Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 286: 286

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It's better not to go. It's a pity to follow them to take risks. It's a pity that I don't know when I can make money in the Qingfeng hall. Qingyang is not so anxious. If other people don't go, it's a big deal to ask Hou Jiangong about the specific location. He runs alone in private and is protected by alcoholic bees. The danger will not be too great.

Seeing that most of the day passed, Deng Changting finally couldn't sit still. He suddenly stood up and said to Deng Changzhu, "you can't wait any longer. You can find a way to go back to the Qingfeng hall to find out what happened, find out the situation and make a decision."

Deng Changzhu answered and was about to get up and leave. Suddenly there was a sound of deer crowing in front of him. His voice was clear and loud. He knew it was not a common beast.

There are monsters around here? Is this monster an enemy or a friend? Is there anyone behind it? How did they find it here? At the thought of this, everyone's face changed. Although this place is still within the influence of Qingfeng hall, there are always bold evil practitioners in the world who dare to provoke Xianmen disciples, because many Xianmen disciples are rich and much better than robbing those scattered practitioners.

This side has just made a response. The monster over there has come along the mountain road. This monster is about five feet tall and looks very similar to the sika deer. However, the spots on his body are not plum blossoms, but flame patterns. It is actually a spotted deer.

On the back of the spotted deer, there is a woman with a cold look. Who is not Qin Ruyan? Her two maidens, one on the left and one on the right, walked behind with a sword and an umbrella. Even riding a spotted deer, Qin Ruyan didn't leave his pomp.

Seeing Qin Ruyan appear, Deng Changting was relieved at last. He hurried up and said, "my eldest lady, why did you come? We thought something had happened."

After making everyone wait for a day in vain, Qin Ruyan seemed to feel a little embarrassed. In the face of Deng Changting's slight complaint, he didn't get angry this time, but explained: "before I went out, I suddenly remembered that I didn't have a substitute ride, so I went to find Ma Yingjiao and borrowed his spotted deer, so I delayed a little time."

No wonder the spotted deer looks familiar. It turned out to be Ma Yingjiao's. Qingyang shook his head secretly. The eldest Miss Qin Ruyan's style is really enough. You have to find a substitute ride when you go out. You can save a lot of energy. Don't we have to rely on two feet?

The spirit spirit of the refining friar is not strong enough. His mind can only reluctantly control magic tools to attack. He can't fly with his own imperial tools. Generally, he can only fly when his cultivation reaches the foundation period.

Even during the foundation period, you can't fly as you want. Generally, you can fly only for a short distance, in case of emergency, or in case of important things, because the flying of imperial weapons consumes a lot of mind and Qi, and no one can stand flying for a long time.

A few years ago, martial uncle Jiang took Qingyang and others to the Qingfeng hall. Because martial uncle Jiang is a senior foundation building Friar and the Yufeng boat is a special flying spirit, he can take so many people at one time. Even so, martial uncle Jiang is on his way during the day and resting at night. After half a month, martial uncle Jiang is also haggard. If the distance is further, it is estimated that martial uncle Jiang will collapse.

Low ranking friars travel either on two legs or on horseback. Qingfeng hall is not like yulingzong. There are almost no spirit beasts in the sect, let alone flying monsters like bald eagles. Qin Ruyan found Ma Yingjiao and borrowed his spotted deer to walk instead.

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For Qin Ruyan's words, Deng Changting was a little incredible and said, "let's wait all day in order to borrow a substitute ride?"

Deng Changting's words were skeptical. Before Qin Ruyan could speak, the attendant umbrella next to him was unwilling and said, "our Miss has never been far away. The demon monkey cave is thousands of miles away. It takes more than half a month to walk alone. How can a horse without a substitute stand?"

I'm a delicate woman. How can I go away without a substitute? The parasol was right. Everyone was speechless. Deng Changting pretended to have the courage to say that sentence. He was too late to repent. Now, seeing Qin Ruyan showing impatience, he quickly closed his mouth.

Seeing that it was still early, Hou Jiangong said, "elder martial sister Qin and elder martial brother Deng, it's a long way to go. We should hurry up and start now?"

Before Deng Changting spoke, Qin Ruyan frowned and said, "what's the hurry? The sun is about to set. How far can I go now? I've just been on my way for several hours and I'm sweating. I can't walk today. Let's start tomorrow."

When Miss Qin spoke, everyone dared not refuse. Deng Changting nodded again and again and said, "yes, we have rested here for a long time. Elder martial sister Qin came here from the Qingfeng hall, but she has just been on the road for several hours. It is normal to be tired. We will rest here today and start tomorrow morning."

No one raised any objection to the arrangement of Deng Changting and Qin Ruyan. It was a total of thousands of miles. It doesn't matter if you slow down, and it won't take a few days. This time, Qin Ruyan came out of the spirit stone. People are employers. Let them make up their mind.

So Qingyang and others are looking for a place to rest at night in this small mountain depression. As a monk, they can adapt to any conditions. Just find a place leeward. There are places to rest in caves, trees and behind rocks.

Only Qin Ruyan had high requirements for accommodation. He specifically avoided the people, found a flat grassland, took out a set of luxurious tents from the nawufu, and set them up on the ground. The tent is made of thick monster skin. It can not only shelter from the wind and rain, but also keep warm. In the twinkling of an eye, a tent nearly ten feet high was erected on the grass, with a length and width of more than ten feet. There was more than enough for their master and servant to live.

Although Qingyang didn't have a chance to enter the tent to have a look, it can be judged from the busy figure of their master and servant. The things in the tent are very complete, and there are no fewer tables, chairs and beds. Finally, the umbrella also took out a set of cooking utensils and cooked a delicious dinner for Qin Ruyan in front of the tent.

The preparations are really complete. The young lady took this adventure as an outing. There is limited space in the object receiving talisman. It's not enough for everyone to install some magic tools, food, clothes and other necessary cultivation materials. Who will use it to install tents, tables, chairs and beds?

Even if Qin Ruyan's grandfather is the deputy leader of the Qingfeng hall, the space in the object receiving talisman given to her is larger than that in other people's object receiving talisman, we can't waste it like this. Apart from the useless things such as tables, chairs and tents, is there any other place in her object receiving talisman?

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