Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 327: 327

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We all know what Tian Shengcai said, but what does it have to do with the chaos magic Valley and the magic search order? Everyone couldn't help looking at Hou Jiangong again and waiting for him to explain.
Hou Jiangong said: "that's right. At that time, the devil road ran rampant and dominated the whole Kyushu continent, killing countless righteous friars and creatures. Therefore, the righteous friars gathered and rose up to resist. Finally, they completely defeated the devil road in the battle of burying the devil mountain. From then on, they ushered in the complete stability of Kyushu continent and the prosperity of the main road of Xianmen for more than 2000 years, and the chaotic devil Valley is the key to burying the devil mountain."
After hearing Hou Jiangong's words, Qingyang said thoughtfully, "so, the chaotic devil valley was the center of the battlefield of the melee between the two demons more than 2000 years ago?"
Hou Jiangong nodded: "Younger martial brother Qingyang is right. Burial devil mountain was not originally called burial devil mountain, but Xing devil mountain. The blood devil sect, the leader of the devil way, was built on the mountain more than 2000 years ago, and the chaos devil Valley is the nest of the whole blood devil sect and its leader blood devil ancestors. The blood devil sect has set up an anti heaven blood sacrifice prohibition array around it, seizing the spirit of the whole Xing devil mountain for its own use, and it can't be broken from the outside, Later, with the help of a large number of insiders of the righteous friars in the blood devil sect, they opened the array, and finally completely eradicated the blood devil sect and the blood devil ancestors. "
"But more than two thousand years have passed, and the blood demon sect has long disappeared. It is estimated that the chaotic magic Valley has been searched by later monks. What else can this magic search order do?" Cui Yu'an wondered.
Hou Jiangong added: "In the first World War of burying demon mountain, not only the evil way was destroyed, but also the right way suffered heavy losses. The right way friars who entered the blood sacrifice prohibition array were wiped out. At this time, everyone found that it was very difficult to open the blood sacrifice prohibition array in random demon Valley again. Moreover, in that war, the blood sacrifice prohibition array did not know what damage it had suffered, but even began to repel and refine senior friars Since then, the friars above the later stage of Qi can't enter, but the lower level friars are not affected. People think that there are residual evil spirits of the demon sect controlling the array, so they organized several groups of lower level disciples below the sixth floor of Qi to search. "
At this point, Hou Jian paused slightly and then said: "These disciples didn't find any remaining evils of the evil cult after they went in. Instead, they were blessed by misfortune. They not only found many good things in the random magic Valley, but also improved their cultivation to varying degrees. Later, these disciples shine brightly among various sects. Everyone has seen the benefits of entering the random magic valley. Naturally, this quota has become a hot commodity in order to help those who enter the random magic valley Restrictions. Each immortal sect agreed that only those who have a magic search order can enter. This is the origin of the magic search order. "
After hearing what Hou Jiangong said, everyone finally understood that they had just entered the chaotic devil Valley to search for the remaining evils of the demon sect. Because they got too many benefits, they finally made such a demon search order to limit the number of people entering. The chaotic devil valley was once the hometown of blood devil sect and the main battlefield of the battle between the positive demons. There must be a lot of good things falling, but it has been more than 2000 years now There are some good things in the chaotic devil valley. It is estimated that they have been picked up by others?
Hou Jiangong didn't seem to notice everyone's thoughts and continued: "Over the past two thousand years, the chaotic devil Valley has gradually evolved into a testing place for the disciples of the external Academy of the major immortal sects. It is open almost every 20 years. Only the disciples in the early and middle stages of Qi practice can participate. There are 1000 places each time. Looking at a lot, there are not many cents in all immortal sects in the whole Kyushu mainland. Although Qingfeng hall is one of the seven immortal sects, it can only be divided every time To dozens of pieces, ordinary disciples can't get them at all. Only the best in the outer courtyard can have the opportunity. "

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The mainland of Kyushu is vast and boundless. Besides the seven immortal gates, there are many second and third rate immortal gates, all of which add up to at least dozens. Of course, the magic search orders will not be evenly distributed, but it is not less that Qingfeng hall can get dozens of them after so many sects are distributed.
At this time, Hou Jiangong said: "Over the past two thousand years, this chaotic magic Valley has been opened at least a hundred times, and there are certainly not many good things left. However, there are gains and losses. There are many spiritual herbs and elixirs growing in the chaotic magic Valley all the year round. Everyone who enters the chaotic magic Valley gains a lot every time. Moreover, I heard that the aura in the chaotic magic Valley is extremely rich, which is even better than the closed place of the golden elixir elders of the immortal sect. It's in the valley Face cultivation can get twice the result with half the effort, which is the greatest benefit. "
Hou Jiangong's words are firm, but people think they are exaggerations. They can be used as the nest by the original blood demon sect. The conditions of random magic Valley must be very good, but it's exaggerated to say that it's better than the closed place of the golden pill elders of the immortal sect. It's estimated that it's also hearsay.
Even so, Cui Yu'an and others were so excited that they wanted to take part in the trial of Chaos Magic Valley in person, so they asked: "senior brother Hou, how are the magic search orders distributed, and how can we get them?"
Hou Jiangong said: "It is said that there are two principles for the distribution among sects. Half of them are guaranteed, the first, second and third rate sects have a fixed number, and the remaining half is distributed according to their grades. I don't know the details. It's hard to say within the sect. Maybe it's a great achievement like younger martial brother Qingyang, a gift from elders like elder martial sister Qin, or a certain degree of strength. We can get it through competition anyway Such low-level disciples have no chance. "
Hou Jiangong is telling the truth. There are six or seven thousand disciples in Qingfeng hall, and there are only dozens of devil seeking orders, almost one in a hundred. There are even fewer left after deducting those who have made great contributions to the sect or have elders to help.
For their bottom disciples, even if you cultivate to the sixth floor of Qi refining and become a leader in the outer courtyard, you don't necessarily have a chance, because there are hundreds of people in the sixth floor of Qi refining alone in the outer courtyard. No one is sure that you can stand out from these hundreds of people.
So it seems that it is almost difficult for these people to get a magic search order. They are unlikely to get it in their life. Thinking of this, everyone envies Qingyang more and more.
At the end, Hou Jiangong looked at Qingyang and said solemnly: "The last chaotic devil Valley trial was 14 years ago. There are still six years before the next one. Younger martial brother Qingyang should seize the time to practice and strive to improve his cultivation to the middle stage of Qi refining before starting. Of course, he can participate in the early stage of Qi training, but there are still many dangers in it. If his cultivation is too low, it is easy to have accidents. Although all the disciples participating in the trial are disciples of the righteous immortal sect, they can do it privately The competition is still very fierce. Many people take this opportunity to solve their personal grievances. There are even many monsters in it. Therefore, one or two of the disciples in the random magic valley will die in it for no reason. I hope younger martial brother Qingyang will be careful. "

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