Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 457: 457

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Time flies. Half a month has passed in a twinkling of an eye. Calculate the time. Now there are only 20 days left from the random magic Valley trial. The entrance of Chaos Magic Valley is only open for one day. If you miss it, you may be locked in it forever and become a confused living dead man.

At this time, no one dared to stay here. As early as a few days ago, the test disciples who stayed nearby left one after another. Qingyang waited for another day among the drunken immortal gourd. He confirmed whether there was anyone outside. Then he flashed out of the drunken immortal gourd.

The whole inner earth cave was in a mess. Except for the stones from the collapse of the top of the inner earth cave, the whole ground was turned over, just like the cultivated land prepared for spring sowing after being attended by the old farmers in the secular world. The plants on the surrounding stone walls have also been cleaned up, and there are broken wooden stumps everywhere, just like a disaster. That is, they can't dismantle the inner tower in the middle. Otherwise, even the inner tower may be demolished into ruins.

After being cleaned up like this, there must be nothing left. Qingyang didn't stop at this place, identified the direction, and then went towards the secret road where he came in.

There was no one along the way, but judging from the chaotic scene left everywhere, it was visited and explored by countless people. Everything that can be searched has been searched, everything that can be destroyed has been destroyed, and the whole secret hall is a mess.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Qingyang can fully imagine that if he came in with these people, it would be this virtue. Moreover, with his own strength, he can't run in front of others. He can only follow behind to pick up leaks. It's estimated that he can't even find a hair.

When passing by the small medicine garden, Qingyang specially went to have a look. The medicine garden has also been searched. The whole land has been searched countless times, and it is no longer like it. As for the secret path from Qingyang, it was not found because of the special concealment.

Through the secret Road, he entered the blood River from the original road, and then came to the Bank of the blood River in one breath. He looked around. It was quiet, there was no sound, and he couldn't even see a person. Obviously, all the trial disciples who can go back have returned.

Then Qingyang speeded up and hurried to the entrance of the chaos devil valley. Perhaps it was because the whole chaos devil Valley had been visited by the trial disciples in the past year. He didn't encounter any danger along the way, nor did he encounter a monster who dared to come out and block the way.

Other friars can meet one or two occasionally, but they are all in a hurry. No one is looking for trouble for fear that they will be left out in the chaotic magic Valley and become living dead. Without interference, the speed is fast. You can travel more than 300 miles a day. Of course, you can't gain anything along the way at such a fast speed.

Half a month later, the entrance of random magic valley still had four days to open. However, Qingyang was less than 500 miles away from the entrance. It was too late to walk with his eyes closed. Qingyang was relieved and gradually slowed down.

On this day, Qingyang was on his way. Suddenly, he heard the sound of shouting and fighting in front of him. If Qingyang didn't want to get into trouble before, he might take a detour. This time, the other party's fight was right on his only way, and the detour was more troublesome. In addition, he was also curious. He saw that it was about to be the end of the trial. Who was it? There was still a dispute at this time.

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After exercising the art of gathering breath, he walked quietly forward for a while. He saw that the two sides were fighting dozens of feet away. There were three people on one side. It seemed that they were from the Yin and Yang sect. On the other side, there was only one. Dressed as a disciple of the demon hall, he was actually LV Feng, an old friend of Qingyang. I don't know why he was here alone and blocked by three disciples of the Yin and Yang sect.

The cultivation of the four people on the field is the sixth level of Qi refining. However, LV Feng's breakthrough time is relatively late, which can only be regarded as the introduction to the sixth level of Qi refining. The three people of yin and Yang sect have the strength of small success or large success of the sixth level of Qi refining, and they are in the case of three dozen one, so LV Feng is not dominant.

Fortunately, LV Feng has many means to press the bottom of the box, especially his magic sword swing method, which is not much worse than Qingyang's ternary sword array, but can barely support it.

After a few rounds, LV Feng forced back the attack of the three opposite people, gasped in a hurry and said in a deep voice: "what are you doing in secret ambush here?"

The leading disciple of Yin Yang sect smiled and said, "what are you doing? Of course it's robbery. Your town demon hall is against our Yin Yang sect everywhere. The elder of Manlin dared to bet with us, elder Wei Chang. We young people will naturally contribute."

Listening to the other party's meaning, it seemed that there was a premeditation. LV Feng said, "you ambushed here early in order to plot against the disciples of the demon hall in our town?"

The disciples of yin and Yang sect opposite felt that they had won the victory, and they were not afraid of what the other party knew. They smiled and said, "you're right. Not only in this direction, but also in other directions, we also ambushed a lot of people, especially for you alone Zhenmo Hall disciples."

It turned out that there were people lying in ambush in other directions. No matter which direction they went, LV Feng was not spared. The reason why he fell behind was that he found a nearly 2000 year old spirit grass in a Jedi. In order to collect the spirit grass, he spent a lot of effort and didn't come back until now.

With this 2000 year old spirit grass, LV Feng's trial in chaos magic Valley is full of harvest. He has a bright future in the future, but he didn't expect to encounter the disciples of yin and Yang Sect on the way. If there is only one person, he is sure to win. Even if two people can't fight, they can always escape, but it's hard to say in the face of three people. Will he die here today?

But the enemy can't wait to die. We have to fight anyway. We have to take a cushion when we die. We can't let them take away their two thousand year elixir in vain. At the thought of this, LV Feng's face was cold. He waved his magic sword and circled in the air, so he split towards the opposite side.

Seeing that the other party began to work hard, the yin-yang sect disciple opposite also solemnly waved to the other two and said, "let's go together and make a quick decision, so as not to have a long dream at night."

The Yin and Yang sect can really do it by secretly ambushing the single disciple in the demon Hall of the town. Qingyang is listening to the corners of his mouth. The yin-yang sect comes down in one continuous line. Elder Wei is shameless, the broken love fairy is ruthless, and Xiao Yuhan is dirty. The disciples below are despicable. There are few good people in the whole sect, and I don't know whether Miaomiao will be affected by these people if he stays in the yin-yang sect.

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