Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 454: 454

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The strength of the two sides is not much different. If they are injured, there is no chance of victory? There was no need for Qingyang to remind her. The drunken queen bee knew what to do. She gave up chasing young master lingxu, stopped abruptly, and then retreated back at a faster speed.

The drunken queen bee dodged in time, and the inferior talisman did no harm to her. However, childe lingxu also got a chance to breathe. When the drunken queen bee didn't catch up, he thought, and the fire lotus lamp expanded in a circle and flew towards the drunken queen bee.

The fire lotus lamp was fast. It was just close to the alcoholic queen bee for a certain distance. Suddenly, there was a loud bang. The flame, which was originally the size of beans, suddenly rose more than a foot high. A large flame left the fire lotus lamp and suddenly burned towards the alcoholic queen bee.

The flame more than ten feet high suddenly shrouded the surrounding large space. The hot breath was frightening. It seemed that it could light the whole geocentric tower. Qingyang was seven or eight feet away from the fire lotus lamp, and his cheeks were still hot by the flame. Qingyang was shocked by this change. He was afraid that the alcoholic queen bee would suffer. Before the surrounding flames dispersed, he poked out his mind to observe. He was relieved when he saw that the alcoholic queen bee seemed intact.

After all, the drunken queen bee has a foundation level cultivation, and his speed is higher than that of young master lingxu. Seeing that the other party used the fire lotus lamp, he was already ready. His wings disappeared from the original place as soon as he shook, but his figure is too small and fast. He didn't find it for a moment with the cultivation of Qingyang.

However, the fire lotus lamp was not only so powerful. The flames all over the sky rushed into the air, but did not dissipate. Instead, it continued to rush in the direction of the alcoholic queen bee. The alcoholic queen bee did not hide for several times. Finally, as soon as she got angry, she stopped in front of the flame, her wings vibrated rapidly, and released a large amount of pollen in front of her.

When the flame met the pollen, it burst open with a loud bang. The original flame more than one foot high suddenly expanded to four or five feet, almost burning the earth center tower. The explosion completely consumed the energy in the flame, and even the fire lotus lamp was affected and flew back.

The drunken queen bee was also impacted. She rolled back several somersaults and stepped back four or five feet to stop her shape. However, this impact did not seem to have much impact on the alcoholic queen bee. As soon as her wings shook, she flew back again.

Maybe this attack annoyed the drunken queen bee. Before lingxu childe reacted, she suddenly shook her wings and disappeared in place. When others found her again, she was less than a foot away from lingxu childe.

Seeing that the alcoholic queen bee is close, young master lingxu is shocked. He doesn't know how the alcoholic bee will attack, but judging from what he has seen and heard before, once the alcoholic queen bee is close, it can't be resisted only by his defense. At this time, it was too late to recall the fire lotus lamp. He could only discharge a low-level defense talisman, and then use his body method to avoid.

The low-level defense talisman didn't stop the alcoholic queen bee much. She just broke through that layer of defense with a shake of her wings and continued to fly towards young master lingxu. It was just a blink of an eye, and the distance between the two narrowed a few feet.

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However, with this delay, the fire lotus lamp has returned to childe lingxu and is ready to offer the killing move just now again. However, the drunken queen bee was ready. Before lingxu childe acted, she squeaked a harsh scream, and then a layer of light fog spewed out of her mouth. Then the fog shrouded the surrounding area for tens of feet.

The young master lingxu was just covered in the middle by the fog. The action that was about to urge the fire lotus lamp suddenly stopped, revealing a dazed look on his face. The drunken queen bee buzzed in front of him without superfluous movements, and the young master lingxu seemed to be experiencing something special. He stood on the spot, his face changing constantly.

In this inner earth tower, Qingyang has been in the dreamland twice, and has seen Jiao Hong and Xiqiu after they have been in the dreamland. Young master lingxu is obviously trapped by the dreamland. Now he knows that the drunken queen bee has learned how to decorate the illusion on the spot and can trap the foundation building friars like lingxu childe.

In fact, it can't be blamed for Qingyang's hindsight. The alcoholic queen bee has always been regarded as a deterrent by him and hasn't participated in any battle. Usually, those purple backed alcoholic bees are temporarily ahead of the battle. The alcoholic queen bee has no chance to show, and Qingyang naturally doesn't know.

Since breaking through the building foundation, the bee queen has learned a natural trick of pollen addiction. The essence of collecting pollen is stored in the body. After long time refining and warming, it has some functions that can puzzle the mind. When the enemy is in the process, they suddenly release the flowers and use their own spirits to control them into a dreamland.

This is the first time that the drunken queen bee arranged the dreamland. She met another foundation building friar whose strength is not much worse than her. It is difficult to control and must go all out. Therefore, the scene was deadlocked for a moment. For the time being, there is no way for anyone to take it.

In a blink of an eye, the form on the field has become a situation of equal strength, which is extremely subtle. The iron arm spirit monkey fought alone with blue Yan and other three friars. Six purple backed alcoholic bees with the bees blocked Jiao Hong and Xiqiu. The alcoholic queen bee and childe lingxu were in a stalemate. Although Qingyang was idle, he had to guard against the other four injured friars and dared not relax at all.

Of course, this is only temporary. This balanced situation cannot last. As long as there is a problem in one place, the people on the other side will free up their hands and become a situation of playing more with less, and the balanced situation will be broken, causing a chain reaction.

Qingyang's heart was extremely nervous for fear that any one of them would make mistakes, and the people opposite were no better. They originally thought that Qingyang was just a silly boy who overestimated his strength. To fight against young master lingxu was to hit a stone with an egg. They could press him down with a little finger.

As a result, it was later found that they underestimated Qingyang again and again, and the other party's means emerged one after another. They blocked a whole team of them with their own strength. Even childe lingxu released his real strength and was not an opponent.

This is too subversive to their cognition. They always thought that childe lingxu was an omnipotent person. They broke through the foundation period at a young age, which is one of the reasons why they were willing to follow him. Now they suddenly found that a person was even more rebellious than childe lingxu.

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