Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 256: 256

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Seeing Qingyang's expression, Ma Hai couldn't help but sink in his heart. He had a helper in the dark. He could scare the first-order spotted deer like this. The strength of the helper in the dark must be not low. It seems that his plan will fail this time.

Not only did things fail, but also trapped himself. At this stage, Ma Hai finally knew that he had kicked the iron plate this time. This Qingyang was not something he could deal with. Now that the matter was over, he had to find a way to get out first.

Looking at the changing expression on Ma Hai's face, Qingyang said: "elder martial brother Ma deliberately destroyed the spiritual field of the sect for a little conflict, which almost caused great losses to the sect. If you were handed over to the cultivation yard, what punishment would you be punished?"

If Qingyang had said this before, Ma Hai was not afraid at all. He was also the cultivation of the ninth floor of Kaimai territory. Can't he escape? Now he dare not think so. Not to mention that he was caught by Qingyang just now, just thinking about the expert who can scare the spotted deer in the dark makes people feel cold behind his back. How can he escape?

It's true that stealing chickens can't erode rice. I didn't even hurt a hair of others, but I trapped myself. Now I'm caught, not bitten at that time. I'm just sent directly to the cultivation yard. I'm afraid only uncle Qingyu can save himself. But will uncle Qingyu come forward for himself? Certainly not. He can't afford to lose his face.

Fortunately, they didn't cause any loss. Those people should not embarrass themselves in the face of Uncle Qingyu, but they must be punished. Maybe their future will be over, so they must not let this guy send himself to the cultivation yard.

Thinking of this, Ma Hai couldn't help saying, "you... You can't send me to the cultivation yard!"

"Why not?" Qingyang asked.

"I... i... do you know who the owner behind the spotted deer is? If you give me and the spotted deer to the cultivation yard, you will offend a big man. Later, you will wait for revenge." Ma Hai was short of words, so he had to talk about the spotted deer.

"Big man? Who is the owner behind the spotted deer?" Qingyang said.

"Hum, it doesn't hurt to tell you that the owner of the spotted deer is my cousin Ma Yingjiao, the direct grandson of Uncle Qingyu. He doesn't know about it. If you give his spotted deer to the cultivation yard, he will never let you go easily." Ma Hai said with a fierce face and a weak heart.

The owner of the spotted deer is actually the direct grandson of Qingyu scattered in the Fu Li Yuan. He is really a great source, which is different from Mahai, a relative of COSCO. Qingyang said, "I'm afraid you have miscalculated. Can't I give you to the cultivation yard and return the spotted deer directly to your cousin?"

Return the spotted deer to your cousin and send yourself to the farm? That's troublesome. Although without the spotted deer, their responsibilities will be much smaller, but they will still have some impact on the future. What about their future? I'm afraid uncle Qingyu will hate himself more and more after he knows this?

In any case, you can't go to the cultivation yard. The eldest husband can bend and stretch. Ma Hai said, "younger martial brother Qingyang, I'm wrong. Please forgive me. Don't send me to the cultivation yard."

Qingyang sneered: "why should I spare you? It was just a small conflict at the beginning. You hated me for more than two years and almost let me fail my mission and be punished by the sect. If I bypass you this time, I don't know how you will retaliate against me in the future."

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Ma Hailian hurriedly said, "no, absolutely not. I can swear. I usually bully and bully those whose cultivation is lower than me. Younger martial brother Qingyang has such good qualification and rapid improvement. It won't take long to surpass me. How dare I take revenge on you in the future?"

I'm afraid this kind of villain doesn't necessarily work even if he makes a spiritual oath. Qingyang will never believe him. However, as Ma Hai said, Qingyang's accomplishments have improved rapidly, and it won't take long to surpass this guy. Ma Hai is just a small wave on his path to immortality, which is not worth mentioning. With the improvement of his strength, Qingyang is not afraid of this guy's revenge.

This kind of person can't be killed. Even if you send this guy to the cultivation yard, it won't do anything to him. On the contrary, it will deepen the contradiction. Since I intend to reconcile with the owner behind the spotted deer, I won't deal with him until I see the situation.

Thinking of this, Qingyang said faintly, "then go!"

Ma Hai is ready to be blackmailed by Qingyang. As long as he can get away temporarily, he can pay some price or even hand over all his things. As a result, before he could talk about the conditions, the guy directly promised to let himself go. Ma Hai couldn't believe his ears and wondered, "let me go? Do you really let me go?"

Qingyang stared and said, "why? You don't want to go? Why don't we talk about your attempt to destroy the sect spirit field?"

Looking at Qingyang's appearance, it seems that there is the possibility of going back at any time. Ma Hai shrinks his neck and hurriedly says, "no, no, I'll go, I'll go now..."

However, he just took a step outside, as if he thought of something. He took his legs back, turned his head and said, "younger martial brother Qingyang, look, let me go, this spotted deer..."

"If you want to return the spotted deer, let the master behind him come." Qingyang said coldly.

He cheated the spotted deer from his cousin. If he let cousin Ma Yingjiao take it himself, he would deliberately destroy the sect spirit field with the spotted deer, and he would almost be involved. Wouldn't it be revealed? There will certainly be heavy punishment.

Ma Hai thought he could fight for it and said, "younger martial brother Qingyang, why do you keep the spotted deer? It's better for a good man to do it to the end and let me take him back."

"Let you take it back, so that you can go back and gossip, and then trouble me again? Do you think I'm so stupid?" Qingyang said.

Qingyang let Ma Hai go, not to let him go easily, but to send him back to report a letter to his cousin and let Ma Yingjiao come and get the spotted deer himself. In this way, he can make it clear to his face and don't give Ma Hai a chance to gossip in the middle.

Looking at Ma Hai's appearance, Ma Yingjiao should not know what he did when he brought the spotted deer out. When Ma Yingjiao learned about Ma Hai's stupid act of lending the spotted deer, he almost involved himself, and he will certainly punish Ma Hai heavily.

This not only achieved the purpose of punishing Ma Hai, but also gave Ma Yingjiao a face. It can't be said to make friends, but at least it can remove most of the misunderstandings, and there won't be too much trouble in the future. He has no right and no power. It's better not to offend the high-level legitimate children of Qingfeng hall like Ma Yingjiao.

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