Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 236: 236

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Like Qingyang, nading mountain stood beside him and looked up at the distance. Although his face was expressionless, his beard trembled slightly, and he didn't know what he thought at this time.

Cui Yu'an and Shi Li stood on the other side. Shi Li looked up at Cui Yu'an, who was also slightly excited, and said, "senior brother Yu'an, what are you thinking?"

Cui Yu'an said with emotion: "I'm thinking that when I go to the Qingfeng hall, I don't know how many challenges are waiting for us, and I don't know how far I can go in the future."

Shi Li complimented, "with elder martial brother Yu'an's qualifications, there must be a bright future in the future."

Cui Yu'an smiled naturally and said, "low key, low key, the world is big, and there are few people with excellent qualifications. As one of the seven immortal gates, Qingfeng hall must have a lot better qualifications than me. Qualification is only the foundation. How far it can go in the future depends on personal efforts."

Looking at Cui Yu'an's eloquence, Shi Li looked at the stars and said, "elder martial brother Yu'an, what you said is really reasonable. Younger martial sister admires it."

Even Li Shengbo in the middle couldn't help nodding and said, "yes, yes, not arrogant and impetuous, mature and steady. Nephew Cui has this insight and has unlimited future. Cultivation is like this. Qualification is only a stepping stone. If you don't work hard alone, you can't go far. If you work hard, your future achievements may not be better than others."

Qu Pingjing also said: "elder martial brother Li is right. I once heard of a disciple of Qingfeng hall whose qualification is even better than that of martial nephew Yu'an. He doesn't work hard at ordinary times and depends on pills to improve his accomplishments. Later, he was stuck in a small bottleneck because of a setback. In the end, he didn't break through the shackles of the Qi refining period all his life."

"Thanks for your instruction, elder martial brothers. I remember it." Cui Yu'an said. These are all words of experience. No matter whether they are useful to themselves or not, they should accept the teachings of their predecessors with an open mind. Qingyang, Lu Dingshan and Shi Li also quickly thanked the two senior brothers.

After talking, Cui Yu'an felt close to the two elder martial brothers and asked, "elder martial brother Li, the boat under our feet is a legendary flying artifact?"

Li Shengbo nodded and said, "yes, this is uncle Jiang's inferior flying spirit weapon, the wind boat. Such treasures are rare in the whole Qingfeng Hall..."

Li Shengbo said it in detail. After his introduction, Qingyang finally had an understanding of the monk's use of spirit tools. Friars rely on their mind to control spirit tools, because the mind of friars in Kaimai territory is too weak. Generally, they can control tiny magic tools such as silver needles.

When monks break through the Qi refining period, not only their accomplishments are improved, but also their mind is strong to a certain extent. At this time, they can directly control magic tools and spirit tools to fight, and the power of Volley attack is infinite. However, the mind in the Qi refining period is limited after all, that's all.

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After the foundation period, the monk's mind is stronger. He can not only control the spirit tools, but also drive the monk himself with flying spirit tools. Those with stronger strength can even drive several people on the spirit tools, which is what we often call sword flying.

As for the golden elixir period, the monk's strength is even stronger. He can fly in the air with his own true yuan alone. In order to distinguish from low-level friars and show their superior status, many Jindan friars will give up sword flying and choose to fly directly in the air.

Of course, the true value of a friar is limited after all. If it is a short distance, it can fly directly in the air, which not only saves trouble, but also shows his identity. If it's a long-distance flight and flying in the air costs too much real yuan, it's likely that you don't have a place to fly a knife, so you'll spend all your real yuan first. In case of any danger, don't you ask for trouble? So most friars fly with their swords when they are far away.

Similarly, there are differences between spirit tools and spirit tools. Ordinary spirit tools are used for fighting, and flying is only an auxiliary function. Therefore, they are not only slow to control, but also consume more mind. Those with low cultivation will have to stop and rest before they can be used for a long time.

The special flying artifact is refined for manned flight. It is not only faster, but also has little influence on God. It is very suitable for monks to fly long distances.

Lingxi Valley and Jinding pavilion just now, one uses a square handkerchief and the other uses a giant tripod. Strictly speaking, they are not special flying spirit tools. It takes a lot of mind to operate. They can't compare with Uncle Jiang's wind boat. That is, the immortal gate of the two factions is closer to the jade spirit city than the Qingfeng hall. Otherwise, people will be tired and have problems along the way.

It seems that the use of this divine idea is really great. We must practice it more at ordinary times, so that we can use it to control magic tools as soon as possible. I learned so many useful things before I officially joined the Qingfeng hall. It was taught that it was really different from my own cultivation. I don't have to worry anymore.

The speed of the wind boat was very fast. In the evening, they had flown more than 1000 miles to the edge of a secular town. Maybe it's because of more consumption thoughts. Martial uncle Jiang's face was a little tired. He stopped the wind boat and lived in the town with everyone.

There was nothing to say all night. The next day, everyone continued to set out. With the strength of senior brothers Li Shengbo and Qu Pingjing, they can't control the Yufeng boat, so martial uncle Jiang controls the Yufeng boat all the way. Xiaoxing sleeps at night. After more than ten days, it flew at least 20000 miles. Finally, the Yufeng boat flew to the depths of a mountain and landed at the foot of the mountain.

Qingyang has seen many mountains, such as the unknown low mountain outside Xiping mansion, the continuous mountains when exploring treasure in secret places, and the dangerous Yuling mountain in the depths of Yuling City, but it seems not worth mentioning compared with the towering mountain in front of us.

At a glance, the mountains here seem to have a spirit. Even if you don't go deep into them, you can feel that this is definitely a rare and good place, and there are absolutely no fewer caves and blessed places in it, which is extremely attractive to monks.

The scenery here is picturesque. Standing at the foot of the mountain and looking up, the mountains are stacked in the distance, and the peaks stand towering, just like statues standing in the world, like people like monsters, birds like animals, in all kinds of shapes and workmanship; Flowers and trees are lush nearby, and tall ancient trees block out the sun. Birds and animals sing from time to time, which not only shows that there are few people here, but also proves that there are spirits here; The low bushes on the roadside are lush and almost block the place to go. Colorful unknown wild flowers float at your feet, which makes people feel comfortable at a glance.

Of course, the scenery is not the most important. The important thing is the aura here. It is extremely rich. It seems to be better than the aura of the residence carefully prepared by the jade spirit scattered people when they were in the jade spirit city. As for the inn where Qingyang once lived, it can't be compared.

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