't afford to raise too many monks."

It is also said that the whole Jinyang Valley is only a million miles around, and most of them are desert and yellow sand areas. There is a lack of cultivation resources and a small number of friars. Even a Yuanying friar is rare at ordinary times. If the conditions here were not favorable, we might not be able to afford several sects here.

Since there is no better place to go, the momentum Buddhist temple is a must. Before kneeling and kowtowing, the Jinyang priest was very happy for his decision. Tian Qinghe also looked at Qingyang and the empty monk. After they made a choice, he immediately followed up and worshipped the momentum Buddhist temple.

Who knows, Qingyang didn't choose the momentum Zen temple, but bowed his hand and said, "thank you for your introduction. I still want to go to the Kuzen temple and find a really suitable place."

The reason why Qingyang can make such a choice is very simple. He didn't come to join any sect. His main purpose is to find the whereabouts of the one horned ghost king and Yu Mengmiao. There are only four Yuan Ying friars in this momentum Zen academy, which is a great force here, but it's nothing for Qingyang. He can't seize and destroy the one horned city. The one horned ghost king and Yu Mengmiao can't be here Well, the next step is to go to the kuchan temple to see if you can ask for some news.

For Qingyang's choice, the Jindan monk was surprised. However, each person has his own ambition. The other party is unwilling and can't force him. He can only nod his head and turn his head to the empty monk next to him.

The empty monk smiled and said, "Qingyang Road is friendly and courageous. The four Zen temples have no choice but to go to the kuchan temple to suffer. You ordinary monk are not afraid. What are my monks afraid of? I'll go with you to see how much the kuchan temple can suffer."

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Kong Jian monk also didn't choose to stay here. Not only the Jindan monk was surprised, but Tian Qinghe was also puzzled and asked, "Qingyang Taoist friends and Kong Jian Taoist friends, are you really not staying here?"

Qingyang said, "I still want to go to other places. Tian Daoyou doesn't have to be embarrassed."

Tian Qinghe came all the way with Qingyang and was taken care of all the way. He had already thought about what Qingyang would choose. Now, seeing that the other party didn't choose the Buddhist temple with the best treatment future, but wanted to see the kuchan temple, his confidence immediately wavered, hesitated for a while, and said with some embarrassment: "In that case, I won't say much. Let's say goodbye and wish Qingyang Taoist friends and konjian Taoist friends a better place."

After that, Tian Qinghe knelt down towards the Jindan monk and asked to join the momentum Buddhist temple. Although the Jindan monk was dissatisfied that Tian Qinghe chose the momentum Buddhist temple at this time, he nodded and agreed to his request in order to add fresh blood to the sect. Then the Jindan monk returned to the courtyard with Tian Qinghe and another person, leaving only Qingyang and empty monks outside.

Qingyang and konjian monk looked at each other and saw some extraordinary places from each other's eyes. Also, when they first came, there were more than a dozen people in a line, and now there are only two of them. This is not what ordinary people can do. Qingyang is because there are other things to do, not because he can stand the temptation. It is really admirable that konjian monk can persist until now.

I don't know how the empty monk thinks, but I can see from his face that he doesn't generally admire Qingyang's decision to give up the momentum Zen temple and go to Kuzen temple.

Since the decision was made, Qingyang and konjian monk did not stay any longer. They left the island together and went in the direction of kuchan temple. This time, they had a clear goal. They were very fast. They even didn't bother to pick up some low-age miraculous drugs on the roadside. In this way, they arrived at the place in only four days, one day less than the golden pill monk said 。

The reason why they confirmed that they came to the place was that the aura here suddenly became strong. Originally, the location of the four Buddhist temples of wine, sex and wealth was a place with extremely strong aura, which was a bit better than many super sects in the Xianling domain, and the aura here was several percent higher than that of the four Buddhist temples of wine, sex and wealth, almost reaching the point of condensation, Fog is visible to the naked eye.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath. You feel that your accomplishments seem to have increased, and the bottleneck that hasn't moved for many years seems to have loosened. Such a good place is definitely the holy land of immortals. Even if you don't take pills, your cultivation speed is no slower than the outside world.

Looking at a towering mountain peak not far away, Qingyang couldn't help feeling excited. It is said that there is a Xiaoling mountain within the thousand Buddha sect. The whole Xiaoling mountain has extremely strong aura, and there are countless kinds of miraculous drugs and resources. After the monks of the thousand Buddha sect reach the first infant period, they will build a cave in Xiaoling mountain to impact a higher level, The whole thousand Buddha sect is supported by the Xiaoling mountain to become a force that can compete with the ten kings hall. Looking at the current situation, is the mountain in front of it the legendary Xiaoling mountain?

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