Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 191: 191

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Sui Han San you is not such a noble person. Although he has a good reputation on the surface, he has not done less dirty things behind his back. Among other things, the magic spirit grass they got from Qingyang some time ago is an example. Because the value of jade soul marrow is too high, even they can't stand the temptation, so they will stand up at the critical moment and fight is the idea of secretly shooting.

Now the plan in his heart was suddenly broken by Jia ting. When Zizhu wengton was angry, he shouted, "you surnamed Jia, you deliberately ruined the reputation of my three friends in winter. We are at odds with you."

At this point, there was no possibility of reconciliation. Jia Ting said coldly, "your purpose is nothing more than jade spiritual marrow. What excuse are you looking for? Really, when the monks present are three-year-old children? Fight if you want, don't talk so much nonsense."

"You want to die!"

Without a word, the purple bamboo Weng snorted coldly, then offered his own purple bamboo Piccolo and attacked Jia ting. The nearby chimeisuo and qingsongke quickly separated. One lifted up the red robe and touched his magic instrument Chimei drum, while the other reached out and took down the pine piano from his back, blocking Jia ting in the middle.

Jia Ting deeply hates that these three people have ruined his good deeds. Even if he knows that he can't beat the three opposite, he is ready to fight to let them know that he is not so easy to bully. It would be better if he could take advantage of the chaos and steal the jade soul marrow. So Jia Ting shook his hand, picked up an iron chain type magic weapon from his waist, and met the three friends of old cold.

Jia Ting's time to enter the third level of Qi refining is much longer than that of Sui Han's three friends. Although the cultivation of the four people is the same, Jia Ting's combat power and experience are more powerful. If he fights alone, any one of Sui Han's three friends is not his opponent, but the strength of the three people is doubled, Jia Ting can't bear it. Of course, the gap between the two sides is not particularly large. It is unlikely that Sui Hansan friends will win Jia ting in a short time.

The lowest level of the four people's magic weapons in the field are all top-grade magic weapons with amazing power. In the twinkling of an eye, both sides have played several rounds, each winning or losing. However, the scattered practitioners nearby suffered. Affected by the aftereffects of the battle, several people were injured.

Although the excitement is good-looking, we should also ensure safety. Seeing that the two sides fight more and more fiercely and stand next to more and more dangerous, many monks began to step back. At this time, someone suddenly shouted, "what are you waiting for? If they are allowed to decide the victory or defeat, will there be any chance for us? Who will grab it together?"

I don't know who shouted it. In short, the field suddenly became chaotic. Yes, these people on the court are all in the period of Qi refining. If they are really allowed to decide the victory or defeat, the jade spirit marrow will lose their share completely. Taking advantage of the current chaos, the jade spirit marrow is still in the hands of red faced friars. It's a good time to fish in troubled waters. If you grab the jade spirit marrow, you'll run away. If no one finds it, wouldn't you be developed?

Suddenly, many friars attacked the red faced friar at the same time, but in the blink of an eye, the red faced friar with jade soul was blasted to death.

The jade spirit pith became an ownerless thing. The scattered practitioners who had just maintained restraint suddenly became a mess. A friar shouted, "grab it, who gets it!"

"I wipe. Who hit me just now? Are you? You look like a rat head and have a sneak smile on your face. You must have attacked me. Don't go, boy." another friar shouted.

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"It's not me. I said it's not me. You still do it. Do you really think I'm easy to bully? Wait, guys, avenge me." another monk called.


The scene was completely out of control. Some monks were afraid of chaos in the world. At this time, they were naturally like fish in water; Some people hold the idea of Yu lingsui and hope that the more chaos on the field, the better, so that they can fish in troubled waters; Of course, some are more cautious and unwilling to get involved in disputes, but the field has become chaotic and can't distinguish between the enemy and ourselves. You can't keep it if you want to remain independent. You don't know where the danger comes from.

Whether it is active or passive, the whole mine suddenly became chaotic. Hundreds of scattered practitioners began to attack indiscriminately. No matter your cultivation level, you can't recognize the enemy and me, and you can't care what your previous identity was. It seems that there are enemies around you, all who want to rob the jade soul marrow.

Some want to squeeze in, some want to rush out, some just want to protect themselves, some want to take advantage of the chaos to solve their hatred, and others want to come to see who doesn't like them. At this time, we can still take care of the rules. Who will pay attention to the discretion? If you think too much, you'll lose.

Youdao is hard to defeat four hands with two fists. Heroes can't stand many people. At this time, don't mention the eighth and ninth floors of Kaimai territory. Even friars in the period of Qi refining may be killed by a series of attacks.

There was a scuffle on the field. In such a short time, at least a dozen monks died and many were injured. The smell of blood immediately filled the whole mine, lost the minds of many monks, stimulated their desire at the bottom of their hearts, and attacked even more fiercely.

Fortunately, Qingyang is in a relatively backward position. Although they have also suffered a lot of attacks, these attacks are sporadic, aimless and easy to resist. Coupled with their large number, more than a dozen people took care of each other, but they did not encounter too much danger.

Seeing that the form on the field is becoming more and more chaotic, the mind of the whole team can't be stabilized. Some people who like adventure think they can't miss this opportunity in vain. If they are bold, they may be able to grab the jade soul marrow, such as the third division brother of yuan Datong, Zheng Guangming, Dongfang Liang and he Lanfeng.

Some people are relatively cautious. They think it's better not to take risks at this time. Wait until the situation is clearer, such as Duan Rusong, Qingyang, aunt Yun's mother and daughter, etc. Lu Dingshan was always hesitant, but at last, seeing that Qingyang didn't move, he also temporarily put out his mind.

Duan Rusong had no choice but to let them choose. If they were willing to go, they would go by themselves. If they were unwilling to go, they would step back and get together so as not to be affected by the battle.

Keep a certain distance, but don't be too far away from the scuffle crowd in front, so as not to have time to deal with the opportunity. There are many such cases. In other directions, some monks gather together to protect themselves, but the number is not very much.

Although there are many problems in Yuling City, on the surface, it is still harmonious and can ensure the safety of most monks. At ordinary times, casual monks rarely encounter too fierce fighting. Even if everyone occasionally goes to the mountain to experience, they are all small-scale fighting. They have never encountered such a large-scale life and death scuffle, which makes people scared.

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