Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 398: 398

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After a long time of calculation, Qingyang dared not delay any more. He quickly released several alcoholics bees, led by a purple backed alcoholics bee, and flew up along the stone pillar with several other ordinary alcoholics bees.

Seeing the drunken bees flying higher and higher, suddenly, the leading purple back drunken bee sent a warning, and Qingyang frowned. The warning of the drunken bee was not that he found the trace of the red feather eagle on the top of the stone peak, but that he saw someone coming here at the foot of the mountain because he flew high.

Who will come here at this time? Did you chase the red feather eagle? Don't let them discover the secret of the bag beast. Qingyang quickly found a place to hide, and at the same time, he restrained his breath.

This breath collection was definitely taught by the one horned ghost king. It was only used once in Yuling mountain. After joining the Qingfeng hall, it was not used again.

The skill handed down by characters at the level of one horned ghost king is naturally magical. Collecting breath can not only change cultivation, improve and reduce their breath within a certain range, but also completely converge their breath and make people unaware. It is just in use at this time.

As soon as Qingyang was hidden, three figures came down from the mountain to near Shifeng. The first one was about thirty years old and had the cultivation of the sixth floor of Qi refining. The other two were the cultivation of the fifth floor of Qi refining. One of them was in his forties, and the other one was Liang chongtian.

Liang chongtian was present and dressed in uniform. It seems that these three people are yulingzong disciples of one of the seven immortal sects, but they came in a hurry and didn't know what to do. Qingyang held his breath secretly and didn't dare to show his trace. These three people can't be compared with the two unknown disciples last time. In case they were malicious to themselves, it's hard to deal with them.

When the three men came near Shifeng, the young man stopped and said to the yulingzong disciple in his forties: "younger martial brother Niu, what are you talking about here?"

The middle-aged monk called younger martial brother Niu looked up at Shi Feng and said: "As like as two peas, I was not sure that I could see that the stone peak was close enough to see the stone. There was no doubt about that man's words. He told me at the time that there was an unknown hill in the center of the valley of the devil, and there was a straight stone peak on the side of the hill. The treasure was near stone peak. Joe, brother, do you see this stone peak is exactly the same as he said?

Elder martial brother Qiao was still skeptical and said, "is that man's words credible?"

Younger martial brother Niu said thoughtfully, "I can't guarantee that if a man is about to die, his words are good. What good will it do him to pit us? Aren't you afraid that we know we've been cheated to trouble his family?"

Elder martial brother Qiao nodded and said, "that's true. In fact, it's not a problem to cheat us. Anyway, we've found it. We'll know if we go in and break in. But I'm afraid it's not enough with the strength of the three of us."

Liang chongtian also said, "yes, the man said that there is a puppet array in this place, whose strength is comparable to that of monks in the middle of Qi refining. In addition, there are living dead people hiding in the dark and may attack at any time. I'm afraid the three of us are not opponents. Why don't we find some more helpers?"

Younger martial brother Niu was not very willing and said, "there are only three treasures in there. The three of us happen to have one for each person, but if there are many people, how much can we get? The news was exchanged by the three of us at a great cost. How can we afford others for nothing?"

After listening to the two younger martial brothers, elder martial brother Qiao hesitated for a moment and didn't find help. He was worried that he would lose his life if he didn't get the treasure in the end. But if he found a few more helpers, the treasure would be less in his own hands. It's really hard to choose.

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Qingyang hid in the dark and couldn't help feeling a little curious. From the words of these people, Qingyang roughly analyzed that these people found out that there were treasures here elsewhere, so he came to take risks. Looking at the solemn appearance of these people, the value of the treasures should not be low, and he didn't know whether he had a chance to get the treasures they said.

Seeing elder martial brother Qiao's delay in making up his mind, younger martial brother Niu said, "elder martial brother Qiao is a little worried. I think the situation may not be as bad as we thought."

"Why do you say that?" asked elder martial brother Qiao.

Younger martial brother Niu said, "the person who gave us the news participated in the last random magic Valley trial. It has been 20 years since now, and the living dead is the disciple who participated in the trial earlier. That is to say, the living dead has lived in the random magic Valley for at least 40 years, and their life should be exhausted by now. Maybe what we need to deal with after we go in is the puppet array."

Liang chongtian shook his head and said, "it's hard to say. Forty years is not a long time. If he came in in his thirties, he is only in his seventies now. I'm afraid we are no match for the living dead who have lived in the chaotic magic Valley for forty years."

"It depends on whether we dare to gamble..."

Before younger martial brother Niu's voice fell, elder martial brother Qiao next to him suddenly drank violently and said, "what person, don't get out of here quickly."

It's not good. When he was found, Qingyang could not help trembling in his heart. Unexpectedly, he used lianxijue and was found by the other party. Senior brother Qiao of Yuling sect is really powerful. He accidentally heard other people's secrets, and I'm afraid it's even harder to get away.

Qingyang hesitated for a moment and was about to stand up. At the foot of the mountain, three figures suddenly appeared behind a big tree. They were all women. Looking at their clothes, they seemed to be disciples of the Yin Yang sect. Qingyang had also seen that one before. Chen biwang once commented that they had a sharp face, thin lips and a mean face, as if they were closed door disciples of the deputy leader of the Yin Yang sect.

The strength of Yin Yang sect is more than a little stronger than that of Yufeng sect. These three people have the same six-layer cultivation of Qi refining, especially the deputy leader's disciple, whose momentum is a little higher than that of others. No wonder the three women dare to break through the chaotic magic valley.

It was not him who was found. Qingyang could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. Now, with a third party and mutual scruples, even if he was found, the people of yulingzong should not dare to kill people again. At least they have a lot less trouble.

Seeing the person of yin and Yang sect, elder martial brother Qiao's courage was a little weaker and said, "Yuling sect and Yin and Yang sect are the same seven immortal sects. The well water doesn't invade the river. Why are the three following us?"

As soon as elder martial brother Qiao's voice fell, a round faced woman behind the deputy leader disciple stepped forward with disdain on her face and shouted, "bah, you don't ask, who is elder martial sister Xiao? Who is interested in following you ordinary disciples of Yuling sect?"

After being reprimanded like this, the three disciples of the yulingzong all looked pale. Elder martial brother Qiao seemed to be afraid of the identity of elder martial sister Xiao. Knowing that the three women were not easy to provoke, he could only say, "then why are you hiding behind the tree and eavesdropping on us?"

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