Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 510: 510

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A foundation building elder of Jingfeng Pavilion said angrily, "well, it turns out that all this is behind your yin-yang sect. If you want me to take the spirit stone vein of Jingfeng Pavilion, just come and use these dirty means behind your back. The yin-yang sect, the head of the seven immortal sects, is really promising."

The nearby Zhenshi Sanren also said: "Zhiwei Sanren, I didn't expect that your yin-yang sect was so insidious that it poisoned other Xianmen disciples, and then blamed Jingfeng Pavilion. This time, your yin-yang sect must explain to our Zhenmo hall."

"Zhiwei Sanren, did you steal the top-grade spirit stone from Jinding pavilion? We Jinding Pavilion will never give up." the salaried Sanren also joined in the fun.

Seeing that everyone turned to the Yin and Yang sect, Zhiwei scattered people were also angry and said, "can't you see? This is obviously a trap of the enemy. What do I want to do and use these means to do things?"

Zhenmo hall and the Yin Yang sect have never dealt with each other. At this time, there will be no less falling stones. Zhenshi scattered people said in a strange way: "who knows, maybe it was just some brainless people in the Yin Yang sect. The Jingfeng pavilion was misunderstood before, at least it was not caught. Your disciples of the Yin Yang sect personally admitted it. How can you argue this time?"

After listening to the words of Zhen Shi San, I knew that Wei San was so popular that he almost vomited blood and said angrily: "You... Are you trying to blame our yin-yang sect for this? Zhenshi Sanren, don't think I don't know. Your demon hall has coveted our yin-yang sect for a long time and has always wanted to replace our immortal sect. It's true that this person is a disciple of our yin-yang sect, but it's also guaranteed that it's an agent secretly arranged by your demon hall, which has damaged our reputation of Yin-Yang sect. You can take advantage of it Rise with momentum. "

Zhiwei scattered people are also quick witted, and one sentence confused the situation again. He has a certain reason. Zhenmo hall is the second only to Yin and Yang sect among the seven immortal sects. If Yin and Yang sect is suppressed, Zhenmo hall is the biggest beneficiary.

Zhenshi Sanren didn't expect that Zhiwei Sanren could bite back in this case. He didn't know how to refute it. He immediately became angry and said, "Zhiwei Sanren, you're bloody and ruin the reputation of our town's magic hall. I'm at odds with you?"

Looking at the angry Zhenshi Sanren, Zhiwei Sanren sneered and said, "are you at odds with me? OK, OK, Zhenshi Sanren is going to challenge me. Let's compete here today."

When Zhiwei Sanren finished, he suddenly stepped back and mobilized Zhenyuan to protect his body and prepare for the battle. Zhenshi Sanren was completely angered by Zhiwei Sanren. He jumped to the side of the net and offered his commonly used spiritual tools. Even the disciples of Yin Yang sect and Zhenmo hall stood in a row. As long as the main person gave an order, they would rush up at the first time.

Seeing the two sects falling out, others were dumbfounded. Unexpectedly, the original situation of the seven immortal sects threatening the Jingfeng Pavilion turned into a conflict between the yin-yang sect and the Zhenmo hall.

It's going to make a lot of trouble now. For the seven immortal sects, Jingfeng Pavilion can only be regarded as a small sect that doesn't make a lot of waves. If it is destroyed, it will be destroyed. But the yin-yang sect and Zhenmo hall are different. This is the biggest conflict between the two immortal sects in the whole Kyushu continent. Once there is a war, it will certainly bring death and heavy losses. If other immortal sects are destroyed The door is also involved. It may be a catastrophe in the immortal world of Kyushu mainland.

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Seeing the beginning of the war again, the Royal demon scattered people of Yuling sect stood up and said, "you two live together. The matter has not been investigated clearly. Why did you mess up first?"

Zhiwei San said angrily, "how else can we investigate? This guy insisted that it was my yin-yang sect leader. I'm afraid you'll kill me. I can't use any means of interrogation. In addition, how can I return my yin-yang sect's innocence?"

After hearing that the Weisan mentioned himself, the Zhenshi San was angry again and said, "where am i fooling around? Obviously, you are guilty of being a thief and deliberately muddy the water."

"Don't think I don't know what you're going to do. Your demon hall is deliberately making trouble. In order to attack the reputation of our yin-yang sect, you will do anything." Zhiwei Sanren is unwilling to show weakness.

Seeing that the two people were going to quarrel again, the imperial demon scattered man hurriedly said, "don't quarrel first. Can you listen to me? In the final analysis, this guy is just unwilling to tell the truth. Will so many of us be baffled by a small gas refining friar?"

"Yes, we have so many base building friars, but there is no way to take a Qi refining friar? You two are too impatient. As soon as you heard a few words, you quarreled first. Didn't you make the originator laugh off his big teeth?" Qingyuan scattered people also advised.

The foundation building friars present are all old friars who have lived for more than 100 years. How could they be misled by the tall and thin man's words? Everyone can see that the truth of this matter will not be too simple. Before, it was just words, and the Zhenmo temple and the Yin and Yang sect were not convinced of each other, which caused the current situation.

Of course, it's possible that the leader behind the scenes is the yin-yang sect, but it shouldn't be too big. If these things are really done by the yin-yang sect, Zhiwei scattered people will kill people before everyone comes. How can we easily catch this guy?

At this time, Jinding pavilion's Baoxin Sanren said: "I have a pill in Jinding Pavilion called Heart wandering pill. After taking this pill, after taking this pill, the friar will temporarily lose his mind, and can get useful news by beating around the bush. It's just that this pill has a disadvantage. If the other party's mind is strong and the resistance is fierce, it will completely stimulate the drug power, so as to burn his brain and become an idiot."

The Royal demon scattered man nodded and said, "our royal spirit sect is good at controlling monsters. There is a secret technique called soul searching. High-level friars use special methods to invade each other's thoughts and can directly search for useful memory fragments. However, the shortcomings of this soul searching technique are not much different from the maze pill of Jinding Pavilion. If the resistance is too fierce, they will not only find useful things, but also destroy people."

Guiyun Sanren also said: "many years ago, I accidentally got an unexpected talisman called chaotic heart talisman. After this talisman is activated, the person in the talisman will tell the secret in his heart out of control. But the effect of this talisman depends on luck. If this guy keeps talking nonsense, it's difficult for us to get useful news in a short time."

Not only the three of them, but also other sects have some special methods. In the end, Yuyao Sanren said: "Zhiwei Sanren, you heard it. There are not no ways to return your yin-yang sect's innocence, but each method has more or less defects. This guy is your yin-yang sect disciple. We can't be the master. I don't know if you give up."

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