Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 187: 187

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Looking at the situation in the field, combined with the words of the nearby monks, Qingyang and others found out what had just happened. It turned out that a friar found the jade soul marrow and wanted to sneak away with the treasure. However, another friar accidentally saw it and couldn't catch up with him, so he shouted, which attracted more people's attention.

Qingyang looked at the people in the audience. In the middle of the pit, there stood a friar on the eighth floor of Kaimai territory. The Friar's face was ruddy. He didn't know whether he was born or happy because he found the treasure, or angry because he was exposed by others.

In the monk's hand, there was a piece of green crystal stone. Although Qingyang didn't know the jade soul marrow, he could feel the faint breath of life in the crystal stone and the spiritual light flashing on the crystal stone from a distance. Qingyang was sure that the crystal stone must be the jade soul marrow.

Behind the red faced friar was a sallow faced friar. He was tall and thin, just like recovering from a serious illness. His accomplishments were also eight levels of pulse opening environment. At this time, the Yellow faced Friar's eyes had been staring at the jade spiritual marrow in the red faced Friar's hands, and his eyes were full of greed.

On the other side, there are four monks in their thirties. Their accomplishments are high and low, but they are all in the late stage of pulse opening. Judging from their dress and expression, the five monks were obviously in a group. At this time, they occupied a position respectively, stared at the monk in the middle and blocked all the escape channels.

Seeing the jade spirit marrow in the middle Friar's hand, the onlookers couldn't help looking sluggish. Suddenly, the sound of breathing around seemed to be much heavier, and their eyes were full of excitement and excitement. Even Qingyang is no exception. The jade spirit marrow is more valuable than the immortal knocking order. As long as you get your hand, do you still have to worry about joining the immortal gate?

"It's really a jade soul marrow. Unexpectedly, there is a jade soul marrow in this abandoned mine cave!" Lu Dingshan couldn't help but say, with envy in his tone.

Yuan Datong also had bright eyes and quietly said to Duan Rusong and he Lanfeng, "two Taoist friends, what are we going to do? Do you want to rob?"

Duan rushong, like others, wanted to rush up and grab the jade soul marrow immediately, but he was calm and took a deep breath: "don't be busy. There are so many monks around. Our strength is not dominant. We'll wait and see the change first. If we really have a chance, it's not too late to start again."

Most of the monks on the court have the same ideas as Duan Rusong. First look at the situation. If they have the opportunity to get the treasure, they will not miss it. Even if they don't have the opportunity, they should find ways to create conditions and create an opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

Of course, there are those who are dazzled by treasure fans and are ready to rob them, regardless of how to escape after getting the treasure. Some friars are confident in their own strength and feel that if they get the jade spirit marrow, they will definitely have a way to keep it.

Not to mention the situation off the court, the red faced friar was first blocked by the five friars in front, and then surrounded by the friars who came to watch the excitement. Seeing that he had been completely exposed, he turned his head and glared at the Yellow faced friar behind him, saying, "tuberculosis ghost, you have a sinister mind!"

The Yellow faced friar sneered and said, "we came together. We agreed to harvest one person and half. As a result, you want to swallow the jade soul marrow alone. Since you are unkind first, don't blame me for my injustice. We just beat and break up."

"What good will it do you?" said the red faced friar angrily.

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The Yellow faced monk said coldly, "I don't know the advantages, but at least there are no disadvantages. Since I can't get it, we can't get it."

"You... You..." the red faced friar was so angry that he couldn't speak.

I knew this guy would break the jar. At that time, I should try to coax him, and then try to kill people. As a result, I made a miscalculation and left such a disaster for myself. Now everyone knows that I can't run away with the jade soul marrow.

The two people still had to argue a few more words, but someone was impatient. The boss of the four monks who blocked the red faced friars in front stood up and said, "what's the waste? Hand over the jade spirit marrow quickly, otherwise none of you will want to leave here."

It was precisely because these were blocked by the four friars that he was blocked here. The red faced friar hated these people and said angrily, "I found the jade spirit marrow. Why should I give it to you? Are you not afraid of the punishment of the jade spirit city?"

After hearing what the red faced friar said, the boss of the Huo family immediately laughed wildly and said, "hahaha, what a joke. Since we dare to come forward, we will be afraid of the punishment of the jade spirit city? Hand over the jade spirit marrow quickly, otherwise don't blame our four brothers of the Huo family for being rude."

The four brothers of the Huo family are also casual practitioners in Yuling city. Two are on the ninth floor of Kaimai territory and two are on the eighth floor of Kaimai territory. They have a certain reputation in low-level casual practitioners. Although they are not as famous as the seven Jue ghost brothers, they will come to many. You can find out from the discussion of the friars nearby.

Yes, if people stand up, will they be afraid of the punishment of Yuling city? The patrol team of Yuling city can also manage the affairs inside the city. The affairs outside the city are out of reach. Don't say there's no city patrol here? Even if the leader of Yuling city is here, I'm afraid he won't mind his own business.

As long as you get the jade soul marrow, there are many ways out, whether you worship the immortal gate directly here or go to other places to hide your name after the treasure is sold.

The red faced friar seemed to know this too. He couldn't help feeling a little frightened and said, "if you want jade spirit marrow, you'll have to step on my body."

The boss of the Huo family smiled and said coldly, "well, since you are determined to die, we will simply complete you. If you don't believe that you are an eight layer monk in the pulse opening realm, you can escape from the palm of the four brothers of the Huo family."

Facing the aggressive of the four brothers of the Huo family, the red faced friar couldn't help but despair. The four opposite not only have high accomplishments, but also have a large number of people. They can't fight at all. What can we do? It's impossible for him to hand over the jade spirit marrow, but if he doesn't hand it over, he will worry about his life. No matter what he does, can't he just wait for death?

Suddenly, the red faced friar clenched his teeth, then arched his hands at the friars around him and said, "you Taoist friends, I know many people envy me for getting the jade spirit pulp. Since I can't swallow it alone, I'll take the initiative to let half out and recruit some like-minded people. If anyone can escort me back to the jade spirit City safely, I'd rather share half of the jade spirit pulp."

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