Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1845: 1845

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Qingyang said with a smile, "don't you believe it? I can find someone you believe to tell you, ghost king, release the remnant of the thousand faced Buddha and let them see each other for the last time."

After that, Qingyang took out the small piece of soul tree and asked the one horned ghost king to open the prohibition on it, revealing the remains of the thousand faced Buddha cultivated in it. Then Qingyang said, "everyone should know this person. If you don't understand anything, you can ask this person questions."

As the top leaders of the thousand Buddha sect, how can they not know the thousand faced Buddha? Seeing that our ancestors were defeated by the people in front of us, and there was only a wisp of remnant soul left, Buddha xiudun had different expressions when he was present. Some people were filled with righteous indignation and vowed to avenge our ancestors, while others were frightened. Our ancestors were all killed by these people. Could it be that the Thousand Buddhas wanted to fall and scatter the monkeys? There is also a floating mind. Since my grandfather is dead, some rules should be changed. We should find a way to seize the opportunity to grab more benefits.

It's the most powerful way for you to kill my ancestors, even if you don't want to kill my ancestors together

Many of the Buddhist practitioners present were diehard followers of the thousand Buddha sect or had some friendship with the thousand faced Buddha. When the bitter mouth sect leader said so, these people were ready to move and gradually surrounded Qingyang and the unicorn ghost king. They would fight with them to break the fish death net when the sect leader gave an order.

Seeing that the conflict was imminent, the ghost of the thousand faced Buddha immediately shouted, "stop it all, what do you want to do? Are you really going to bury the thousand Buddha sect in your hands?"

As the only deity friar of the thousand Buddha sect, the words of the thousand faced Buddha still worked very well. When Buddha xiudun was present, he stopped his action. Only the bitter sect leader was unwilling and said, "my father, we are all for the great enemy between the thousand Buddha sect and you. The enemy is right in front of us. As the sect leader of the thousand Buddha sect, if I let them leave, what face will I be the leader of this sect in the future?"

The thousand faced Buddha knows the mind of the bitter mouth sect leader, but the two people in front of him can't afford to offend the thousand Buddha sect, especially the Qingyang. The potential is so terrible that it's just a challenge to step higher. What scares him most is that the speed of this person's strength improvement is also frightening. If he doesn't see him in a few years, his cultivation will be improved by two levels. If it takes another thirty or fifty years, Isn't it to the realm of transforming God? At that time, I'm afraid the whole immortal cultivation world will not be his opponent. If the thousand Buddha sect provokes such a strong enemy, it's enough to kill it with a stick. If it misses and lets the other party escape, the consequences will be unimaginable.

It was not easy for him to let the other party pass the thousand Buddha sect and fight again, so he snorted coldly and said, "you know, if I hadn't had the cheek to plead for mercy, if this Qingyang little friend hadn't opened up, our thousand Buddha sect would have been removed from the immortal world?"

"What? You begged him? Was he the one who let go? Our Thousand Buddhas sect will be removed from the immortal cultivation world? How... Is that possible?" The bitter master looked unbelievable.

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Thousand face Buddhism: "Hum, there are many things you don't know. I'm a godly monk. How can I lose by ordinary means? This little friend of Qingyang's means are not what you can imagine. Although I lost, I'm not a greedy person who is afraid of life and death. It's not because I begged little friend of Qingyang and promised to do something for him for the sake of our same family , he decided to let go of the thousand Buddha sect? I have only a wisp of remnant soul left. If it wasn't for this, how could I live in the world after being humiliated? "

The words of the thousand faced Buddha made the monks present silent. It was hard for them to judge whether the ancestors were greedy for life and afraid of death. They didn't know whether they really promised one thing to each other in order to keep the thousand Buddha sect. However, these words came from the mouth of a God turning monk and the ancestor of the sect. They had to believe it if they didn't believe it. Before, the bitter leader also felt that if they put their lives together, they should be able to win the one horned ghost king and Qingyang. Although the price was a little higher, the result was acceptable. Now his ancestors said so. He knew that his previous judgment was too optimistic.

But the bitter leader couldn't turn this corner for a moment and said, "in this case, they offended the thousand Buddha sect and intruded into the forbidden area of Xiaoling mountain and the great Revenge of the old ancestor. Can't they just forget it?"

The thousand faced Buddha said: "you must also know the gratitude and resentment between me and the unicorn ghost king. This is not only a struggle between two thousand year old enemies, but also a personal gratitude and resentment between us. There is nothing to offend or not to offend, and you don't need to take any revenge. It's OK."

"But..." the bitter master was unwilling.

Before the bitter master finished, the thousand faced Buddha interrupted him, Avenue: "Nothing. However, for the time being, the one horned ghost king will not say. This little friend of Qingyang is an immortal genius in our ancient mainland. He has strong strength and unlimited achievements in the future. Such a person can't be offended by our thousand Buddha sect. Fortunately, he has a generous temperament and hasn't killed all our thousand Buddha sect because of previous events. You should be glad. I don't expect you to become friends from now on But at least don't be an enemy. "

Host Kuhai has seen the strength of Qingyang with his own eyes and knows that the thousand Buddha sect can't provoke Qingyang. Seeing that the old ancestor said so, he is certainly willing to go down the slope, So Gong said, "thank you for telling me the truth, and thank you for your mercy. Now that the matter has been made clear, I will never find any trouble with you in the future, nor will I be the enemy of the ten kings hall."

The leader of Kukou sect also wanted to say a few words to express his attitude. However, on this occasion, he changed too fast as a sect leader, so he couldn't lose face. He had to keep quiet and tacitly accepted the opinions of chairman Kuhai.

The thousand faced Buddha saw that everyone had no right opinion again, Avenue: "I only have a wisp of remnant soul left. Unless I practice the ghost way skill, there is little possibility to continue to live. However, our Buddhist practice has always been at odds with the ghost practice, and it is absolutely impossible to go this way. Therefore, after helping Qingyang little friend complete the last thing, I will disperse the reincarnation of the remnant soul. I'm afraid I can't meet you again. You don't have to worry about me. Thousand Buddhas in the future Kukou sect leader and Kuhai are in charge of the affairs of the sect. Be careful in everything. Don't ruin the foundation of Qianfo sect for thousands of years. "

The thousand faced Buddha began to explain his later affairs. The master of Kukou, the host of Kuhai and other thousand faced Buddha practitioners quickly knelt down and listened to the thousand faced Buddha. After the thousand faced Buddha finished speaking, they respectfully kowtowed to the remnant soul of the thousand faced Buddha and said, "I will abide by the teachings of my ancestors, and I will abide by myself and expand the foundation of the thousand faced Buddha."

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