Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 197: 197

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As the footsteps approached, a figure finally appeared at the entrance of the mine. At the first sight of the figure, everyone took a breath of air conditioning. Is this still a person?

This man is not tall, his figure is not characteristic, and his clothes are ragged. However, his body is covered with countless wounds, large and small. If the wound is nothing, it is frightening that maggots are still crawling around the wound, which makes people afraid.

There were only some sparse hair on his head, and one of his eyes had no eyes, dripping blood. Under the man's arm were three bodies, the other three of the five who had just escaped, but they could no longer die.

Are you still alive after being hurt like this? Is this a man or a ghost? Or is it the soul seducing messenger sent by the Lord of hell to take everyone's lives? How can there be such a terrible person in this world?

The human monster slowly came to the array and threw the three corpses on the array. The bloody light curtain swung slightly and firmly absorbed the three corpses. However, in the blink of an eye, the flesh and blood of the three corpses became the energy of the array.

Then the humanoid monster came to the two remaining friars. In the face of death, the two friars suddenly burst into amazing power. One of them grabbed his magic weapon and stabbed it at the chest of the humanoid monster, while the other jumped more than a foot high and fled to the other side.

Although the two friars were in the late stage of pulse opening, they suddenly burst out of strength. Even at the early stage of Qi training, the friars did not dare to connect hard, but the humanoid monster had the same expression and kicked on the friar who attacked him. This foot was powerful and fast. The friar could not make any response at all. As soon as his body was soft, he pasted it on the bloody light curtain of the array.

After that, the humanoid monster jumped out quickly at the foot, then grabbed the other friar, pinched his neck with a slight force on his hand, and then threw the body onto the array. These moves are crisp and neat. It's completely different from the previous slow look. Look at this skill, at least it's in the later stage of Qi practice.

At the same time, the outside array absorbed the flesh and blood of five corpses continuously, and the energy was supplemented to a certain extent. The blood color on the light curtain also increased a lot. If you want to continue to break the array, it is estimated that it will take more energy than before.

The situation on the field changes. There is an array siege inside and a humanoid monster blocking outside. It seems that the way to break the hole and escape is not feasible. Going out alone can only let the other party break it one by one. Only by working together to break the array can we escape. The emergence of this humanoid monster not only didn't break everyone down, but also made the scattered practitioners eliminate their thoughts of escape.

Looking at the human monster outside, Zizhu Weng strengthened his courage and shouted at the man: "who are you and why do you set such a trap in the thousand caves? Is the jade spirit marrow a bait you deliberately put out? What do you want to do?"

The nearby Jia Ting also shouted, "you have laid such a cruel array and killed many scattered practitioners in Yuling City innocently. Do you know that you have committed an unforgivable felony? The adults of Yuling city and Xianmen elders will never let you go easily."

Another nearby monk in the period of refining Qi also said angrily: "a small array wants to trap so many friars? It's beyond our power. Those who know the truth will release us quickly, otherwise, you'll look good when we break the array."

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Facing the questioning of the monks in the array, the human monster didn't say a word. He still looked at the monks in the array quietly, with a strange and greedy smile on his face, just like an old farmer standing on the edge of the field and looking at the crops that are about to harvest.

The friars in the array couldn't help being startled by this gloomy smile. How can they smile so horribly? What the hell does this guy want? Are you really going to kill all the monks present?

At this time, someone suddenly exclaimed, "how is this possible? Mom, is it you..."

What mother? How can there be a trick to recognize relatives at such a critical juncture? It's not that any casual practice has poor psychological quality. Are you scared and confused? Everyone looked at the source of the voice. Qingyang also knew the person who just screamed. It turned out to be the orange hair ghost among the seven Jue ghosts.

Although the seven Jue ghosts have a bad character, they know the importance of keeping a low profile. Therefore, when there is a scuffle in the mine, they have been hiding behind and let others organize and arrange. No one has noticed the seven of them. At this time, I don't know why they suddenly come out.

The exclamation of the orange haired ghost seemed to infect other people among the seven unique ghosts. The red haired ghost was stunned for a long time, and his face turned pale. He said, "what's the matter? Hasn't my mother died for a long time? How can she appear here? And it has changed so much?"

"Mom, it's me. I'm the old six blue haired ghost. Can't you recognize me?" the blue haired ghost's voice changed color and trembled.

Among the friars present, many knew Qijue ghost. Qingyang also heard aunt Yun introduce their identity and knew a lot about their mother and son. It is said that Qijue ghost's mother was once the first one under the foundation building friar in Yuling city. The famous shadowless ghost mother cultivated the Ninth level of Qi refining a long time ago, but she couldn't get the foundation building pill because of no chance, This has not broken through to the foundation period.

But didn't the shadowless ghost mother die a long time ago? How many years have passed, how can it appear here? Looking at the appearance of the seven unique ghosts, it seems that like everyone, it is also an abnormal shock. Did you see ghosts in the daytime? Or is the shadowless ghost mother resurrected?

Of course, there are also those who have a slow brain response. Not only many friars don't understand, but even the purple haired ghost among the seven unique ghosts is confused and forced. He hurriedly asked his brother, "brother, second brother, what happened? What mother? Where is mother? Why do you say so?"

The red haired ghost didn't dare to be 100% sure. He explained to the purple haired ghost, "seventh brother, do you think the man outside the array is similar to our dead mother?"

After the elder brother's guidance, the purple haired ghost looked at the human monster outside through the bloody light curtain. I don't know whether it was psychological effect or whether he really recognized it. A moment later, he also exclaimed: "it's really the mother, elder brother, the mother is still alive, and our mother is still alive."

Not only did the purple haired ghost understand, but even Qingyang understood that the mother mentioned by the seven Jue ghost was the human monster outside. The humanoid monster was ragged, hurt all over and lost his hair. One of his eyes was gone. He couldn't even distinguish between men and women. Ordinary people couldn't recognize him except those who were very close to him.

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