Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1855: 1855

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Everything was arranged properly. Seeing that it was only more than a year away from the gathering time of the God turning friars mentioned by the sloppy Taoist priest, Qingyang ended its closure, and the one horned ghost king also arranged the affairs of the ten kings hall. They said goodbye to the Baimei ghost King together, and drove the one horned ghost King's flying ghost to Xiaoyao valley.
The flying artifact of the unicorn ghost king is called Jade bone shuttle. This jade bone shuttle is made from the skull of a half-step God Warcraft. The whole body is like white jade, so it is called Jade bone shuttle. Many treasures were collected when the one horned ghost king held the celebration of transforming gods. This jade bone shuttle is the most valuable and the highest level. It was used as a flying ghost by the one horned ghost king.
Jade bone shuttle is a high-level flying ghost. Driven by the one horned ghost king, a god turning friar, it has an amazing speed and can travel 30000 miles a day. When the one horned ghost king was tired, they changed to Qingyang. They took turns to control Qingyang. When it was Qingyang's turn, the speed was slightly slower than that of the one horned ghost king, but not much slower. After all, he was also a monk in the later stage of Yuanying, and his real strength was no worse than that of other God turning monks.
The journey of more than 10 million miles took only more than a year. When they arrived at Xiaoyao Valley, there was still a lot of time before the agreed time. However, the friar of Huashen had arrived in five or six, including the sloppy Taoist priest. When they got the news of the arrival of Qingyang and the one horned ghost king, they greeted them together.
The first two people, dressed in worn Taoist robes and dirty all over, are the sloppy Taoist who drank wine together. The other one is just the opposite. They are neat with white beard and white hair, elegant in dress and demeanor. They are the Xiaoyao old immortal, the leader of Xiaoyao valley.
There are four people behind. On the far left is a middle-aged Taoist priest on the second floor of Huashen. He is not big, but his momentum is amazing. Standing there is like a scabbard sword with sharp spirit all over. According to the introduction of the sloppy Taoist, this person is from the super large school Zhenwu Temple of Xianling domain and is called mingzhenzi.
Next to mingzhenzi was an old man with a black robe over his head. He turned to God for cultivation. His face was cold and stern, with an expression of refusing people thousands of miles away. According to the untidy Taoist, this person comes from a long-standing hidden family, called Guhan temple. Because of his withdrawn temperament, he seldom participates in the gatherings between other God turning friars. This time, he came to Xiaoyao valley after hearing about the transmission array.
Next to the ancient cold temple is a strong man like an iron tower. He has a leopard head, eyes, hair, bare arms and bare feet. His muscles bulge quickly. He also has thick heart protecting hair on his chest. Standing in the crowd, he is significantly higher than others. The most strange thing is that he has two horns on his head. This man's cultivation is also a level of transforming God. It is said that he is a powerful demon king from the demon realm.
The last one is a woman with a magical appearance. She has a graceful figure and exquisite curve. She is only wearing a lavender tulle. She is vaguely full of temptation, but her face is an extremely dignified expression. According to the introduction of the sloppy Taoist, this person is called Liuyun fairy and is also a demon monk.
Among these six people, four are the first level of cultivation of Huashen, and one is the second level of cultivation of Huashen. In the middle stage of Huashen, there are only sloppy Taoists, which shows how difficult it is for Huashen friars to improve their cultivation.

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As the most powerful person on the scene, the sloppy Taoist priest is the only friar who has seen the one horned ghost king and Qingyang. He introduced and introduced both sides. Although Qingyang has only the cultivation of Yuanying on the eighth floor, everyone did not underestimate him, but gave him enough respect, The powerful demon king from the demon realm patted Qingyang on the shoulder and said: "Qingyang little friend, when you went to Wanyao Valley decades ago, I happened to be traveling outside and missed the opportunity to meet. I'm deeply sorry. However, I heard that you passed the qualification pre selection of Wanling secret territory with the cultivation of the second floor of Yuanying. Later, you spent 60 years safely in Wanling secret territory and returned to the demon realm smoothly, but I didn't expect that we would meet on this occasion, What's more, after just a few decades, your accomplishments have reached the eighth floor of Yuanying. Your strength is comparable to that of a god turning friar. It's really awesome for later generations. "
The great demon king is the former Valley master of the ten thousand demon valley. The pre selected quota of the secret realm of all souls used by Qingyang is what he gave to Youlong Zhenjun of the Crouching Tiger City. Qingyang has gained a lot in the secret realm of all souls and made rapid progress in cultivation. Among them, this great demon king also contributes to it, Qingyang quickly arched his hands and said, "I would also like to thank the powerful demon king. Thanks to the qualification for the pre selection of the secret territory of all souls you gave to Wohu City, otherwise I might still be wasted in the middle of Yuanying."
That was just the act of the strong demon king at that time, but he didn't expect Qingyang to remember his own good. The strong demon king smiled: "it's not enough to have places without strength. I left several places in wandemon Valley, but only two people passed the preliminary election. In the final analysis, Qingyang is strong."
The words of King Dali demon made many people present have a new understanding of Qingyang. Although they had heard some things about Qingyang before, they didn't know the details. They only knew that Qingyang and the one horned ghost king killed the thousand faced Buddha together. It's hard to say how much Qingyang did in it. Most of them were in the face of the sloppy Taoist priest, Now they really feel the evil of Qingyang.
It is less than a hundred years since the last primaries in the secret realm of all souls. Qingyang was able to cultivate from the second floor of Yuanying to the eighth floor of Yuanying in such a short time, and promote six small realms. It's a bit too evil. The whole cultivation world can't find a second one for several times. It's almost certain that such a young monk in the later stage of Yuanying will break through the transformation of God, and his achievements in the future will be higher than them.
Qingyang is only more than 200 years old now, younger than many of their relatives and descendants. After breaking through the transformation of God, they have a life span of nearly 2000 years. In the future, their family descendants may have to rely on each other's breath. Such people should be respected no matter how much.
Xiaoyao old immortal knows this better. Their life expectancy is not much. After losing friar Huashen, Xiaoyao valley will certainly be bullied by other friars. Maybe it's their former enemy or covet the treasure left by friar Huashen. This kind of thing can't be avoided at all. If they can make friends with Qingyang in advance, the other party may take care of Xiaoyao Valley for their own face.
After the greeting, Xiaoyao old fairy said, "there are still several appointed Taoists who haven't arrived yet. The gathering of Taoists will not start until a month later. However, I have prepared a residence for you. The one horned ghost king and Qingyang little friends came to my Xiaoyao Valley for the first time. I also prepared a welcome banquet for you in the valley to fulfill the friendship of the host. All Taoists must enjoy it."
The sloppy Taoist smiled and said, "we all know that you have the best appetite for carefree old immortal. There must be good things in this party. I'll try anything I say."

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