Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 440: 440

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Mine, mine, are all mine. Qingyang's mood can't be described in words. It's like crazy. He rushed to the ground dragon, picked up a small shovel and dug out the whole spirit grass. He didn't even miss a hair.

After that, Qingyang found a special jade box, put the dragonfly neatly in it, and sealed the aura with a rune, which was put into the receiving rune.

In such a short time, there were more than 7000 pieces of spirit stones in the account. This harvest was richer than the wealth of some foundation building friars. There will be no shortage of spirit stones in the future.

It is said that the price of a foundation building pill is only a few thousand spirit stones, but there is no market. If you increase the price, you may be able to buy one in the future. Foundation building can be expected.

With Qingyang's mind, he couldn't help living in the medicine garden and thinking about it. After a long time, he gradually adjusted his mind and continued to search ahead.

A quarter of an hour later, Qingyang searched the whole medicine garden. The harvest was beyond his expectation. During the following period, he found another elixir of more than 2000 years, one elixir of more than 1000 years, three elixirs of hundreds of years, and more than a dozen others of less than 100 years, with a total value of nearly 4000 elixirs.

In other words, in such a small medicine garden, the value of the miraculous Medicine found by Qingyang reached more than 10000 miraculous stones. More than 10000 spirit stones. How many things can you do in the future? At the thought of this, Qingyang's heart jumped around and almost fainted.

Qingyang is not without high value. The Youming Lihuo stone is an extremely rare treasure that can be used to refine the magic weapon of alchemy friars. He can sell tens of thousands of spirit stones at will, but Qingyang doesn't plan to sell it. He has planned that it will be used to refine it into magic weapons in the future, so he doesn't have much intuitive feeling, Now I see so many miraculous medicines that can be realized quickly at once. The impact is much stronger than the Youming liflint.

At the beginning, Cao Du spent half a year to break through the battle, and finally became a living dead man. He muddled through for decades. Now it's not unreasonable. There are so many good things, and it's worth paying a big price.

Only Cao Du was a little unlucky and didn't succeed in the end, which made him feel sad. If he found this place a few days earlier, or the array intensity was a little lower, and finally broke the array successfully, then his pay and harvest were not worth mentioning.

Cao Du was still short of luck, and finally fell short. Qingyang only spent an hour breaking the array outside the medicine garden, and everything inside was cheaper.

This time, Qingyang's luck can be described as an explosion. Not only did he harvest a lot of miraculous medicine at once, but also because there was no interruption from outsiders and no one cut his beard on the way from breaking the array to packing up the miraculous medicine. It seems that the trial disciples outside the secret road have not broken into here.

When everything was ready, Qingyang turned to look at the whole medicine garden and confirmed that there was no leakage in every corner. Then he turned out of the medicine garden and walked outside the yard.

Sometimes luck is so magical. What you really want comes from what you want. Just as Qingyang came to the door, he heard a faint movement outside. Qingyang was surprised, quickly flashed aside, exercised the art of convergence and hid by the wall of the hospital.

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The breath gathering skill taught by the one horned ghost king to Qingyang is also a very profound skill. The reason why Xiao Yuhan saw the flaw in the red feather eagle's nest last time was not that the spell was not good, but that Qingyang's psychological quality was not good. When Qiao Shan asked the disciples of the broken Yin and Yang sect to hide, he thought he was talking about himself. When his mind was shaken, Xiao Yuhan found his whereabouts.

After that, Qingyang also learned from a cut. He knew that when performing the breath convergence technique, he should keep absolutely calm, and there should be no breath change or any flaw.

Just after Qingyang hid, he saw two figures walking into the yard. Qingyang knew each other. One was Xi Qiu, a disciple of Lingxi Valley, and the other was LAN Yan, the alchemy elixir of Jinding Pavilion. Qingyang didn't see these two people when he was on the Bank of Blood River. Did they come later?

It's not right. These two people seem to be together with that young master lingxu. They are almost inseparable from that young master lingxu. How can these two people appear here alone?

Seeing the visitor, Qingyang secretly shouted a fluke. Fortunately, he came at the first time after getting the news from Cao Du. Later, he recklessly attacked the array and shortened the time to break the array to an hour. If the speed of breaking the array was a little slower or delayed in the medicine garden, wouldn't he just be hit by these two people?

Both of them are the best of the seven immortal sect trial disciples. Their strength is much stronger than that of ordinary trial disciples. Together, Qingyang is not sure that he can defeat each other.

More importantly, they have many helpers. If they are dragged by these two people, young master lingxu will come with the other eight people, and he will be surrounded by these people. At that time, I may not be able to save my life, let alone those miraculous drugs?

Qingyang held his breath and stood behind the courtyard wall. He didn't dare to make any movements or even change his expression. He was afraid that he would be found by the two people.

The blue flame first walked into the yard and said, "younger martial sister Xiqiu, according to the simple map provided to us by the childe, the small medicine garden is in this garden. This is the last place the childe told us. After searching this medicine garden, we will meet the childe in the center of the secret hall and break into the inner tower together."

Naxiqiu then entered the yard and said, "I heard that the arrays left by the blood demon sect are very powerful. Is senior brother LAN Yan sure to break them in a short time?"

LAN Yan said with a smile: "younger martial sister Xiqiu, don't worry. The back of the map given to us by the childe has the secret of how to get in and out of this array. We don't need to break the array. We can directly enter the array according to the above records, and it won't take much time."

After listening to LAN Yan's words, Xi Qiu sighed: "young master lingxu is really powerful. He not only knows the secret hall, but also studies the array inside. We are with the right person. We have easily obtained treasures worth tens of thousands of spirit stones in several places we explored before. The medicine garden left by the blood demon sect has been more than 2000 years, and there must be more good things."

LAN Yan nodded and said, "that's for sure. If not, how can we, the promising elite disciples of the seven immortal sects, be willing to follow young master lingxu?"

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