Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 443: 443

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The whole inner earth cave is very wet, so these steps that have not been taken care of for a long time seem sticky and slippery. With a full layer of moss, it is very troublesome to walk. Sometimes it needs the help of nearby trees to barely ensure that they will not slide to the bottom all at once.

The climate here is very suitable for plant growth, and there is sufficient aura. Qingyang climbs down the steps. Sometimes when you look up at the mountain wall not far away, you will find one or two spirit grasses that are not high in age, but it is too troublesome to collect, which is estimated to take a lot of time.

Since people in the past didn't collect it when they passed by, business matters, and Qingyang didn't bother to spend that effort, now he can't see these low-year spirit grass.

In addition to the spirit grass of these low years, there are still some beasts or the corpses of undeveloped monsters on the road. Obviously, they were killed by the group of young master lingxu who came down before. Without the interference of these things, it saved Qingyang a lot of effort.

A quarter of an hour later, Qingyang finally came down to the bottom of the cave. At this time, he finally understood what blue flame said about the geocentric tower. Because an octagonal pagoda was built alone in the middle of the bottom of the inner earth cave.

The whole geocentric cave is hundreds of feet around, and there is only a pagoda in the middle, which really looks very empty. The pagoda is about twenty or thirty feet in diameter and fifty feet high. It has only five floors in total. Although it is old, the whole building still looks like a new one. The door of the pagoda has been opened. It is estimated that the people of Childe lingxu and Jiao Hong have already entered.

Looking at the pagoda in the center of the cave from a distance, Qingyang was about to go forward when he suddenly smelled a bloody smell. Qingyang quickly stopped his steps, was on alert and released his mind.

At this time, he found that in the grass not far away in front, there were the bodies of two immature blood bats, but the surrounding weeds were too high, so Qingyang didn't find them for the first time. Further on, there are more and more dead blood bats. In addition to those who have not entered the stage, there are many first-order blood bats, and even several second-order blood bats. Qingyang roughly counted them. All the dead blood bats on the ground add up to at least hundreds.

In the underground palace of taojia in Yongzhou, there was only a second-order vampire bat with dozens of non advanced blood bats, which made Qingyang, Chen biwang, LV Feng and others tired of coping, and almost had an accident several times. There are several second-order bats with hundreds of blood bats, including many first-order bats. How powerful should this strength be?

And this is only killed, and I don't know how many escaped. It's frightening to think about it. It is estimated that only a team with the strength of Childe lingxu can win under the siege of so many blood bats. Fortunately, they took care of all these in advance. If Qingyang bumped into so many blood bats head-on, I'm afraid they have to hide in zuixianhu.

The corpses of the first-order and second-order blood bats here have been treated. The valuable parts of the body have been cut off. There are also useful things on the rest of the corpses, but the value is not too high. What others don't want, Qingyang doesn't bother to collect one by one. It's bloody and takes up a lot of space.

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Childe lingxu's gang came down yesterday, but they came early and met many things. For example, the blood bats all over the ground must have delayed them a lot of time before. It's better to be early than to be coincidental. Although they came early, they haven't finished the work yet. If they hurry up, they may really get there before they get it.

Thinking of this, Qingyang quickened his pace, no longer cared about the blood bat corpse on the ground, and went straight to the door of the inner earth tower. Although the tower door was open, it was dark and could not see anything clearly. Qingyang tried to explore it with his mind, but found that his mind seemed to be blocked by an invisible barrier and could not go in at all.

Qingyang couldn't help hesitating again. He didn't know the situation and details. If he rushed in rashly, what should he do in case of danger? But on second thought, the young master lingxu had been in for a long time, and later Jiao Hong and LAN Yan seemed to go in directly. If there was a problem, they also encountered the problem first. What were they afraid of following behind? If they delay any longer, they should come out.

Finally, Qingyang gritted his teeth and stepped directly into the tower gate. Everyone else dared to go in. What did he dare not do? I can't bear to let the children get rid of the wolf. The inner earth tower is too tempting to Qingyang. No matter how many dangers there are, I have to go in and break in again.

At the moment of crossing the tower gate, Qingyang's eyes suddenly darkened. Just after that moment, his eyes brightened again. It seems to be a huge courtyard surrounded by high courtyard walls. Neat stone slabs are laid on the ground without a trace of sundries and dust.

No, from the outside, the whole tower is only twenty or thirty feet, and the yard is at least hundreds of feet. I clearly entered the tower. How could I suddenly appear in the yard? Qingyang turned to find out, but found that there was no tower gate at all. Just like that moment, he moved from one world to another.

Qingyang pondered that he may have entered an array, and the tower gate is the gateway of the array. Of course, he may have just been hit by magic. All this is false, and the trigger point is also the tower gate, so there are completely two worlds inside and outside the door. Qingyang seldom dabbled in this aspect and couldn't figure it out for a while.

Just as Qingyang was thinking about whether it was an array or a magic trick, suddenly, three figures appeared in front of him. The man in the middle was thin and small, and his momentum converged. He couldn't see his strength. The man held his arms and looked at Qingyang quietly without talking.

On both sides are two middle-aged men, tall and wearing gold armor. The man on the left holds a knife and the man on the right holds a long gun, just like two door gods, one left and one right standing on the edge of the thin man. Seeing Qingyang, the man on the left shut his knife and shouted, "who are you? How dare you break into the forbidden area of the earth center tower of the blood demon sect?"

At the same time, the man on the right also put up a long gun, pointed at Qingyang with the tip of the gun and said, "those who break into the forbidden area of the inner earth tower are dead. Take your life!"

Then, without waiting for Qingyang to answer, the two men rushed towards Qingyang with weapons in their hands. Judging from the momentum released by them, their accomplishments are six levels of Qi cultivation, which is much higher than that of the fourth level of Qi refining in Qingyang. The strength of the two people has increased greatly. It is estimated that the general seven level friars are not opponents.

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