Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 342: 342

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Seeing that Tao Zhengyou is determined to follow him, Tao Zhengzhi can only nod helplessly. He has no position in the Tao family and is used for sacrifice at the critical time. Moreover, at this time, he did not dare to go back alone, and it was impossible for others to assign someone to send him.

While they were talking, Chen biwang bent down and picked up the bat monster corpse on the ground, carefully observed it for a while, and said, "sharp teeth, sharp feet, black wings, red eyes, head like a mouse, body like a swallow, and likes to eat friars' flesh and blood. It seems to be a monster blood bat."

LV Feng nodded and said: "Blood bat is a rare monster in the cultivation world. It likes to hide in dark and humid caves. Its teeth contain strong poison. Once it is bitten by him, the toxin will be injected into the body, making people lose the ability to defend and resist instantly. Moreover, the speed of blood bat is very fast, which is much higher than that of the friars of the same level. Fortunately, it is only the non advanced blood bat who attacked you just now. If they enter Even I have to deal with it carefully. "

Qiu Mingxi also said, "yes, I didn't expect that there were monsters like blood bats in the underground palace. No wonder the master of the Tao family would have an accident here. The subsequent two groups of monks were also wiped out, indicating that the danger is more than that. We must deal with it carefully."

"That's true. Since there are non advanced blood bats here, the possibility of advanced blood bats is very high. Everyone should be careful not to be attacked." Chen biwang said.

As like as two peas, Tao Zhengli said, "I just looked over the body of a little bit of a man, and he found a very tiny wound near his throat. It was exactly the same as Tao Zhengxin. It seems that when they first entered Palace of the Earth, they encountered these bloody bats. Tao Zhengli estimated that they were killed."

Although the blood bats are terrible, they are not too difficult to deal with as long as they are careful. It is not easy for the blood bats to attack them again after finding out the cause of the accident and making some targeted defense.

Just after entering the underground palace, they encountered blood bats. Everyone was a lot cautious. They took out their own magic tools to protect them around. Some people even ran real Qi and formed a real Qi shield outside the body to protect the whole body, so as not to be less than defensive when there are problems.

After glancing at the two corpses on the ground, everyone continued to move forward. This passage was similar to the one when they first came in. It was also artificially cut, wide and long, dull and silent. When walking inside, there was only the sound of footsteps and echoes of everyone.

Everyone was in a tight spirit and walked forward step by step. They were afraid that a group of blood bats would suddenly rush out next to them, but they went all the way to the end of the channel and came to the entrance of another stone hall. There was no abnormality. Could it be that there were only those two blood bats in the channel?

Just as everyone was about to breathe a sigh of relief, suddenly, a dozen black shadows flew from the shadow in the stone hall. The speed seemed to be much faster than the two blood bats just now.

Needless to say, these more than a dozen black shadows should be blood bats, and their strength is higher than the two just now. Fortunately, everyone has been tense and monitored around with their mind at any time, and the attack of blood bats has lost its suddenness. Although the speed of blood bats is fast, everyone's response is not slow, so they sacrificed their magic tools and attacked the more than a dozen blood bats.

LV Feng, who was walking in front of him, directly used a middle-grade flame magic symbol. A flame burst out and lit up most of the stone hall. In the twinkling of an eye, the flame symbol collided with the group of blood bats opposite. He only heard a loud bang and aroused countless sparks.

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The blood bat on the opposite side squeaked and seemed to be hurt. Everyone even smelled the burning smell of fur. However, the power of the middle-grade flame charm was still less. It just burned some flesh, and no blood bat was burned to death.

The strength of the first few blood bats seemed to be very high. After noticing everyone's attack, they quickly changed their direction in the air and avoided the attack of most people. Only one of them was unlucky. Chen biwang hit his wings and fell to the ground.

Guo Kaifeng hurriedly took a few steps and hit the ground with a stick, smashing the blood bat to pieces. The rest of the blood bats saw that they were on guard here and seemed to know that it would not be good to stay here. They had to circle in the air and hide in the dark.

Although the blood bats have retreated, we can obviously feel that they did not leave here, but hid in a place where we can't see, secretly waiting for the opportunity of the next attack.

The strength of these blood bats is much higher than that of the first two, especially the leading one, even at the edge of entering the rank. They are faster than many Qi refining friars. This time, if we hadn't prepared in advance, it might cause a lot of casualties.

Moreover, these blood bats have a high IQ. They know to hide in the dark and look for opportunities for sneak attack. If they don't hit, they will immediately escape, and they don't miss it at all, making it impossible for everyone to guard against it.

No wonder the previous groups of friars had an accident. Even their team in the middle of Qi refining should be careful, not to mention the team composed of friars in the early stage of Qi training and Kaimai territory.

Everyone looked around with their mind. They felt that there was no danger in front of them. Then they walked carefully towards the stone hall. Without taking a few steps, they heard Chen biwang in front say, "dead bodies, look, there are several dead bodies here."

Qingyang couldn't help looking ahead. He saw several bodies lying on the ground not far away. Judging from their dress, they are obviously the monks in the previous groups.

However, he was not surprised because there were more than a dozen blood bats hidden in the stone hall. Three groups of people entered here. Not everyone had the strength of their group and could survive the attack of more than a dozen blood bats. When others come here, they will be attacked by a large number of blood bats. It is normal to die a few.

Instead of coming forward rashly, they first observed carefully with their mind and confirmed that there was no danger before they came to the side of the bodies. Several corpses on the ground have no signs of life. It is obvious that they have been dead for a long time. However, these corpses are not quite the same as Tao Zhengli found before. They still maintain their former appearance, which makes people a little confused.

Blood bats like to eat friars' flesh and blood. After killing friars, they will be afraid to suck the flesh and blood in the wound. The corpses of friars they have sucked will lose all their flesh and blood like Tao Zhengli, who met before, and become a skin wrapped skeleton.

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