Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 470: 470

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Another elder of the golden elixir also said, "yes, Wusi old man, we also come to trade. We don't only see you trade alone. It's not kind of you to do so."

Not only the two golden elixir elders, but also several foundation builders such as Qingxin Sanren were slightly dissatisfied, but they just didn't dare to reveal it. Seeing that everyone was angry, elder Wusi quickly smiled and said, "ha ha, ha ha, I've finished the transaction. It's up to you."

Elder Wusi stepped back. The elder Jindan who spoke first looked at Qingyang and said, "your spirit grass of more than 2000 years is useful to me, but I don't know what I need to change."

In addition to the materials for refining and building Jidan, Qingyang really didn't know what he needed at this time, so he said, "I don't know if the elder has other materials for refining and building Jidan."

The Jindan elder knew nothing about alchemy and had never collected materials for refining and building Jidan. He could only shake his head and said, "I'm an elder of yulingzong. I'm good at controlling spirit beasts. I don't have any research on pills."

After a little meditation, the elder Jindan said again: "I have a blood jade ointment here. It can greatly improve the blood of spirit animals and enhance the qualification of monster animals. Its value is similar to that of your spirit grass for more than 2000 years. Would you like to exchange it..."

Before the long old saying of the golden elixir was finished, the nearby Wusi elder suddenly interrupted: "old Si mu, Qingyang is not your Yuling sect disciple, nor does he raise any spirit beast. What's the matter with you taking the blood jade ointment? Isn't the Millennium elixir easier to use than your blood jade ointment?"

The Chief Secretary of the Yuling sect said, "don't be ignorant of good or bad, Wusi old son. This blood jade crystal is a very popular treasure in our Yuling sect. I wouldn't be willing to exchange it if I didn't have something equivalent to the value of the more than two thousand years of elixir. Besides, whether you can trade depends on Qingyang. What's your business?"

Wusi elder was unwilling to show weakness and said, "I'm worried that Qingyang will be bewitched by you and throw useless things into his hands. More than 2000 spirit stones are not a small number for them."

Nagimu said: "Of course I know. This blood jade paste is extremely valuable for monsters. It can improve blood vessels and enhance qualifications. How can it be useless? For friars, how much can a powerful spirit beast help? Do you know? He can't use it now, can he not use it in the future? Moreover, this blood jade paste is also useful for spirit insects. I heard that he has raised one Batch of bee spirit insects, this thing is suitable. "

Sure enough, every sect has something they are good at. Hearing what elder Si Mu said, Qingyang suddenly had some expectations. The group of drunken bees raised by Qingyang said that the drunken queen bee was already in the foundation period, and the iron arm spirit monkey obviously had poor qualifications. It was very difficult to break through the foundation period before Shouyuan ran out. If you had this blood jade ointment, you might be able to make a big breakthrough Greatly improve the qualification and blood of the iron arm monkey, so it is not necessary to upgrade the cultivation to the foundation period.

Thinking of this, Qingyang nodded and said, "elder, I want this blood jade ointment."

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Hearing that Qingyang agreed to exchange, the elder Si Mu was immediately overjoyed. He quickly took out a square jade box from the object receiving talisman, opened the talisman attached to it, and opened the prohibition of the box. Before he opened the cover, a strong blood gas was emitted from it.

Open the lid of the jade box and reveal a blood red paste like object about the size of a walnut. The blood gas is more intense, stabbing the ears and eyes, and the smell contained in it is very violent. Qingyang has never seen any blood jade paste before, but Xiuxian has seen it for so many years. It can be judged only from the smell emitted from the blood jade paste. This is a great treasure, I'm afraid only such treasures can improve the blood and qualification of monsters and spirit insects.

Then Qingyang took out his 2000 year old elixir and gave it to the Sima elder. He changed it to the blood jade paste in his hand. Looking at the small blood jade paste in his hand, Qingyang felt the thick blood gas. Qingyang said, "elder, do you still have this blood jade paste?"

Hearing Qingyang's words, the Chief Secretary Mu smiled: "This blood jade paste is not an ordinary treasure, and it is rare in the imperial lingzong. I got it inadvertently. I have treasured it in my hand for decades and am reluctant to use it. How can there be any more? You don't have to worry that it's not enough. If blood jade paste is used by ordinary spiritual insects, it's a waste. Just select some of them that only have potential cultivation, but And the spirit bug is small. A spirit bug needs a piece the size of a soybean at most. This piece in your hand is enough for you to use. "

A spirit bug only needs to be the size of a soybean? If so, this piece in your hand can be used by at least hundreds of alcoholic bees, and you can't use it for all alcoholic bees. At most, it can be used for the alcoholic queen bee and the six purple backed alcoholic bees. As for those ordinary alcoholic bees with low strength, they will lose a lot in fierce battle. It's a waste to use it for them.

If there were only seven alcoholic bees, the consumption would be much smaller. At most, one fifth of the blood jade ointment would be consumed, and the rest would be left to the iron arm monkey, which should be enough for him to improve his blood and qualifications.

Qingyang carefully covered the jade box of blood jade paste, re set the prohibition outside, and blocked the exposure of Qi and blood with a spirit talisman. Only then did he put the box into his own receiving talisman.

With a lesson from the past, the subsequent transaction was much simpler. Several other friars took out their own things to exchange miraculous medicine with Qingyang, and none of them missed.

The three more than 1000 year old elixirs were obtained by martial uncle Zhuji who told Qingyang about Cao Du and another Jindan friar. The remaining three Zhuji friars each changed only two hundred year old elixirs.

In the twinkling of an eye, Qingyang exchanged all the high-Year miraculous medicine in his hand, but he didn't receive anything like blood jade ointment. In addition to some materials for building foundation pills, the rest were converted into miraculous stones. Based on the comprehensive calculation of this transaction, Qingyang obtained a danfang, a blood jade paste, more than 1000 spiritual stones and other foundation Dan building materials worth more than 8000 spiritual stones.

There are more than 100 kinds of materials for building Jidan, including main, auxiliary and dispensing. It is impossible to gather one among several people. Therefore, Qingyang has only matched half of the more than 100 kinds of materials collected this time.

However, the number of copies of various materials is different. Some may only have one copy, while some may have as many as seven or eight copies. Qingyang almost refuses anything in this regard. As long as you pay attention to the collection at ordinary times, you will always have enough materials in the future.

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