Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 543: 543

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Chen biwang Road: "According to the man, senior brother Gao and Tong Yan had been fighting for more than a hour, and the two sides were in a stalemate. When senior brother Gao was ready to use a killing move to defeat Tong Yan, he suddenly felt a huge smell of monsters emanating from each other, indicating that Tong Yan might have raised spirit beasts to help. Senior brother Gao was struggling to support at that time. If he had to fight again A monster has no chance of winning. Elder martial brother Gao felt that he was not the opponent of Tong Yan. Then he found an excuse to admit defeat. "

After listening to Chen biwang's words, Lu Dingshan couldn't help frowning and said, "I also watched the Tong Yan competition. I didn't see that he had a spirit animal bag. It wouldn't be that elder martial brother Gao lost and couldn't make a face. He deliberately made an excuse?"

Chen biwang said, "it's hard to say, but it's no big mistake to be careful. If we're not prepared, if he suddenly releases a powerful spirit beast to help us, we'll be in a hurry."

Qingyang nodded and said, "elder martial brother Chen is right. Be careful not to make a big mistake."

Among the seven immortal sects, yulingzong is the best at raising spirit beasts and spirit insects to help fight. Although other sects are not common, they are not without them. Qingyang has alcoholic bees and iron arm spirit monkeys. Why can't others have spirit beasts to help fight? As for why he didn't look at the spirit beast bag on Tong Yan, maybe the other party did it on purpose and didn't want to expose his cards in advance.

As they walked and talked, they unknowingly came to the inner court martial arts competition. The whole scene was packed with thousands of people. The number of people watching the lively Games was several times more than that of the previous games. There were noisy voices everywhere, which almost startled the three of them.

In fact, this is normal. The competition in the inner courtyard has been going on for three months. This is the last and most important competition. The winner will win both fame and wealth. He can not only get two foundation pills, but also become the first of thousands of disciples in the inner courtyard and the first of the disciples below the foundation of the whole Qingfeng hall. Who doesn't want to know the result at the first time?

Those who have something to do with the contestants, like to watch the excitement, hold the purpose of learning, have strong curiosity, or are very idle and bored, almost all gathered here. Not only more than 90% of the disciples of the inner court, but also many well-informed disciples of the outer court and the miscellaneous service yard, and even many friars in the foundation period of the Qingfeng hall came to see the grand competition finals.

The disciples below Lianqi can only stand below and watch the excitement. Only friar Zhuji is qualified to sit on the stand. Now there are at least 100 people sitting on the high stand. Qingming Sanren, Qingxin Sanren, Qingmin Sanren and Qingyi Sanren have also come. At this time, there is a chat without a word.

In the main seat among them, there are still two or three empty seats, which should not have come yet. In the Qingfeng hall, there are only a few seats that surpass the Qingming Sanren, but the order of those empty seats is higher than that of the Qingming Sanren. Will the elder Jindan in the door also come to see the game?

Sure enough, after a short time, the two monks came together and walked into the grandstand. After a few words of greetings with the heads of the Qingming Sanren and other hospitals, they directly sat in the position specially reserved by the Qingming Sanren. On the left was a kind middle-aged man, and on the right was an old man with white hair and beard. They were introverted and looked like two ordinary people, but from the Qingming Sanren As you can see from the attitude and expression of the heads of the hospitals, these two people are not simple.

It's really not simple. Both of them are friars of the golden elixir. The kind middle-aged man Qingyang on the left is very familiar with it. It's Qingjing Sanren, the deputy leader of the Qingfeng hall. Qingjing Sanren has just broken through the realm of the golden elixir. I thought he would be busy this time, but I didn't expect to take the time to watch the big ratio in the inner courtyard.

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The Qingyang on the right doesn't know him. After listening to the comments of other disciples nearby, he knows that the old man with white hair and beard is the Muji elder of Qingfeng hall and Tong Yan's master. Elder Jindan seldom shows up at ordinary times. Maybe he cares about his disciples, so he came to the competition field with the deputy leader.

It is said that when Tong Yan just joined the Qingfeng hall, the Qingjing Sanren promised to accept Tong Yan as a disciple as long as he could break through the practice of Qi. However, later, Tong Yan was favored by the elder Wuyin and specifically left a message to accept Tong Yan as an apprentice. At that time, the Qingjing Sanren didn't dare to compete with the elder Jindan, but just let Tong Yan out. The elder Wuyin left the Customs a few years ago and officially held an apprenticeship ceremony.

After sitting down, Qingjing asked casually, "younger martial brother Qingming, who are the two finalists in the inner court competition this time? What's their strength? Who is more likely to win the first?"

Now that he's here, it's impossible for the quiet individual not to know who entered the finals. He just wanted to open the topic and talk to everyone at will as before.

Unfortunately, the Qingjing Sanren is not what it used to be. They are not only the deputy leader, but also the friar of the golden elixir. The Qingming Sanren respectfully said: "report to the deputy leader, there are two finalists in this competition, one is Tong Yan, a disciple of the muyin elder, and the other is Qingyang, a disciple of the inner court."

The quiet individual nodded and said: "That boy's face is the high foot of elder Wuyin. It's natural that he can get such a result. I didn't expect that Qingyang can also enter the Dabi finals. I've seen this Qingyang very much. At that time, he just entered the outer court and went out on an adventure with Ruyan. He met my one eyed dragon Lengyu, a traitor of Qingfeng hall. Thanks to him, there was no accident. For this reason, I rewarded him with a magic search order. Unexpectedly, it was short In years, he has grown to such a point. "

Qingxin Sanren quickly echoed and said, "yes, I was there that time. At that time, I thought this boy was extraordinary. I have successors in Qingfeng hall."

Qingmin Sanren said: "martial uncle Qingjing has vision and insight. He saw the boy's potential early. With the magic search order you rewarded him, there was a lot of luck in the chaos magic Valley and won the first test result. My Qingfeng hall also benefited a lot."

Qingmin scattered people said this simply to put money on the face of Qingjing scattered people. Qin Ruyan was in danger that time. It was Qingyang's organization and super level play that made him get out of danger smoothly. As an elder, Qingjing scattered people were embarrassed not to reward, so they sent a magic search order out. How could they think of so many at that time?

Although they knew that these people were flattering themselves, the quiet scattered people were also happy and said with a smile: "where, where, the key is to strive for their own success."

Qingmin San Humanitarianism: "you have to have an opportunity to be successful again. Martial uncle Qingjing gave him a magic search order, which gave him an opportunity. If there was no magic search order, how could he achieve later results."

"It's just a pity that this Qingyang is the spiritual root of the five elements, and the cultivation of the five elements forging immortal formula is also a very difficult skill. It's hard to predict the future." Qingyi Sanren sighed.

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