Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 460: 460

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During the continuous bombardment of Jindan friars, the gap of prohibition became larger and larger. When it expanded to a size of two or three feet, Mr. Wei ordered, all Jindan friars sat on the ground and controlled their magic weapons with their mind to resist the recovery of the gap of prohibition.

Nearly twenty magic weapons are arranged in a circle of two or three feet in size, embedded in the prohibition at the entrance of Chaos Magic Valley, circling constantly, forming a hole for low-level friars to enter and exit.

With such a big hole, you can see the situation inside. Naturally, the disciples of the yin-yang sect still stand in the front. When the foundation friar of the yin-yang sect at the door saw it, he hurriedly said, "time is not enough. All the disciples of each sect lined up and came out in order."

The trial disciples in the valley knew what to do without being told by people outside. Then they lined up and walked outside one by one according to the order of entering the chaotic devil valley.

It was similar to the situation when he came in. Friars Jindan supported the entrance of the prohibition. Two foundation building friars from each of the seven immortal sects were responsible for checking and accounting the results of each trial disciple. Sometimes when you encounter something rare, uncommon, or of vague value, the foundation building friars present will argue. After all, it involves the ranking of each immortal sect and the distribution of the next magic search order. What if you don't argue?

Naturally, the speed will not be too fast, even slightly slower than when I came in. However, the number of people going out is less than when I came in, and the time is enough.

The opening time of the prohibition is said to be one day. In fact, it takes only four hours, because everyone knows that at this time, those who can come back have already come back, and there is no hope for those who can't come back. Supporting the entrance of the prohibition is a matter of real yuan and divine mind. Even the friar Jindan can't stand it for a long time and won't spend it all the time.

Unknowingly, more than three hours passed, and the test disciples at the entrance were almost out. Young master lingxu stood at the entrance and looked back at the depths of the chaos magic valley.

He knew very well that with Qingyang's cultivation, he would not be trapped in the chaos magic valley. It was estimated that he would hide somewhere at this time and would never show up until he saw himself go out. However, the people at the entrance were almost gone and continued to stay here, which might cause doubt. Therefore, childe lingxu frowned very reluctantly, and then stepped out of the prohibition of the chaos magic valley.

Seeing that childe lingxu disappeared, Qingyang and LV Feng leaked their heads from the hill, and then ran away in the direction of prohibition. Not only the two of them, but also many trial disciples in other directions have appeared from the hiding place and ran in front of them.

Qingyang and LV Feng hid far away. They both fell behind. When they came out of the prohibition of chaos and magic Valley, the four hour deadline had passed.

The two rows of alchemy friars in the outer circle have been driving magic weapons to resist the prohibition of the entrance for a long time, and their physical strength and Qi consumption are very serious. Those who have broken through the alchemy period for a short time have gradually felt difficult. The Manlin elder of the town devil hall looked at the forbidden system. It was already empty. It was quiet in the depths of the chaos devil valley. It seemed impossible for anyone to come again, so he said, "the time has come. Let's take back the magic weapon together and close the forbidden system?"

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As soon as the old saying of man Lin Chang fell, elder Wei next to him said, "barbarian, what's your hurry? It's still early to dark now. What's the matter with waiting a little longer?"

The elder of Manlin snorted and said, "every time the trial prohibition of Chaos Magic Valley is opened, it will not be postponed unless you can see that some disciples are coming quickly. Now the deadline of four hours has long passed, and there is no one in chaos magic valley. Why should you wait more this time? Is it that your yin-yang sect has more face than others?"

Manlin's words were echoed by the golden elixir elders of other sects. He used to do this before. There has never been a special case. This time, the requirements of yin and Yang sect are a little difficult. For more than four hours, they have been using Zhenyuan to control magic tools. Many Jindan friars' Zhenyuan has reached the bottom. If they delay, they will take pills. The pills of Jindan friars are extremely valuable and it hurts to waste one.

Luo Changlao of Lingxi Valley directly said, "elder Wei, you are reluctant to close the prohibition. Is it because some important disciples of the Wei family didn't come out? This is your fault. When there was an accident among our important disciples, we never asked for special care."

Wusi elder also said: "yes, elder Wei, for more than four hours, the real yuan in the old man's body has been drained, and the divine consciousness has been seriously consumed. Now he is dizzy and can't hold on right away. He must find a place to recover as soon as possible."

Seeing that everyone refused to accommodate, the elder Wei was angry for a moment. The yin-yang sect's broken love fairy nearby saw that the senior brother couldn't come down and hurried to say: "You Taoist friends, it's not that our yin-yang sect has a lot of trouble. It's really something strange this time. In the usual chaotic magic Valley trial, the number of disciples lost by our yin-yang sect is generally about 10%, at most not more than 10.5%. There are 106 disciples in this trial of Yin-Yang sect, and now only 85 have come out, almost 20%. This is something we haven't encountered in many years , we always have to find out. "

Qingyang and LV Feng were still waiting to check the contents of the talisman. Hearing what the love fairy said, he immediately felt a chill in his heart. Only 85 of the 106 people came back, only 80% of the total number of Yin-Yang sect. This loss is really a little big.

Four or five people died in the battle of Yin Yang sect at the bottom of the blood river. Three more died in the battle of saving LV Feng. These are seven or eight people, all of whom are related to Qingyang. In this way, it is not too much for the loss of Yin Yang sect to reach 20% in this chaotic magic Valley trial.

Elder Wei refused to close the ban for a long time. It must be because of Wei Yufeng's affairs. Others don't know. Qingyang knows very well that Wei Yufeng was crushed into pieces by the three yuan sword array when Qingyang was fighting with the third-order living dead. It's impossible to come back. If you investigate yourself, it's hard to do.

Qingyang turned his head and looked in the direction of the yin-yang sect disciple. He didn't find the yin-yang sect disciple who was chased and killed by the living dead. It seems that the boy was unlucky and died in the hands of the living dead. In this way, he would have less trouble.

The broken love fairy also opened his mouth, and others didn't speak too much. Elder Naro advised: "the broken love fairy, things are unpredictable. It's not uncommon that the number of disciples lost more than 20% in an occasional trial for more than 2000 years, because it's going to delay the closing time of the ban system of Chaos Magic valley. It seems that it's a big deal in a teacup?"

~~~~~~Thank Dongfeng strange Taoist friends for their ten thousand yuan reward. A chapter is added temporarily!

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