Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 333: 333

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The next morning, after Qingyang and Luding mountain met, they came to Chen biwang's residence together. Elder martial brother Chen has been waiting for a long time. Besides him, there is a young man in his early thirties who only has the cultivation of Qi refining. It should be the Tao family mentioned by elder martial brother Chen.

After gathering together, they left the outer courtyard and headed for the Mountain Gate of Qingfeng hall. As they walked and talked, Qingyang and Lu Dingshan soon had a detailed understanding of the Tao family.

The owner of the Tao family is Tao Youcheng. He is about 60 years old. His cultivation is on the third floor of gas refining. In addition to Tao Youcheng, the Taoists also have two other Qi refining friars. One is Tao Yougong, Tao Youcheng's younger brother, who is the cultivation of the second layer of Qi refining. The other is Tao Zhengyou, Tao Youcheng's son. He is the young man next to him. The rest of the Taoists are in an open vein state.

Tao Youcheng and his brother have limited qualifications. They are nearly 60 years old and are still in the early stage of gas refining. Therefore, they have long lost hope for their future and put all their energy into their son Tao Zhengyou. Therefore, Tao Zhengyou will break through the gas refining period at a young age.

Unexpectedly, there was a sudden accident six months ago. Tao Youcheng, the owner of the family, overheard that a treasure was born in a dangerous place. He took several Tao family members to search for treasure, and as a result, they were trapped inside.

After receiving the news that the owner was trapped, the Tao family spent a huge price and organized many monks to rescue. As a result, no one was rescued, and the rescuers also had an accident inside. After that, it was more difficult to find someone. On the one hand, the Taoists couldn't pay such a high price. On the other hand, it was also the result of saving people before, which made most monks afraid.

In desperation, Tao Zhengyou remembered that his ancestors had something to do with the Qingfeng hall, so he traveled thousands of miles to the Qingfeng hall. Finally, he begged the head of Qingxin Sanren, the leader of the outer court. He hoped that the Qingfeng hall could send several people to help save people for the sake of unintentional Sanren in the past.

We have heard martial uncle Qi tell us what happened. Now we have heard Tao Zhengyou tell us in person, and our understanding of this matter is more true. It took several months from Yongzhou to Qingfeng hall. If he was not desperate, Tao Zhengyou would not come all the way to Qingfeng hall. It can be seen that there is really no way to think about it.

For the sake of being the leader of the outer courtyard of Qingfeng hall, and for the sake of Tao Zhengyou's filial piety, I have to help with anything this time.

As they walked and talked, they soon left the Mountain Gate of Qingfeng hall and went towards Yongzhou. The accomplishments of the four people are not high enough to fly with the sword. As for the flying spirit beast, let alone the Qingfeng hall, even if there is, they can't afford to rent it, so they can only travel on two legs.

It's 20000 Li from Qingfeng hall to Yongzhou. If ordinary people come and walk so far, it's estimated that it will take nearly a year. Fortunately, all four of them have cultivation accomplishments during the gas refining period. They can travel several times faster than ordinary people. They can walk at least three or four hundred miles a day. If there is no delay on the road, a distance of 20000 miles in two months is enough.

Tao Zhengyou is worried about his father because of something in his heart. Qingyang and Lu Dingshan are looking forward to returning to Liangzhou after the matter is finished, so everyone is on their way very fast.

There are few monks walking in the secular world. Zhongzhou, where the Qingfeng hall is located, is relatively prosperous. You can often see some scattered monks working alone. When you get out of Zhongzhou, there are fewer and fewer monks outside. Sometimes you can't see a monk in three or two days.

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The four did not encounter any interference along the way. Unconsciously, two months passed and gradually entered Yongzhou.

Yongzhou is worthy of being a desolate place. There are not only few monks, but also few ordinary people. It is pitiful to see a Secular City occasionally. It is inferior to Liangzhou. If compared with some places in Zhongzhou, the Fucheng of Yongzhou sometimes can't even compare with some towns.

As for friars, they were even more rare. They didn't see one for more than ten days. Until they approached Tujiao City, the only big city of scattered cultivation in Yongzhou, they met more and more friars gradually.

The founding time of Tu Jiao city is no shorter than that of Yuling city. It is said that a monster that was about to evolve into a dragon lived in the nearby mountains a long time ago. Later, the monster was slaughtered by a powerful monk because of its many evils. From then on, this scattered cultivation City was named Tu Jiao city.

Perhaps it is very suitable for monsters to survive here, or there are too many monks in other places. All monsters in Kyushu have been forced here. In short, there are many monsters near Tu Jiao city. There are many monsters and beasts, which will naturally attract friars to come here for a living. As long as they are willing to take risks, they can always gain something. Therefore, Tu Jiaocheng has gradually developed into its current scale.

Tu Jiao city is similar to Yuling city in Liangzhou. Although the number of monks is less, the total number may be only half of that of Yuling City, but because they often fight with monsters, the quality of monks here is better than that of Yuling city. Tian Shengcai, who makes friends with Qingyang, comes from here.

He walked out of nearly 20000 Li in one breath and didn't repair it for two consecutive months. Even the iron man couldn't stand it. After arriving at TU Jiao City, the four stopped here and rested for three days.

Taking advantage of their leisure time, Qingyang, Lu Dingshan and Chen biwang also strolled around the square market of Tu Jiaocheng, but they didn't find anything bright in front of them. The square market here is not comparable to that of Qingfeng hall. The only thing that is rich is monster materials, and the price is very cheap. If you buy some here, you can earn a lot of spirit stones back to Qingfeng hall in the future.

But when he came, Qingyang used up all the spirit stones, and other good things were not willing to be used to exchange monster materials. It took a lot of energy to buy and sell, so Qingyang just looked around and didn't buy anything here. Instead, Lu Dingshan and Chen biwang bought a lot each.

Three days later, the four continued to set out, went all the way north out of Tujiao City, and walked for another seven or eight days before they came to Yongliang mansion in Yongzhou. If Yongzhou is the most desolate state in the whole Kyushu continent, then Yongliang mansion is the Yongzhou of the whole Yongzhou.

At this time, let alone friars, even ordinary people are difficult to meet. I don't know what the Tao family thought at the beginning. They unexpectedly moved to such a place. No wonder it took only a hundred years. The Tao family, who had been a friar in the later stage of foundation building, didn't fall into this situation.

In a small depression dozens of miles away from Yongliang mansion, the four finally came to the destination taojia. It doesn't look like a Xiuxian family, but more like a rural earth manor. In the middle is a courtyard surrounded by dozens of houses, and in the periphery is a piece of farmland, extending to the outside of the mountain depression.

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