Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 391: 391

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Seeing that he couldn't win for a while, the strong man's heart sank. They didn't expect that Qingyang would suddenly sacrifice such a group of difficult spirit insects. It's impossible to make a quick decision. However, it's easy to figure it out. If the boy doesn't have some means to protect his life, how can a four layer monk who is refining Qi dare to take risks alone?

I really underestimated this guy, but even if you have the help of spirit bug, you are not the opponent of our two five level friars. The strong man never needs a man here and said, "this boy's spirit bug is difficult to deal with, brother, I'll hold it for a while. You solve the boy quickly. As long as the boy dies and the spirit bug is not under control, we will be safe."

"Don't worry, brother. If I can't even solve him, I'll be a five-tier friar for gas refining." the man didn't need to say a word. His attack was a little more fierce than before.

The alcoholics bee separated an opponent, and Qingyang's pressure immediately reduced a lot. It's not particularly difficult to deal with the man alone. However, there is a gap in the strength of both sides after all. Qingyang can only barely resist each other's attack. It's very difficult to defeat each other.

In particular, the pair of mandarin ducks and tomahawks of the other party have an extremely tricky attack angle, which is always impossible to prevent. Qingyang even made the double sword technique, but he was still forced back by the other party.

Is it necessary to use the ternary sword formula now? Although the ternary sword formula is powerful, it can consume a lot of real Qi and mind. If one hit doesn't work, it will be more difficult to use it again. Moreover, it will lose its suddenness, and the power of the ternary sword formula will be greatly reduced.

Seeing that he was about to be forced into the thorns, Qingyang clenched his teeth and was about to sacrifice another Dharma sword. A figure suddenly appeared in the thorns next to him. Did he have a helper? Qingyang was startled. It was so difficult for the two enemies to deal with it. If there was another one, it would be really troublesome. At that time, in order to protect his life, he had to get the queen bee and the monkey king out to help.

Suddenly, such an accident happened. Qingyang forgot to use the ternary sword formula again and quickly used his body method to avoid one side. After he dodged, he found that it was just a false alarm. The figure attacked not himself, but the man opposite.

There is no need for a man to force Qingyang to retreat step by step. Seeing that he is about to win, how could he expect a person to suddenly come out of the thorns next to him? As a monk in the middle stage of Qi refining, he didn't need a man's reaction. He quickly gave up chasing Qingyang, stopped his body, blocked a pair of mandarin ducks and tomahawks in front of him, and Qi ran all over his body at the same time.

However, the incident was too sudden. The thorn bush was too close to the man. He had no time to make more defense. The attack of the figure was imminent. Hearing a loud bang, the man ran out of the thorns. His body just shook. Without need, the man's body flew two or three feet away, fell to the ground and spewed out a mouthful of blood.

After being hit hard by this, the man could only barely hold himself up and said with grief and indignation: "you... You are so mean. You are so powerful that you are still in ambush."

No need. Although the man is in a hurry, he has the cultivation of five layers of Qi refining after all. Even a sneak attack by a friar of the same level can at most cause him some minor injuries. However, judging from his injury, the strength of the other party is far beyond the estimate, that is to say, the cultivation of the sneak attacker is also the sixth level of Qi refining. It's no wonder that the man doesn't have to be so sad and angry because he has such strong strength.

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Qingyang is also a monk Zhang Er. He thinks the Raider is with the other party. Unexpectedly, the attacker doesn't need a man. Is it an acquaintance? Or Qingfeng hall disciple?

When Qingyang looked carefully, he found that he didn't know the man who attacked, but a disheveled man. His clothes were ragged and long dilapidated. He hung on his body one by one. His hair and beard were messy, as if he hadn't been washed for decades. He could hardly see the original color. The whole person looked dirtier than the beggar in the secular world.

As for the strength of the other side, there are only six layers of Qi refining on the surface, but the strength faintly emitted by the body has long exceeded the level of the middle stage of Qi refining, which is better than any test disciple Qingyang has seen before, even compared with many monks in the later stage of Qi refining.

Maybe it's because he was hiding in the thorns just now. He was scratched with blood in many places, but he didn't feel it, as if these wounds were on others. His eyes were scarlet and he couldn't see any expression. Standing in front of him, he was like a fierce beast that ate people. He had only bloodthirsty and tyranny and no emotion.

At this time, the man also saw the man who attacked him. He was flustered by the other party's Scarlet eyes. After several aspects of confirmation, he finally thought of something. He immediately exclaimed, "the living dead, he is the living dead."

Qingyang is also familiar with the word "living dead". Before entering the random magic Valley, elder Wusi once told you that at the end of each trial in the random magic Valley, some trial disciples are detained in the prohibition of the random magic Valley for special reasons. If they are exposed to the evil Qi in the random magic Valley for a long time, they will gradually lose their mind by the evil Qi, become a killing machine and become living dead.

At that time, Wusi elder didn't elaborate. He just said that everyone would know when they came in. Now when they see the human monster in front of them, combined with Wusi elder's statement, it's not difficult to guess if they confirm each other. This person in front of them is the living dead man in Wusi elder's mouth.

The living dead in the chaos devil valley were all changed by the trial disciples left in the prohibition. To become a living dead man, he had the cultivation in the middle of gas refining, and then stayed in chaos magic Valley for at least 20 years. Although the cultivation was suppressed, his strength has been growing slowly, which has long exceeded that of ordinary friars in the middle of gas refining. No wonder he was so powerful. Fortunately, he didn't attack himself just now, otherwise it would be Qingyang lying on the ground now.

Although the living dead are alive, like the dead, their minds have been lost and live entirely by instinct. They are not even as good as low-level monsters. It's really different from life.

Because of the suppression of the blood sacrifice prohibition array, the cultivation of the living dead can not be improved, and you can't break through the foundation period all your life, so your life is limited. No matter how amazing you were at the beginning, once you become a living dead person, you can only exhaust your life yuan and die in the chaos magic valley.

The living dead man in front of him is about 60 years old. He should be the last disciple who took part in the test 20 years ago. However, his clothes are in tattered condition, his face has changed greatly, and there is no identity certificate. I can't tell which sect he is.

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