Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 491: 491

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Li Shengbo's long gun is also a top-grade magic weapon. At the same time, it is used in the hands of the refining monk. Its power can be imagined. If other monks pick it up with their bare hands, the anti shock force alone can seriously hurt their opponents. However, monsters are different from ordinary friars after all. Their attack and defense are much stronger than friars of the same level, and even no less than some magic tools. Because of this, the iron arm spirit monkey dared not dodge the long gun and took the initiative to welcome it.

Of course, the iron arm monkey dare not face the spear directly. If he is stabbed by the front of the spear, let alone him, he will also be seriously injured, even the monster in the foundation period. When the long gun was about to pass by with itself, the iron arm monkey jumped up and hit the barrel directly.

When the two collided, the long gun was thrown out two or three feet away, and the iron arm monkey fell to the ground because of the force of the anti shock. It took several steps back to stop its shape. Moreover, the part that had hit the barrel before also appeared large red and swollen, almost bleeding.

The pain of the wound aroused the ferocity of the iron arm monkey. As soon as he stood firm here, he rushed towards Li Shengbo. At this time, Li Shengbo was also very clear that with the demon monkey blocking in front, his roots could not kill Qingyang. Only by solving the demon monkey in front of him could he have a chance to deal with Qingyang, so he quickly recalled the long gun and fought with the iron arm spirit monkey.

The battle situation on the field is exactly what Qingyang expected. Both Li Shengbo and the iron arm spirit monkey have completed their cultivation of Qi refining, and the combat power of the demon monkey is stronger. However, Li Shengbo is a monk after all. He has not only powerful attack magic weapons, long guns, but also defense magic weapons, and even magic symbols and pills as auxiliary, so his comprehensive strength is better than Li Shengbo.

However, the iron arm spirit monkey is not much weaker. With its strong attack power and rare defense power of monks, the demon monkey did not lose the battle with Li Shengbo. As long as they are not hurt by the front of the long gun, other attacks are not paid attention to by the demon monkey. Therefore, although the iron arm spirit monkey is temporarily at a disadvantage, it does not show its defeat in a short time.

Looking at the battle on the field, Qingyang settled down temporarily. Li Shengbo was dragged by the iron arm monkey. There was no danger for the time being. He could recover his Qi first, treat his internal injury when he used it, and decide what to do next when the outcome was determined on the field.

However, Qingyang also saw that there were too few means for the demon monkey to suffer losses. Although the monster's attack and defense were strong, it was only flesh and blood after all. It could not be compared with the monk's magic and spirit tools. It was easy to suffer losses if you were not careful.

We must find a way to get a magic weapon or spirit tool to use for the iron arm monkey. We don't expect him to use magic attack. As long as there is something to resist the monk's magic attack next time, we don't have to fight with flesh and blood.

The battle on the field was extremely fierce. Li Shengbo used all his skills and sacrificed all his means. His combat effectiveness was more than three points stronger than that when the scuffle startled the mountain rats, because he knew very well that it was a battle of life and death for himself. He could not afford to lose or lose. Once he lost this time, he would fall into an irreparable situation.

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The iron arm monkey showed no weakness. Suddenly, he roared up to the sky, his black hair stood up, and there was a burst of noise all over his body. His arms seemed to inflate for several times, like a ferocious beast smashing at Li Shengbo opposite.

There is a bellicose factor in the monster's blood. Before, Qingyang had been trapped in the drunken immortal gourd, and he rarely had the opportunity to express himself. At this time, he finally had the opportunity, and he was an equal opponent, which just stimulated his bellicose temperament. The iron armed monkey became more and more brave, played soundly, and even had a feeling of excitement.

The fighting at the level of Qi refining perfection has amazing power. The aftermath of the fighting alone makes the surrounding earth shake and the dust and stones fall down. Several mine caves collapsed because they were affected by the front of the battle. Qingyang had to retreat in order to avoid being affected.

Looking at the fierce battle on the field, Qingyang couldn't help but feel frightened. Before, he always thought he had more cards. With the four yuan sword array, he could face off with the friars with perfect Qi refining. Now he found that it's not so easy to fight over the rank. He still overestimated himself. The strength of perfect Qi refining is really unmatched by ordinary friars, If I want to defeat Li Shengbo with the four yuan sword array, I must at least improve my cultivation to the eighth level of Qi refining.

Two quarters of an hour passed in the twinkling of an eye, and the battle on the field became more and more fierce. However, Qingyang also saw that the iron arm monkey was not Li Shengbo's opponent. With the passage of time, the iron arm monkey suffered more and more injuries. The strength of the iron arm monkey was still worse than Li Shengbo. It was sooner or later to lose, and the situation could not be brought back.

The breakthrough that Qingyang expected to stimulate blood and blood didn't come. In fact, it's normal. If it's so easy to break through, the friars of foundation building will not be so rare, and the foundation building Dan will not be so popular. Although the iron arm monkey improved his blood with blood jade ointment, he was old and frail after all. It was not so easy to break through. He still had to find a way to get the foundation pill.

I don't know when there were more grayish yellow shadows in the surrounding mines. Before, Qingyang thought it was those startled mountain mice driven away by himself. He didn't want to leave his nest, so he secretly hid in the corner of the mine. However, with the increase of the number, he finally realized that it was wrong. There were only a few dozen startled mountain mice driven away by themselves, but now there are many gray and yellow shadows in the corner. I don't know how many of them must have just come.

Before that group of startled mountain rats were frightened by themselves, and they were not sure enough to come back. However, this group of startled mountain rats appeared nearby, which is likely to be the rescue soldiers moved by the escaped startled mountain rats, that is to say, they are likely to encounter a larger group of startled mountain rats.

Just as Qingyang was considering how to face the returning mountain rats, the mountain rats also made further moves. They only heard a scream behind them. Suddenly, the mountain rats made a commotion, and then climbed out of every corner and surrounded Qingyang and others in the center of the battlefield.

The scream just now was familiar. It was the third-order mountain mouse king that Qingyang and others had encountered a few days ago, and there were no less than seven or eight hundred mountain mice gathered around, some of them were still injured. It seemed that the group of mountain mice that had let them leave was really a narrow Road, and they blocked it in the mine cave.

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