Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 57: 57

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Thunderbolt? It's Zhentian thunder again. Does this guy still have Zhentian thunder? Tiger Town was scared to death when Wharton was. Just now, a thunderbolt blew himself seriously. If there was another one, wouldn't he be dead without a place to bury? Hu Zhenhua was so embarrassed that he turned over and fell to the ground, quickly rolling aside.

Zhentianlei is extremely troublesome to make. How can Qingyang have so many? This time it was just a bluff. He threw out a piece of mud in his hand. As soon as Qingyang turned around, he ran away in the direction of the hole.

Tiger Zhenhua rolled two times in a row, but he didn't wait for the so-called zhentianlei. He realized that he had been fooled by the boy again. What the other party threw was not zhentianlei, but a mass of black mud less than the size of zhentianlei.

Three times, three times in a row. He has been planted in the boy's hands three times in a row. Hu Zhenhua is furious. Seeing Qingyang fleeing farther and farther, Hu Zhenhua had no time to get up and pursue, so he had to bite his teeth and throw out his throwing knife towards Qingyang's back.

Huzhenhua was angry, and the power of the Throwing Knife increased to the maximum. It was a pity that Qingyang was too far away from him, so the knife lost its strength and was finally nailed to the body of Songhe Taoist priest on Qingyang's back.

The Qingyang in front didn't know this. At this time, he had fled to the waterfall at the mouth of the cave, took a look at the distance of the wood floating on the pool outside, then operated his whole body, exercised his lightness Kung Fu and jumped towards the water.

With the help of wood floating in the water, Qingyang's feet jumped over the pool quickly. When he came, he had to rely on the help of master Songhe Taoist priest. Now he jumped over the pool easily with the corpse of Songhe Taoist priest on his back and his waist injured. Maybe this is not only because of the improvement of his strength, but also because his potential was stimulated when he ran for his life.

After waiting for the pool, Qingyang looked up and found that master Kongji was waiting not far ahead. Seeing that Qingyang was fine, master Kongji said, "Amitabha, you finally came out. Just now there was a loud noise in the cave. I thought something was going to happen to you. Are you hurt?"

As he ran forward, Qingyang said, "the explosion was the zhentianlei left to me by master. Huzhenhua has been injured by me, but my strength is too different from him. Not only did he have no way, but he shot him."

Master Kongji also said while running: "even if the first-class master is seriously injured, even I have to avoid his edge when fighting with death. It's right that you can escape in time. If they catch up with tiger Zhentai, there will be no chance."

That's right. Qingyang thought about it clearly before he escaped first.

"What about xuanzhu?" Qingyang asked.

"The two of them are too slow, so I let them escape first. Now huzhenhua is also injured and should not catch up with us for a while. When we get out of the valley, we run away separately, and the tiger gang can't help us." master Kongji said.

Master Kongji tried to control his speed like Qingyang, and they ran out of the valley side by side. It was about seven or eight miles from the pool to the valley exit. Both of them were masters. They flew with all their strength. In less than a quarter of an hour, they caught up with the skin Youfeng of xuanzhu who came out early at the entrance of the valley.

In order to give them time to escape, Qingyang resolutely turned back and blocked huzhenhua. If Qingyang died in it, they would feel guilty all their life. Now they are relieved to see Qingyang escape safely.

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Out of the valley, the roads outside extend in all directions, and you can choose the direction of escape. However, considering that the people of the tiger gang may catch up at any time, it's better to act separately. At this time, they don't know the arrangement of Hu Zhentai in the cave. They think Hu Zhenhua is just a pioneer. Hu Zhentai and others follow behind. If they are blocked by them, they will be caught.

In fact, they don't like to act together. PI has the animal training ability handed down by Feng's family. Although it is difficult to domesticate mountain and forest animals, with this skill, self-protection is still no problem; Master Kongji also felt that the other two were a little dragged down. If he only took care of his disciple xuanzhu, he was sure to escape from the tiger gang.

As for Qingyang, he doesn't care. As long as he hides in the mountains and forests, it's difficult for the people of the tiger Gang to find himself. He doesn't need to worry about acting alone. Whether he dies or lives depends on his own luck and doesn't have to worry about affecting others.

Then the four separated. Master Kongji and xuanzhu went straight to the East. PI Youfeng went south by East alone, and Qingyang went north by East with master's body on his back.

The mountain road is difficult to walk. It's even more difficult to walk with a corpse on your back in such inaccessible mountains and forests. Qingyang's waist injury is becoming more and more serious, and his physical strength is decreasing bit by bit. But his life is at stake. He can only bite his teeth and stick to it.

After walking for more than an hour, seeing that the sun was west, Qingyang couldn't hold on. He felt that the tiger Gang wouldn't find it so soon. Only then did he find a cave and hide in with master's body on his back.

The cave is very shallow, only more than two feet deep, but the space inside is very spacious. Qingyang first found some hay outside and spread it in the cave to put the body of master Songhe Laodao. Then he came to the river, cleaned the wound on his waist and wrapped it up again. Then he dragged his heavy steps back to the cave.

Looking at the old road of pine and crane lying on the hay, Qingyang couldn't help but curl his mouth secretly. You old liar died when you kicked your legs. You didn't care about the things behind. You even carried you on my back when I ran for my life. It really hurt me.

There's still a long way to go. Those who climb mountains and mountains have to walk for at least five or six days. If I have to carry them like this in the future, wouldn't it be tiring to death? Forget it, I'd better wake you up first.

Qingyang filled a little water with a big tree leaf, broke open the mouth of Songhe Taoist priest, poured it in, then sat down beside him and pushed it along the chest. When the chest began to heat gradually, he began to rub the limbs of Songhe Taoist priest.


I don't know how long it took. After a long burp, the old Taoist Songhe suddenly moved, and then his eyes slowly opened.

Yes, Qingyang's master Songhe Taoist priest is not dead. All this is false. Although it looks like real, Qingyang, as an apprentice of Songhe Taoist priest, can't see it. That's why he insisted on bringing out the corpse of Songhe Taoist priest.

As for the poisonous scorpion, Qingyang had seen it in Xiping temple before. Although it was big, the poisonous hook had long been dealt with by Songhe Taoist priest. It was used by Shifu to scare people. Qingyang doesn't know why Songhe Taoist pretends to be dead. We need to ask Songhe Taoist himself.

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