Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 199: 199

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Yeah, what's wrong? After confirmation, the man outside is indeed his mother, and the mother has recognized their seven brothers. What else can we doubt? Now my mother gives orders to me. How can I disobey her?

At this time, the shadowless ghost mother said, "red haired ghost, hurry up, and everyone else will go together. If you can satisfy me, I don't mind paying attention to your life."

At the instigation of the shadowless ghost mother, other monks around the seven Jue ghost immediately stood beside the orange haired ghost. As long as they can live, who cares about others' life and death.

Seeing that the two sides were about to fight, the red haired ghost suddenly looked cold, turned his head and said to the shadowless ghost mother, "no, you are definitely not my mother."

"Why?" before the shadowless ghost mother spoke, the orange haired ghost asked first.

The red haired ghost said, "why can't our seven brothers break through after our mother's disappearance, and what they do is that lovers hate dogs? It's because we developed a domineering and bad temperament because of our excessive doting. If she is really our mother, it's definitely not easy for us to take risks, how can she force us to fight with the spirit refining friars?"

"But it's not necessarily ah. Maybe my mother realized the previous problems and changed them now. It may also be that she is deliberately training us." orange hair ghost said.

The red haired ghost shook his head and said, "of course what you said is possible, but I can't hear any feelings from her words. How can mother and son recognize each other so insipid? And she doesn't call us right. When did mother call me red haired ghost?"

After listening to the eldest brother, it seems that it is true. The orange haired ghost needs to ask something more. The red haired ghost turned around and said to the shadowless ghost mother, "although you are similar in appearance, you are not my mother at all. Say! Who are you? Where has my mother gone?"

There are dozens of friars around the seven Jue ghost. Although they are all friars in the open pulse realm, if they really fight, the death and injury are definitely not small. Even if only half of them die, the external array will be consolidated again. It's hard to say whether the rest can break the array. Now the red haired ghost doesn't believe that the other party is the shadowless ghost mother, so the two sides may not fight. It seems that things still have a turn for the better.

The shadowless ghost mother looked at the red haired ghost and smiled for a long time: "Jie... Red haired ghost, is that how you treat your mother?"

The red haired ghost remained unmoved and said, "hum, you are not our mother at all. Say, who are you? What have you done to our mother? Why do you pretend to be my mother?"

Orange hair ghost and others looked at each other. Although the shadowless ghost mother opposite may be their mother, compared with the shadowless ghost mother they haven't seen for many years, they still believe in the big brother who gets along day and night. Since the big brother insists that the other party is pretending, they can only look at the situation first.

Seeing that the seven unique ghosts didn't believe in themselves, the shadowless ghost mother smiled and said, "I thought I could save some hands and feet, but I didn't expect to be seen through by you. In that case, there's nothing to hide. Who am I? It's OK to say it's the shadowless ghost mother, because this body is hers. It's OK to say it's not, because I'm really another person."

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Another person lives in the shadowless ghost mother's body? How is this possible?

"Seizing, is this the legendary seizing?" suddenly someone exclaimed.

Qingyang has never heard of seizing, but naturally there is a friar who likes to show off to popularize science. He soon understood it. It is said that seizing is an extremely cruel skill in the immortal world. It is said that high-level friars forcibly kill the yuan God of low-level friars, and then occupy the magpie's nest with their own yuan God. From then on, it is a way to occupy the body and immortal qualification of low-level friars.

However, this kind of skill is generally inaccessible to low-level friars and only exists in legends. I didn't expect to see it here today. I'm afraid no one will appreciate it with their own qualifications, but it's hard for Yu Mengmiao to say. It seems that in the future, we should try to keep a low profile in this regard, so as not to attract the covet of other high-ranking friars.

Hearing that his mother was robbed of her house, the seven Jue ghost brothers suddenly showed their teeth and wanted to crack. Unexpectedly, such a cruel skill was applied to his mother. If his mother was really robbed of her house by the person in front of him, would this person be their enemy who killed his mother? Is responsible for all the tragedies of these years?

The enemy of killing his mother is bitter. This revenge must be avenged, but the only enemy in front of him is the yuan God, but his body is his mother's. what should I do? How should this revenge be avenged?

At this time, master Miao suddenly said, "it's not very similar. I don't think it's a loss."

"Isn't it a loss?" Jia Ting wondered.

Master Miao said, "because I study arrays, I often read classics and know more about some remote knowledge of the immortal world. The reason why it is rare to seize or give up is because it is difficult, has many restrictions and has a low success rate, so I feel a little suspicious."

As master Miao said, there are many restrictions on seizing and giving up. It doesn't mean that monks can seize and give up others at will. First of all, it can only be high-level friars to low-level friars. The greater the gap, the higher the success rate. Ordinary people can't, at least they should have spiritual roots; Secondly, seizing and giving up will cause great loss to the original source of the yuan God. Generally, it is difficult for a friar to do it again in his life; The third is that seizing and giving up will not increase the life of monks,

Although the body was changed after seizing and giving up, the yuan God did not change. The yuan God represents the realm, so the life span will not change. The life span of a foundation friar is 200 years. If you have already spent 150 years, even if you take away a young man again, the remaining life span cannot be counted according to the young man, but subtract 150 years from the original 200 years.

Because if you change a body, there will be a mismatch between your cultivation and the realm of the yuan God. Therefore, you must improve your cultivation as soon as possible, otherwise the yuan God will have problems for a long time. At this time, the life expectancy will not increase with the increase of physical cultivation. Only by breaking through the original foundation building state and becoming a Jindan friar, the life expectancy will increase by 200 years like other friars.

Since life expectancy has not increased, why give up? Of course, there are still reasons. Some are because the body is destroyed and the yuan God has nowhere to put it. He can only find a body with spiritual roots nearby. Others are because their original physical qualification is too poor to break through the current cultivation, so they find a better physical cultivation.

Because the level of Yuanshen is high, the body has little obstacles when breaking through the level, and the speed of improving cultivation is much faster than before. For some friars with extremely poor qualifications, the delay is worth it. Of course, there are too many restrictions on seizing and giving up, and it is easy to change. Ordinary friars will not do it unless they have to.

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