Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 217: 217

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Not to mention immortal Youming, Qingyang was forced to hide in the space of drunken immortal Hu. Later, he didn't even have the strength to stand up. He sat directly on the ground, took a healing pill from his body, and then began to meditate and heal.

After several hours, the injury eased slightly. Qingyang took a breath and slowly stood up from the ground. I was seriously injured this time. It takes at least five or six days to fully recover. Now I can only barely move.

After walking around, there was not much change in the zuixianhu space. The four seeds were still motionless. Everything in the wine pool and wine pavilion was normal. The seven alcoholics bees were sleeping and could not help him. That is, the seeds of those ordinary Linghua and lingcao bought in Yuling city have gradually sprouted and look vibrant.

Qingyang was not in the mood to appreciate these. What worried him most was his current situation. Just now he secretly poked out a trace of divine thoughts. As a result, he found that the Youming immortal was sitting not far away and was sacrificing the body of Helan peak. It seemed impossible to leave in a short time.

If Immortal Youming doesn't leave, Qingyang can't get drunk. Although there is no worry about life for the time being, it's not a matter to go on like this. The immortal tapping meeting will begin in these two days, a little more than a month in total. If the Youming immortal stays outside for half a month, then he will find his own way and delay for some time. When he returns to Yuling City, it is estimated that the immortal tapping meeting will be over long ago.

But on second thought, I seem to think a little too much. I haven't found any task items. What's the use of going back in time? The immortal tapping meeting has nothing to do with him. Well, Qingyang has a toothache when he thinks of these things. He once had the opportunity to join the immortal gate. He could have touched Yu Mengmiao's light. Now he can only get a free price for the Liang family.

After thinking for a while, Qingyang sat down on the ground again and began to continue healing. In any case, it is the most important to take good care of his body first and have the energy to face the future.

Time passed quickly. In a twinkling of an eye, five or six days passed. Qingyang had been better last time, and there was a little improvement in cultivation. Meanwhile, Qingyang secretly observed once with his mind. The Youming immortal was still outside, doing something he couldn't understand. He had no intention to leave at all, which made Qingyang angry.

Although he was in a hurry, Qingyang didn't dare to always show his mind outside. He was afraid that his frequent snooping would be found by Youming immortal, so he strengthened his determination to stay outside.

But always doing nothing in the drunken fairy gourd is also annoying. Four or five days have passed. Should the percussion meeting have begun long ago? I don't know what missions will be given this year and what mission items will be needed. At this time, the Liang family should have taken action? Not only Liang Qingtian, but also Liang chongtian may worship the seven immortal gates, but he can only be blocked here.

With the passage of time, Qingyang became more and more irritable. Although he knew that the kowtow meeting had nothing to do with himself, he was still unwilling and couldn't calm down to practice slowly. I said goodbye to my master and came to Yuling city. I went through hardships for nearly half a year. I lived and died. Isn't it for this Kouxian meeting?

Now, seeing that the kowtow meeting is about to begin, he has become an outsider. How can he be reconciled? Would you like to go out and fight? Although immortal Youming was powerful, he was seriously injured after all, and overdrawn the yuan God many times. Is it the end of a powerful crossbow?

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But looking at his accomplishments, Qingyang can't help being discouraged. Immortal Youming was once a friar in the foundation period. No matter how strong he was, he couldn't even beat the friars in the middle of Kaimai territory, right? What is the end of a powerful crossbow? He Lanfeng thought so at the beginning. Now he has become a dead body. Do you want to follow suit?

Qingyang combed all the things around him again. Alcoholic bee? Can't help for the time being; Talisman? It's all used up; Pill? There are still two, but they do not improve the combat effectiveness; Spirit wine? It doesn't seem to come in handy at this time.

He opened the baggage he had put in the drunken immortal gourd and turned it over. Qingyang couldn't help seeing the Jade Buddha. He got it from Hong Mantian when he was in Kaiyuan mansion. The Jade Buddha is made of soul nourishing jade. Although it is rare in the immortal world, it is not of high value. It is worth two or three spirit stones. The most important thing is the residual soul hidden inside.

It's just that Qingyang has been getting this thing for several months, but he hasn't found any reaction from the remnant soul inside, and hasn't helped him. Is this a chicken rib?

While meditating, suddenly, the Jade Buddha trembled slightly and sent out a trace of warm light, shining on Qingyang, just like seeing the sun on a cloudy day. The warm light spread all over the body, making people feel comfortable.

Did the Jade Buddha respond? How could he react at this time? Is it true that, as those people in the secular world said, this jade Buddha was extremely effective and heard his own voice?

As a monk, Qingyang didn't believe this. He guessed that it might be because some external stimuli were sensed by the remnant soul of the Jade Buddha. As for what stimulates the remnant soul from the outside, Qingyang can't guess.

However, it is always a good thing for the Jade Buddha to react. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qingyang quickly separated a trace of divine thoughts and explored into the Jade Buddha. Qingyang has tried this before, but every time it is a stone sinking into the sea. It can only vaguely sense that there is a trace of residual soul in it. The exploration of the outside world has been shielded, and there is no more to see.

But this time it was different. In a trance, Qingyang felt that his mind suddenly came to a space. It was dark all around and couldn't see anything, but Qingyang vaguely felt that there must be some unpredictable existence here.

Soul raising jade is only a low-level spiritual material. There will certainly be no real space in it. It should only be the conscious space formed by divine thoughts. Just hesitating, I suddenly heard an old voice floating in the air and said, "who are you? Why bother the king?"

Qingyang looked up. Not far from each other, a figure was floating in the air. The figure was unreal and could not be seen clearly, but it was generally recognizable. It seemed to be an old man with a single horn on his head. The old man's face was expressionless and his eyes were confused. He didn't know whether he made such an expression on purpose or because he was born stupid.

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